BattleTech Fanon Wiki
Zand's Wolverines
Political information

Zand Mani



Societal information
Historical information
Date of foundation


Date dissolved




Zand's Wolverines was an Inner Sphere mercenary unit founded in 3040. The Wolverines only existed for a decade before they were annihilated by Clan Ghost Bear during the Clan Invasion on Pinnacle.


Zand's Wolverines were founded in 3040 by Zand Mani from veterans of the War of 3039. After five years of low level security arrangements and fighting bandits across the Inner Sphere's minor powers, the Wolverines took up a security contract for the world of Pinnacle in the Free Rasalhague Republic. Between 3045-3050 the Wolverines provided security for the planet, alongside the Pinnacle Guardsmen. The assignment was largely quiet and uneventful until March 3050 when Clan Ghost Bear made landfall as part of Operation REVIVAL.

Upon learning of the identity of the Wolverines, the Ghost Bear attacking force immediately declared a Trial of Annihilation against the mercenaries, believing at first some sort of connection between them and the Not-Named-Clan. By the time the fighting between the two forces began the Ghost Bear warriors had surmised that the Wolverine's name was just a coincidence, but it did nothing to stop the ensuing destruction of the mercenaries. All of the Wolverine's mechwarriors were killed and their 'mechs destroyed, with just 10% of the unit (mostly support personnel) surviving.


In 3050 the Wolverines consisted of a company of light and medium 'mechs, led by a mixed medium/heavy lance. The battlemech company was supported by a battalion of mechanized infantry and a squadron of attack helicopters.
