BattleTech Fanon Wiki
WoWS - Director-General and her Knights (Cover Art)
Weapons of War Saga: Director-General and her Knights
Author monbvol
Cannonshop (Additional writing
Daryk (Editing)
Series Name Weapons of War Saga
Alternate Universe Name Revenants of the Star League
Year Written April, 2023 - Current
Story Era Alternate Late Star League Era


Weapons of War Saga: Director-General and her Knights (Abbreviated WoWS:DG & K) is second version of the fan story drama where a survivor of House Cameron is rescued from her demised by Star League's deadliest and most loyal subjects: Artificial Intelligence of the Casper Drone WarShips.
This story's characters story leads into next arc which is called Strategos co-written by monbvol and Cannonshop.

The story written by monbvol, this was revision of the original story where this story has different ending. In this version of the story, monbvol has linked history in grand multi-century saga with other fan artists, Cannonshop and 2ndAcr whom have written different era of the story sharing background and characters...named the Revenants of the Star League.

Revenants of the Star League AU (Cover)

Member Series of Revenants of the Star League AU


Events prior to the year 2750 are unchanged, only the events onward are altered. Principally the creation of sapient and self-aware Artificial intelligence, extended life technology, and Helena Cameron, whom survives the assassination and coup of House Cameron.

Author's Special Thanks[]

"And special guest contributors. Yeah so work let me slack and I put together an outline, got to talking with Cannonshop, and eventually roped in Daryk. So now we've done a thing. It has been a long time since I have done a collaboration with someone else. And this one has a FAR greater degree of pre-planning and things committed to notes than I think I may have ever done for a fanfic. There's a lot me and Cannonshop talked about that I really feel inclined to keep as surprises for later."

Chapter Links[]

Weapons of War Saga: The DG & K - Chapters List
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15


  • Wiki Editor Note : This book's chapters have been edited by Outsider7724 to correct misspellings and grammar errors only. However, the title of the story was altered from the originally posted one so not to confused readers with the previous story with permission of the author.
  • Story Trivia Note : The author original had different ideas when he began the story, however these ideas were written out and so the plot and story went in a different direction, which the title suggests.

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