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Wardog Heavy Interceptor
Custom Design
Designer James Viltry
Production information
Manufacturer Zebra Sharks Machine Shop, Great White
Model WRD-G14G
Class Medium
Tech Base Inner Sphere
Introduced 3060
Technical specifications
Mass 80
Structural Integrity ???
Frame Wakazashi V
Power Plant Shinobi 320
Fuel 550-7 tons

Rotary AC/2, ER PPC,2x SRM-6, 2x Large Laser

Communications System ZEBRA-COM 680
Tracking & Targeting System ZEBRA-TRACK 325
Heat Sinks 20
BV (1.0) ???
BV (2.0) 1647


The only aircraft developed solely by the Zebra Sharks mercenary force, the Wardog is a top-of-the-line heavy interceptor designed for two things: Speed and firepower. It is used in situations where the Sharks are likely to encounter enemy fighters to 'bounce' the aircraft before they become a threat to the group's trademark VTOL formations.

As the brainchild of James Viltry, the Wardog was developed from the frame of captured DCMS Slayer heavy fighters, retaining their engines and fuel. All other facets are changed, notably the inclusion of a second crew member to control the weapons and complex electronics suite. Although only four of the craft entered service with the Sharks, the AFFS is keen to acquire the design-as much for its remaining Combine equipment as for any offensive advantage.


Optimized for either short- or long-range engagements, the Wardog mounts a Rotary AC/2 in its nose, backed up by a salvaged ER PPC. Each wing mounts a Large Laser and SRM-6 with a mere two tons of ammunition.


WRD-G14H- The Wardog's H model simply refits the Rotary autocannon and ER PPC for a single LB 20-X AC. It excels at short range, but is forced to rely on its single pair of large lasers at stand-off range.

