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This is the way world ends (Chapter art)

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Chapter 36 - This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners (3024)[]

OLF Skinner
01st September, 3024
1230-1400 Local Time

The rest of the night passed uneventfully. Despite Sweep having volunteered to pilot the Marauder back to the crash site, Captain Harris had ultimately decided to double up Stevenson's watches and detach Sweep and his Blackjack as extra security for the OLF while the other two 'mechs were being worked on.

As the armor work on the Marauder's head was being finished up, Warrant Cushman invited all three MechWarriors to the repair bay to set up their security protocols for the heavy 'mech. All three noticed that "new cockpit smell" while they did so. It wasn't particularly strong, but it was definitely there. And the controls were very much exactly as described in the technical manuals, unlike the majority of jury rigs and "customizations" prevalent in the rest of the unit's 'mechs.

Smoke will settle in and enter his challenge and passcode into the Marauder

What brings with the Queen of Hearts

Aces and 8 in Black

Sweep smiles as he looks at the new cockpit, and smells it's scent. He watches Smoke put in his challenge, but he's far enough away he can't hear anything of course.

Part of him misses doing things like this. Being a tech was fun, for the most part. Being a 'Mech jockey is better, of course. But moments like this bring back memories.

His turn comes and he enters his challenge question and the response:

"Whan you stare into the Abyss..."

"... Embrace the Black and make it your ally."

1400-1430 Local Time

When Smoke and the Lieutenant had entered their security challenges into the machine, they both noticed an unfamiliar menu selection: "Command and Control". Neither had ever seen that particular option before, neither having piloted a Marauder. Selecting it, they found a host of battle management aids that would be VERY useful to a commander in the field.

Marauder (by blue)

Marauder Heavy 'Mech

OOC (Out of Character comment): This Marauder has the original SLDF electronics suite! Its "Command Battlemech" quirk provides +2 initiative vice +1.

Tse Haitao considered his options for a few seconds before he added his own.

The new cockpit smell had disturbed some old memories and had distracted him as the other Wolf Skinners' warrriors had added in their own passcodes but he had stepped back to give them privacy, allowing them to go first. He was new and understood his place in the scheme of things.

"The Wise One is the Fool when they are Blind. And when they speak..."

"They become the Celestial Jester of the Court."

Tse looks over the battle management programmed aid, "That will be quite helpful in future engagements but that had to have been costly."

1435 Local Time

Warrant Officer Cushman overheard the Lieutenant's comment and replied, "The locals traded us the electronics for a few pieces of bandit salvage. Granted, getting that salvage cost us a squad and Commander Fury a man."

Tse raised an eyebrow, "The bandits were still making use of the salvage were they." The Lieutenant's tone clearly indicated this was a rhetorical statement.

"Any chance they may be making an appearance to reclaim it?"

1436 Local Time

Warrant Officer Cushman shrugged and said, "I don't know L-T. As I understand it, the boss is going to help the locals get some of their people back from the bandits, which is why we're working these repairs and modifications."

Haitao nodded, "That's fair. So we're active."

Tse glanced over the controls before turning back to Cushman, "Anything else we should be aware of. Hitches, glitches, or other idiosyncrasies that have been noted as personality traits uncovered in this last round of bringing her back into service?"

1438 Local Time

"She's smoother than she was before the crash, sir. I think those really are O-G SLDF parts the locals gave us. I don't think I want to know where they might have got them. Nothing they showed us when we visited particularly looked like LosTech..." the Warrant replied.

Sweep turns to Smoke as they stand outside waiting for the Lieutenant to finish his security check. "Well, we're all coded into the Marauder now. Between you and me, who do you think is going to pilot it first?"

He grins playfully at the other man.

Glancing at the Warrant, Tse grins, "So no to reenacting any archeological action adventures?"

"I will get familiar with her at some point."

Tse then nods to the Warrant hunching over to be able to step out back on to the gantry.

1440 Local Time

Warrant Cushman laughed and said, "You're living one right now, L-T! Isn't this abandoned Star League facility enough action adventure for you?"

"Well boys," says Smoke. "I've got Kat to get all saddlebroken in after her changes, so I'm happy to let you all figure out who will prime on that one"

"Honestly. I wasn't thinking about it that way." he replies with a laugh to Warrant Cushman

Tse glances over to Smoke, "I am used to being assigned to my station. If this is my place as per orders I will accept this. I know I am quite capable and that particular load out would allow me to act as a sniper and provide support to any points that require it."

"Ahh," says Smoke. "another professional long distance shooter... So what your favorite hogleg. Mine are these Federated Arms Colonial Defenders models in 45-70" As Smoke shows his handguns.

Tse's composure does not change though he feels the urge to twitch his eyebrow, "It is not something I have ever focused on. You might say I have been buried under paperwork, at least up until holding up the letter of the contract.

"I suspect though I would prefer something more modern though. As much as I may prefer sniping from a 'Mech when I am on foot I like to keep moving."

1500 Local Time

As the techs finished packing up their tools, Warrant Officer Cushman said, "All right gentlemen, I think that about does it here. You can sort out who's piloting what with Captain Harris back at the bivouac. I recommend the good Lieutenant takes the Major's Marauder back there, but that's just my opinion."

When talk of sniping comes up, Sweep's ears perk. He joins the group talking about arms with a smile, though he doesn't interject. He's content just to be with people who think like he does. His eyes sweep appreciatively over Smoke's pistols.

When Cushman marks the end of the action, he nods. "If that's your recommendation, Warrant, I'm good with that."

1900 Local Time

Back at the crash site, Captain Harris convened a brief meeting:

"All right gentlemen, I've heard there's some debate about who's going to pilot the boss's Marauder. We're still finding our feet here on Astrokaszy, and I'd rather people stick with the machines they know to the maximum extent possible. Unless there's a particularly compelling reason for someone other than Lieutenant Tse to pilot her, he's got the job. Objections?"

"So Lieutenant Tse," says Smoke. " Do you do like Long Shooting, back in Kat I got my Federated Arms Frontier Ranger model chamber in 45-70. I know my stuff not the most high tech, but they are damm reliable.

Now it is nice that we are all long shooters here, have either you ever disengage those Field Inhibitor on the PPC so you can use them in a knife fight? I've seen Battleroms where they been used a point blank range."

Sweep sits in the briefing and then shakes his head when Cpt. Harris asked about the Marauder. "I've no objections, sir," he says. "As much as I'd like to get my hands on that machine, I see the logic in sticking with what we know."

He leans forward in his chair. "Are we going to be moving out soon?"

1905 Local Time

"Tomorrow morning, bright and early as planned," Captain Harris said. "Any other questions?"

Tse nods as he listens to Smoke, "I would rather have reliability than uncertainty especially in the middle of something. I don't tend to do a lot of shooting outside of the cockpit though."

As the subject of inhibitors comes up, Tse shakes his head, "There are dangers involved with doing that and if I am in that close I have other concerns and would not want to add to the issues. In all things there is a balance and risk needs to mitigated or calculated.

"I gather you have not done so either?"

Tse waited to allow others to have their say then merely bowed his head, "Thank you, sir."

"Any new intelligence, sir? Any particular formation intended to be used as we move out?" Tse asked. He was still trying to find his place here after his life had shifted so drastically.

1910 Local Time

Opening his data pad, the Captain pulled up the rough formation he had settled on for the march. Bianchi's Mirage would pair up with Renzi's wife in her Phoenix Hawk on point, Phantasmagoria's Recon Camera being the eyes of the unit. Renzi in his Thunderbolt along with the Renegade's Partyback would form a reinforced lance with Ramjet's Centurion, RFD-3D Rifleman, and the Marauder next on the march. The APC, BMRV and MASH would be joined by Renzi's Packrat in the middle of the formation, with the Wolf Skinner Fire Lance trailing. Renzi would be bringing a single squad of infantry, while the Wolf Skinners would contribute a full platoon spread across the APC and MASH to leave as much space as possible for rescued slaves. Details of the attack itself would rely on the final reconnaissance and discussion with Captain Renzi, but it would require putting down the guards in the fields quickly.

Chapter Notes[]

Primary chapters and narration are by main Author/GM, Daryk
Section spoken by Smoke was written by DOC_Agren
Section spoken by Lieutenant Ranjeet was written by SANSd20
Section spoken by Blu was written by truetanker
Section spoken by SSGT Demetrius "3D" Drakos was written by Deathstalker
Section spoken by Drew Kane, call sign "Sweep" was written by Shark_bone
Section spoken by Tse Haitao, was written by Horsemen

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