Act 2 - Bargaining[]
With A Bared Sword[]
Chapter 37[]
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The Triad, Tharkad
Donegal March, Federated Commonwealth
14 September 3057
Victor’s day had been going very well until he saw Galen’s face.
Well, he saw Galen’s face almost every day. It was the expression that tipped him off that: “This isn’t going to be good news, is it?” He wiped at his face with the towel, getting the last of the shower water off it.
“Put on your pants,” his aide told him. “You’re not going to like this, and if you over-react then at least you’ll have some dignity.”
The Archon-Prince glowered at him and then hung the towel up. He could argue with Galen and he’d probably win, but it really wasn’t worth it. If the time needed to get dressed mattered then his old friend would not have delayed.
“See?” he said, putting one boot up on the changing room bench so he could lace it. “Pants, shirt and I’m even putting my boots on. Spit it out, Galen. I think I’m pretty much braced for the worst.”
“Your sister is inbound on Northwind,” Galen reminded him.
“Chancellor Liao’s representative has already arrived.”
Victor frowned and tilted his head sideways. “His what?”
“Sun-Tzu Liao sent a personal emissary to Northwind,” Galen expanded the point. “It’s technically legal because he is a Northwind Highlander by ancestry, so he claimed the same access rights that Northwind negotiated for when they were brought into the Suns: as long as he comes in peace and not as an organized military force, he can visit his relatives there.”
“If this was just a diplomat, then you wouldn’t look so worried.”
“His name is Major Loren Jaffray.” The blond swallowed. “Of the Death Commandos.”
Victor snatched up his other boot and hurled it across the room, bouncing it off one of the lockers. “My little sister is about to be in the same city as one of those lunatics?”
He got a nod.
“Can we get rid of him? Just expel him from the planet, I mean, not start a fight that local security might not win.”
Galen shrugged. “Our reports from the Planetary Consul are that the Highlanders have welcomed him with open arms and there is precedent for Highlanders in Capellan service being allowed to visit family. It would be heavy-handed to arrest or expel him. If nothing else, it would ensure that the princess has a difficult visit.”
Victor grimaced and glanced at one of the holos on the wall - the one showing Kathy and Yvonne in the dark dresses they'd worn at their father's funeral. His sister was going there to try to allay the frictions that had arisen because she knew how much he valued the Northwind regiments. “How reliable do you think the local authorities are?”
“Consul Burns is a politician. He knows that his future depends on loyalty to your family.”
“But that probably means the Highlanders don't trust him all that much. They like straight-talking.” He thought back to his conversations with Colonel Stirling. “They would see any move on Jaffray as a move on them and Kathy would be as much under their protection as he is... How much security does Kathy have with her?”
“Seventh Battalion of the First Royal Davion Guards, and the Fifth FedCom Battle Armor Battalion,” Galen reported seriously.
Victor exhaled. Both battalions were part of the First Davion Guard's infantry brigade, the best of the best. “You know, that’s not bad. Two crack infantry battalions, one of them with the next best thing to Elemental armor. So tell me, Galen, am I being irrational in saying that that doesn’t sound like nearly enough?”
“Given that he’s a company commander in the Chancellor’s personal stormtroopers, meaning he’s not just a trained mechwarrior, saboteur and assassin but also probably one of the dozen or so most lethal men in the Capellan Confederation…” His friend shrugged helplessly.
“You forgot the blood oath of fealty,” the Archon-Prince told him. “If he has orders to kill my sister, then he won’t hesitate to do so even if it means his own death.”
“If he does have those orders. I have to admit, I’m worried too.”
Victor picked up the boot he’d thrown and shoved his foot into it. “He’s there already? What do we know?”
Galen consulted his notes. “I wouldn’t say he got the prodigal son treatment - his grandfather resigned from the Highlanders rather than join them in deserting the Capellan Confederation back in the Fourth Succession War. With that said, Colonel Macleod of Macleod’s Highlanders has extended him the benefit of the doubt over the protests of the governor.”
“On arrival, Jaffray presented the 'mech he’d brought with him to the Colonel as a gift from the Chancellor.” The Leftenant General looked up and met Victor’s eyes. “A factory fresh Huron Warrior.”
The shorter man paused. “Am I misremembering, Galen, or isn’t that one of our newest ‘mech designs? Built only in the Federated Commonwealth? Something that no Capellan should have in their possession.”
“Correct on all counts, although it’s built on Corey which is a former Capellan world. I suppose it was too much to hope that every BattleMech we lost track of went to Ryan Steiner and company.”
The Archon-Prince finished lacing his boot. “Have there been any Zhanzeng de Guang reports from Northwind?”
“None, but that could just mean that they have been ordered to stay quiet until Jaffray arrived to take the lead,” Galen admitted. “I can’t say I believe that even Sun-Tzu would do all this just to set up an assassination of your sister, but she would make one hell of a target of opportunity.”
“At least it can’t be his sister behind this,” Victor said grimly. “Sun-Tzu is crazy like a fox, but every report I have on Kali Liao says she’s like their mother squared.”
“But a Death Commando would take orders only from the Chancellor. He won’t be under her command. That’s something.”
“Not much, but it’s something.” He rubbed his chin. “Normally if I wanted to reinforce Northwind I’d send Colonel Stirling and her Fusiliers from Ozawa, but if there is chance of Jaffray turning the loyalties of the Highlanders then sending another regiment of them wouldn’t be the best idea. Okay, I want orders sent to the Third Royal Guards and the First NAIS Cadet Cadre.”
Galen gave him a surprised look. “That’s going to put some backs up on Northwind.”
“I’m willing to live with that. We can smooth those feathers later, make it clear they’re just there to secure my sister given that we have reason to believe that there may be an attack on her.” Victor shook his head. “Aborting the visit would be worse.”
“Less popular with the Highlanders and while I’m sure Kathy would obey such orders I’m not sure she’d be happy about it.”
“It’s a compromise,” the Archon-Prince declared. “I’ll give her some discretion, in case this affects her negotiations; and once she leaves they will too. We can’t spare them from the Free Worlds League border for long in case one of Thomas’ generals thinks he’s a tactical genius. But I want enough forces on hand to send a message all the way to Sian. I’ve been restrained so far when it came to the problems Sun-Tzu has been causing, but there are limits.”