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Tranh Truk Ngo (Character)

Tranh Truk Ngo

Biographical information

The Colonel


25 (2769)

Date of birth

February 18, 2744

Date of death

August, 2781 (Approximately)



Physical description



1.61 Meters

Eye color


Hair color


Personal information

Military Ground Officer



Chronological and political information

Commanding Officer, 171st Kowloon Volunteers


House Ngo
Star League Defense Force


171st Kowloon Volunteers

Tranh Truk Ngo, a military commander. Born on February 18, 2744,[1], he grew up under the repressive shadow of House Amaris. He is best known as a Star League Era military officer, whom was once a medically rejected military cadet to became a resistant fighter on his native Kowloon to part coalition of volunteer officers to fight off the Rim Worlds Republic occupation.

Physical Description[]


Early Life[]

Tranh Truk Ngo was born into a dark time in Kowloon's history, during the height of the Star League.  At the time of his birth, Kowloon was recovering from the violent ending of their latest bid to escape the shackles of Rim Worlds Republic domination and occupation. Born in the city of Vin Drin Lap, Kowloon. His Grandfather was one of the leaders of the 2729 uprising.  Little is known of his childhood, save that his parents were arrested by Rim Worlds forces for political agitation in 2750, his mother sold into slavery on Apollo and his father worked to death in penal 'recovery' battalions burying the irradiated remains of the former city of Dinh Diep.

He does not appear again in extant records until 2767, when his name appears on Rim Worlds Republic fugitive lists for 'acts of sedition against House Amaris and the Rim Worlds Republic', though there are indicators that at some point in the 17 year period between his parents being arrested and his reappearance on Kowloon, he received some form of extensive military training.

The 2769 Uprising[]

In 2767, Stefan Amaris led a coup that overthrew the First Lord of the Star League and exterminated House Cameron.  The preparations done to stage this, required assets be removed from worlds within the Rim Worlds, including most of the experienced line forces holding down the world of Kowloon.  For two years, Tranh Truk Ngo moved across his homeworld and the Kowloon system, never sleeping in the same place twice, one step ahead of Secret Police and informants the whole way, and in January of 3069, his preparations came to fruition.

The 2769 uprising began with a surprise bombardment of Rim Worlds Republic military facilities.  This bombardment included the use of asteroid strikes targeting bases, barracks, and bunkers across the two primary inhabited continents on Kowloon, the attendant chaos serving as a signal for Free Kowloon cells to mobilize against the remaining administrative areas.  In under 96 hours, Rim Worlds administrators had retreated into fortified areas of the city of Hue, which had largely been spared the asteroid strikes.

The Siege of Hue would continue through the spring of 2769, only to be lifted by the arrival of SLDF forces loyal to Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky.   The surviving Rim Worlds officials on Kowloon surrendered to the SLDF, begging asylum and protection from their former charges.

Negotiating the release to SLDF control, was the leader of the revolutionary forces, a young man named Tranh Truk Ngo, who stood in for the provisional government being formed by the victorious Independence forces.

His negotiation position was simply that Kowloon would not tolerate being forced to return to Rim Worlds domination.  The immediate brutality and resourcefulness displayed by the rebels impressed Gen. DeChevalier.  He made a counter-offer.

"Fight with us to remove the usurper, and we will guarantee you freedom from the Rim Worlds Republic."

This was agreed.  Kowloon's provisional government, formed of temporarily elected faction heads in the Kowloon system. They in which voted unanimously to support the SLDF mission against House Amaris.  Notably, the terms were more or less a declaration of total war, and this would cause some problems later on.

Military Campaign against Rims World Republic[]

From Eagle's Nest to Elbar: A path of blood[]

As the designated leader of Kowloonese forces under SLDF oversight, Tranh Truk Ngo was granted the rank of Colonel of Reserves.  This was intended to be mainly symbolic, as previous defections from the Rim Worlds had brought established military formations and established military rank structures familiar to the SLDF's leaders.  It had been expected that a few more recruits would be added to rosters for some light infantry units already existing.

He showed up with a regiment of infantry, already formed, an existing logistics structure and his own transportation infrastructure, including both jumpships, and somewhat-improvised, low quality, obsolete converted gunships. The SLDF quartermasters only had to supply overstocks of obsolete heavy equipment to round out this force-which, in the early days of operations, was seen as something of a boon.

The first operations led by 'Colonel' Ngo included assaults on fortified Rim Worlds locations in the drive for Apollo.  SLDF liaison officers noted that Kowloonese troops were, if not as well equipped or well trained as other 'rallier' commands, exceedingly determined fighters willing to take on and execute missions other units would balk at.  Often with catastrophic casualties.

Ngo was by his peers in the SLDF in those days, viewed as something of a butcher. He lead his men from the front on assaults that resulted in casualty rates sometimes in excess of 90%, only to have his ranks refilled by his homeworld's recruiting and training establishments at nearly one-for-one.

From this was almost a holy crusade to the Kowloonese-"Rim Worlds Delenda Est" and "Remember Dinh Diep" being the watchwords, and this difference was noted by many in the SLDF, especially as the campaigns turned inward to drive at the occupied Hegemony.

Prior to the Elbar campaign, many senior officers, while admiring the Kowloonese dedication to 'killing rimjobs', expressed concern at the fanatical hatred displayed not only by his men, but by Colonel Ngo himself.

They weren't at Kerensky's side because they loved the Star League, this was repeatedly made clear by comments and actions, but because their hatred for House Amaris and the Rim Worlds Republic bordered on a mass mania.

Running Deer Mountain[]

Nobody could have known that disgust, that hatred, could get stronger prior to the assaults on Elbar, beginning with the former SLDF Brian Fortress at Running Deer Mountain.

Running Deer Mountain began construction in October of 2762 in the Corazon foothills of the northern continent of the Hegemony world of Elbar, it was intended to serve as home base for two divisions of the SLDF, straddling both a critical river system, and a series of critical passes linking various agricultural and industrial areas of the planet. Rim Worlds forces were placed here prior to the Coup, when the units based at Running Deer were shifted to the Taurian front line.

The 171st Kowloon volunteer brigade, along side the 90th Heavy Assault (SLDF) were assigned to keep the defenders at 'the mountain' occupied while SLDF forces landed and secured beach heads at critical logistics and strategic points on the planet itself.  They were never supposed to outright capture the facility per the operational mission, as the fortress was considered to be too tough a target-one that would have to be reduced using heavier conventional forces being brought down.

The 171st took the former fortress almost by accident-in this case, the negligence of the Rim Worlds forces led to a breach in security that the infantry were positioned to take advantage of.

What they found, when they took it...

" god they're parting people out like used ground-cars!!"

-Colonel Tranh Truk Ngo

How Things Got Worse[]

What the 171st Kowloon Volunteers found, triggered a reaction that. Prior to the Kentares Massacre, it was considered to quite possibly to be the war crime of the century.  Estimated 4-7 million civilians had been brought here over the preceding years (from 2767 to 2776), where they had been dismantled while still alive, their organs tissue typed, organized, frozen, and packaged for shipment to Amaris Empire forces and hospitals throughout the occupied Terran Hegemony.  industrial vats of human blood, coils of bone marrow, vast quantities of packaged, preserved, ready for use transplant organs, and sheets of human skin had been collected here, organized by tissue type and chronological order, to be shipped out.  The gap the 171st used to break through the defenses here was the entrance being used to bring fresh victims for vivisection by rail car.

The Kowloonese went insane on this discovery.  Colonel Ngo personally ordered the death-by-impalement of some 51 Rim Worlds Republic officers, and authorized the use of captured RWR personnel as live fire targets and bayonet dummies to train native volunteers.

After Running Deer Mountain, the order was no quarter.  No Rim Worlds personnel would be allowed to surrender.

Astonishingly to some, his men followed this as did new recruits.  For the bulk of the year 2776 through 2777, every group of fresh recruits from Kowloon, every group of replacements were shown what the Amaris Empire / Rim Worlds Republic had done at Running Deer Mountain.

Ngo, working with the 90th Heavy Assault (see "Black Tigers") executed a series of runaway offensives on Elbar. Breaking three Amaris divisions in under 39 days and recapturing most of the northern land mass.  Toward the end, Amaris forces were looking for any other SLDF unit available to surrender to rather than face the 171st in combat.

Court Martial[]

In January of 2778, Tran Truk Ngo stood with 200 of his officers before a tribunal supervised by senior SLDF command staff and overseen by General Aleksandr Kerensky.  the charges were war crimes and violations of the Ares Conventions.  Ngo's defense, was the evidence found at Running Deer Mountain and three other atrocity sites uncovered in the same general region of the Terran Hegemony.

He was found not guilty, but was forced to resign due to health concerns following the trial. When he was no longer able to conceal an ongoing medical malady from the SLDF command structure.


It is rumored, that Tranh Truk Ngo's last coherent words before falling to stage three of Cholmann's syndrome were witnessed by Aleksandr Kerensky himself, via HPG, on the night before Operation Exodus launched.  It is Known (now) that no Kowloonese accompanied the Exodus, the 171st Kowloon Volunteers returned to Kowloon prior to Exodus.  The rumors are, of course, unsubstantiated.


Nagelring Star League Academy 2764-2767 (*dropout): Majored in Engineering and architecture, MOS training in combat engineering.  Studies terminated upon discovery of disqualifying chronic medical condition (Cholmann's syndrome)

Republic Consolidated technical School 181 (Nha Tranh)(2758-2764)  Primary education in agricultural mechanics and systems, secondary subject focus on civil engineering tasks and construction work.

Mekong County Public Schools (grades 1-8, multiple): noted as a quiet and studious boy with a bit of a mean streak.  Expelled from 8 different schools for fighting.  Psychiatric profile indicates intense dislike of bullying and possible oppositional defiant personality disorder.  Ngo bounced between attending public schools and being educated at home during long periods of suspension or expulsion from various educational sites.


The only son of Mai Trac Ngo (*mother) and Dinh Long Ngo (Father). He has two sisters: Chie Van Loring (previously Ngo) and Anh Meir-Sithers101 (formerly, Ngo).

Known Descendants[]

Following are known descendants, regardless of the timeline / alternate universes written.

31st Century Descendants[]

Elizabeth Ngo, Duchess, Kowloon (3052) Patrick Ngo Henry Ngo Amanda Ngo

32nd Century Descendants Administrator AU[]

Sharon Ngo, (Admiral, LCN, former Duchess, Kowloon) Carolyn Ngo (Commander, LCN 'Special projects' department) Maggie Ngo (Duchess, Kowloon, 3160) Karen Ngo (Commander (Retired), Ambassador, 3198)

Known Appearance in Fiction[]

Tranh Truk Ngo while not necessary main character of the Ngo Megaverse, as he typical mentioned in background story of series lead, Elizabeth Ngo. However, he has appeared in early chapters of some stories. These he has been featured in;

  • Beyond Hope - Alternate Universe where he fought along side Helena Cameron, whom survived the Cameron massacre and was working with him during Running Deer Mountain.

