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- The Lucky Regiment -[]

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- Chapter 39 -

New Avalon Update

The Palace Command Center - One of the secure rooms
New Avalon, Federated Suns
December 2nd, 3028

"Ah, Quintus, come in." Hanse was sat behind a small desk in one of the rooms designed for confidential conversations. Quintus knew he had headed in there soon after the early morning briefing, Hanse often used one of the secure rooms to think in, and/or have his Weetabix in peace.

His spymaster walked in "You asked to see me?"

"Grab a chair, I've been thinking." Quintus Allard had the usual sense of dread when one hears one's boss saying those fateful words. For every good idea there were plenty of bad ones that had to be quietly pushed out of sight. "It sounds like the Fifth Guards RCT had a good week against the Combine on Glenmora." That had been one of the key discussions in the 8am briefing. The arrival of the 10th Deneb and the Fifth Guards RCT had led to the destruction of nearly a third of the Combine force and the apparent start of a withdrawal by them.

"It should cement the goodwill of the Wolf Dragoons." There was a strong possibility that the Wolf's Dragoons would settle in the Federated Suns post war, which might mean a long term threat would become an asset. And if they didn't settle it would take many years for them to rebuild to their pre-Misery strength.

"We've got transport in place, we could leave the original garrison there along with the 10th and if circumstances permit relieve Harrow's Sun with their Alpha battalion and the Fifth."

"It's certainly an option, though we are being pressed elsewhere as well."

"True, but the Wolf's Dragoons seem to be the focus of the Coordinator's wrath."

Quintus had a quick think, the Combine's military had seemingly been more focused on revenge for Misery than military logic should dictate. "We could increase the relevant propaganda, it might further focus the Coordinator's mind?"

"I think that would be a good strategy Quintus, as would seeing what else the Combine can put into the fight there if we escalate." He could see the logic, concentrating the fighting on fewer worlds would minimize damage to the infrastructure of other more industrial worlds.

Quintus noted it down in his current little brown notebook, he burned the pages once the tasks were complete so it had plenty of missing sections.

"I had an odd conversation with Tormano last night." Quintus wasn't surprised, Tormano Liao seemed to have inherited some of his father's dangerous mix of cunning and overestimation of his admittedly impressive skills. He was a well behaved guest, but not a trustworthy one.

"He's a bit too much like his father for my liking."

"Indeed, but he's what we have." Hanse smiled grimly, and his eyes suggested his mind had gone to a dark place. "After a few drinks mixed with his painkillers he said his father had tried to replace him with a doppelgänger."

"I'm not wholly sure I blame him."

"Now, now, Tormano has given us some useful insights." Quintus nodded in semi-agreement, all too aware that anything the young man said was towards an agenda. "I was of course offended that I wasn't the only one, and then I began to wonder." Hanse paused with a dangerous smile appearing on his face.

"If there are more of them?"

"Perhaps, but I hope not, more I wondered what would happen if I went public with the story and made it clear that I not been the only target."

"We would have to craft the narrative well, It might help, but it could also cause chaos if people thought there were more within the Federated Suns." On the other hand it would focus minds, Hanse had been overseeing some good economic times and there high expectations from the memory core, knowing that House Liao had tried to take that away would generate much support.

"True, but what if Tormano's siblings got nervous or the leadership of the Free Worlds League felt threatened?" Either scenario could cause disruption, and the latter was far from impossible. Janos Marik had reclaimed several minor border worlds from the Lyrans and was setting a defensive line to try to minimize the damage from a campaign around the Terran corridor, but his nominal allies the Capellans were looking vulnerable and Janos hated Maximilian with a passion.

"It might make a difference, but it would cause the Combine to know we won't put our full effort into the border." That of course might not be all bad, the Coordinator could decide to focus on the Wolf's Dragoons, and that would simply logistical matters as the Federated Suns could likewise concentrate on those worlds. An epic campaign for revenge would hardly be seen as dishonorable by the Combine, agreeing some sort of truce later might even be made easier. "Would you mind giving us a some time to war game the ramifications?"

"Please do, a week won't hurt. I'm keen for the people to understand how close Maximilian came to crippling us, but I'd prefer to avoid unintended consequences."

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