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Chapter 41 - The Absolute Zero[]

May, 3159

[Diplomatic Traffic HPG, Tharkad Relay to Asgard...]

"Let me put into simple terms, Khan, don't have a fleet, you have a ship.  That ship is currently looking for a functional refueling port 47 light years from the Lyran border, and unless we send a fueler, that ship will run out of fuel before they can find one."  Archon Trillian Steiner-Davion was direct, and firm.  "That's assuming the Republic convoy currently moving from New Earth can't make it." she added, "Would you like hull numbers and odds on that one, or a technical estimate on how many days before the crew can't even abandon ship for a planetary surface?"

"What do you want, Archon Steiner?"  the Elected Prince of Rasalhague asked.

"Let us begin with what I don't want.  I don't want to utterly destroy your nation. I think the last sixty days have shown that while I have that ability, I do not have that desire.  I did not, and do not want this war.  I do not want to carry this war to its logical conclusion. I do not want to share a long border with the Draconis Combine again, I do not want a repeat of the Succession Wars.  I so do not want to have to spend lives and resources pacifying populations under occupations because their military leadership wanted to pick a fight with my people.  Are we all clear on this list of things I do not want?"

"You do not wish to conquer?" the new Khan, a bright young man named Jorgensenn, asked, a little awed.

"No." Trillian said, "We meant it when we stated our interest in being neutral, Khan, your predecessor did not believe it.  She believed Devlin Stone and his paranoia over my blatant statements to the contrary.  You have been the beneficiary of that lesson, I won't ask how it feels to have to overthrow someone you must have a deep and abiding respect for, as I do."

"What are your terms?"  the Elected Prince asked.

"Withdraw from the military alliance with the Republic, offer an armistice and a promise of neutrality...and keep it." She said, "Let Rasalhague care for Rasalhague and your own interests, instead of spending blood and treasure on the fights of others.  Your nation needs you to be strong, and we have certainly weakened you more than enough.  Confine yourselves spinward and anti-spinward border to that which you held before this invasion of the Combine and while holding firm on your border with us. If you feel a desperate need for expansion, there is a whole universe outside the Inner Sphere waiting to be settled, Explore and build, it's what we're doing, it's what you ought to be doing."

"We have no Fleet, how can we become explorers with no fleet?"  Jorgenssen demanded.

"Well...if we were allies, I could help you with that." Trillian told him, "Your navy had better ships than mine, you still have one that is a holy terror-when it has the fuel to move under its own power.  We defeated your navy by knowing how to use a Navy.  We can help you, the Snow Ravens can help you if we're too...controversial but, if you pledge on your honor to stay out of other people's conflicts and leave your neighbours alone? We can help you build the infrastructure you currently lack. You can be explorers, you can recover lost worlds in your own territory. I'm willing to supply you with improved terraforming equipment, better commercial ships, better patrol ships, and a better navy than the one you lost...However, you have to be serious about a pledge of non-aggression against your neighbors. It won't come all at once.  I want our nations to be at peace, I want our nations to be friends...but I won't arm an enemy."

She folded her hands.
"How can you be sure we will keep this peace?"  the Elected Prince asked.
"I can't. I want to believe. As a sovereign ruler, I'm allowed to be a little loopy. To take stupid risks like not utterly destroying a nation over a border incident that should've been solved at the diplomatic table.  Khan Beckett tested our resolve on behalf of an outside influencer, one hell of an outside influencer, to be certain. There will be repercussions from that influencing BUT,...Devlin Stone didn't lose a fleet nor his economy isn't on life support. His shipping isn't interrupted, his economy isn't being crippled. His nation isn't in danger of decohesion from that little experiment in brinksmanship. Yours is and I want to offer an out before it's too late and I have to send troops to land on worlds I don't want in a war I don't want against people I happen to like."

"I take it the Republic is not on that list."

"No. they aren't. We've got enough evidence for Cassus Belli but, I want to avoid killing people who had nothing to do with it beyond being deceived." she said bluntly.  "The involvement of the Dominion placed an unwanted backstop. I have held back because I want to minimize innocent casualties as much as humanly possible before pulling that trigger.  The evidence I have goes back to at least 3105, maybe earlier.  But I had to make certain."
"What is your long term goal with regards to Terra?" the Khan asked.

"I don't want it." Trillian said, "Terra may be the birthplace of mankind but, there's a term for people who never leave home to grow up.  The Clans are welcome to fight each other over it. As long as they don't involve us, or expect us to bow to them when one becomes the ilClan. That because we will not do this thing, Terra has nothing for us. Fifteen years of The Fortress simply proved that point.  Friends do not attack Quarantines in hopes of unleashing new outbreaks. Nor attack peace conferences or attempt a Stealth War undeclared to try to cripple an economy. Nor do they lure their friends into picking fights with bystanders."

"I need to consult with my government."

"I know.  You might change your minds, you might find new allies. You might find the ability to prolong this suffering.  We'll discuss the specifics when you're ready for an end to hostilities.  I bid you both good day, but I will not recall the fleet until we have a strong agreement.  Ball's in your court."  She signed off.

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