BattleTech Fanon Wiki

Chapter 17 - The Absolute Zero[]

Sian Star System
January 20th, 3159 CE

The Sian system had a new debris problem, and injured crew were being evacuated to the planetary surface to receive treatment, since the surgical bays of the remaining fleet vessels were somewhat swamped.

Except in the case of LCS Buena, whose sick bay, along with the main CIC and half of her smallcraft bays, were literally shot off.

Cutter crews picked their way through the debris fields with smallcraft, while sloops and local units worked along side them, finding anyone who fell off their ship and lived, (and recovered bodies for graves registration, which was putting together quite a roll-call.)

but the VIPs were still alive.

[ the grave-site of Daoshen Liao.]

Nikol Marik sat in a wheelchair, IV's dripping fluids and painkillers.  Trillian Steiner stood awkwardly, her left leg broken by a panel that came loose when the Frederic Steiner ate a salvo of missiles. Julian Davion wore patches over his eyes, the clone-banks on the CWS Pride of Skye were growing him a pair to replace the ones ruptured by sudden depressurization.  Gratis, because Alaric Ward ordered it.  Yori Kurita's right arm ended in a stump. She'd cut herself free after a hit to the Kaga's command center left her pinned by wreckage folded in on her.

She was getting a new hand from the same source that was brewing up a pair of eyes for the First Prince.

"Who is responsible?"  Danai asked.

"I think we all know who.  I guess it's true, you either die a hero or live to become the villain...and Devlin Stone cheated death for a long time." Julian said.

"That's a serious allegation." Nikol noted, "Do you have any evidence?"

Trillian looked at Alaric, and then, at Julian before answering.  "I think we do." she said.  "This is going to take some explaining, Julian?"

'"We've got imagery of the shipyard that was building those. Trill has data from an attack on the Quarantine Zone in '42, same types as the light frigates supporting those Lolas-like Warships and one shot of one of the Lola III' there any word on your fact-finding mission?"

"Not yet. we don't know where their bases are yet." Trillian said, "I think we can confirm who's responsible...or at least, ultimately responsible. One way or another, we have to end the war."

"Agreed." Yori said.  "This was a dishonorable attack on a peace conference during a cease fire, someone wanted to prevent us from talking, and more importantly, from acting."

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