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Scars of Victoria (Cover Art)

Scars of Victoria[]

Chapter 1 - Enemy Mine[]

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Working in the Desert[]

Capella, Capellan Confederation - 04/18/3048

A Draconis Combine flag flew above the desert hills where dozens of soldiers and armored construction machines in coyote tan waited behind bags of gravel. Minoru wiped sweat from his forehead, doused his bandana with water and put it under his helmet [with (technical) Gunsho markings] to some relief. The cooling circuit in his armored vest kept his core cool, but everywhere else was damp with sweat. “Damn, it’s so hot here. We’re not actual snakes, Tormano, we’re still human.”

Soldiers kept to the shadowed eaves of their barracks, an upgrade from the prefabricated ones his father used to invade Capella almost five years ago. The once thriving fort was now in decline as DCMS Peacekeepers rotated back to the Draconis Combine as Tormano’s CCAF returned to their former worlds. He saw foundations but no buildings as he neared be perimeter. Just outside the gates a Daimyo HQ vehicle and utility trucks were parked in a tight arc facing outward.

Combine Support and Engineering (CSE) Sappers waited just beyond surrounding another man with a Katana at his side. They felt so secure that their rifles didn’t even have a magazine in them. The leader with regal and familiar features turned around and walked toward Minoru, “Who’s this tough guy?”

He slapped him hard on the shoulder, “That replaced my shrimpy otouto?”
“Can you not call me that, Hohiro.”
“Why? It’s true.” Hohiro jabbed the vest pushing him back slightly, “It’s only been like a year!
Yo! Yodama-san, check out the new and improved Minnow. He’s got all the new features; at least six inches, a mighty bicep, and even some scruff.”

Kashira Shin Yodama separated himself from the pack in more than one way. The sleeveless shirt under his vest showed off his tattoos which were accentuated by the tan. That struck some fear in people unused to seeing Yakuza in the open but had no effect on Minoru. He squeezed the bicep and found it acceptable. “Impressive work Minoru. How’d you manage that?”

“Ten weeks at the tender mercies of the Order of Five Pillars and four at Crush School.”

They both looked to the side while running their fingers through one another, “I’m sure you picked up some interesting stories along the way.
How long did it take you to stop spilling drinks when you got off Sixth Ring?”

“Four days.” Minoru nodded, “As for the stories maybe you’ll hear some later Nisan. Which you cannot repeat to Omiko-chan or Hahaoya.”

“You have my word.” He crossed his hand to seal the oath, “How’s your power suit coming along?”
“Thanks to Cosby BMRF Silverback two is much improved over the original.”
“That couldn’t have been too hard, you initially build it out of scraps with your HTI pals.” Hohiro gave him a sly smile, “How’s your batting average?”
“Still not great.” Minoru kicked the dirt, “Haven’t had a lot of time to practice, but at least Aria got it calibrated to her satisfaction so she’s not messing with it anymore.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.

We could really use its help here. Finding and handling these mountains of explosives is extremely hazardous, you can only put so much armor on a sapper. Other ways are highly damaging to the landscape and kind of expensive although they do work.”

“It’s up in orbit right now with Franklin and Ryuun. He’s got ideas on how to use Silverback in space, apparently all the gear up there is ancient.”

Hohiro looked up, “Sakamoto’s been making a lot of groundside visits to us lately bearing gifts. I didn’t take him for a humanitarian. I think he’s up to something.” His hand reached up pensively stroking his chin, “Something is just off with him. I’m not sure what it is.”

Shin looked toward the west, “There’s a beach resort nearby, maybe he’s got a girl or more than one down here and uses trips to us to justify it to Rashpur-Owens Shipyard. I’d do the same if I were him. Although I of course would never engage in such acts, and never have.”

They returned to the lookout point where the sappers were waiting for them. A plunger wire was strung out to C8 plastic explosive blocks attached to stacks of landmines just visible behind the barricade in the distance. “Shujin Hayabushi please give the switch to Minoru.”

Minoru hesitated to accept the box, “Hohiro, I’m not qualified to operate that thing.”
“You’ve helped build an exoskeleton; you can flick a switch on command.
You were always an engineer Minoru; your training as a sapper starts now. The CCAF’s main enemy is itself, and that...”

His brother pointed toward a shallow trench lined with stacks of old landmines from the 29th Century. “..was yesterday’s haul from a field that has lain fallow for years. They’re a danger to the locals and a source of raw material for any rebels.”

“How long have you been working on Capella Shujin?”
“Four years.”
“And you still found that many?”
“Every day, and that’s just this platoon. There’s an entire Battalion of us on Capella.”

“Basic training in the CCAF has always emphasized mine and irregular warfare and the terror and disruption it causes to their enemies. Those sneaky bastards have the most advanced and deadliest mines in the entire Inner Sphere. New ones have all kinds of tamper protection to hurt sappers.”

“So, this is why I’m here in the Confederation?”
“The Draconis Combine has many virtuous traits. Our ‘historical difficulties’ with the Inner Sphere have left us with many enemies and few friends. You have a chance to make a positive difference.” Hohiro patted him on the back, “I believe you can help us regain our honor and aid the Confederation while using that big, beautiful brain of yours to its fullest. Many peoples lives are at stake so Otosan put you on the task.

Now flick that switch.

We have a lot of stuff to go over tonight.”


The resort town of Lan Shui spread out along the sandy beaches of Capella’s lesser continent Pociello, which continued to serve as the nexus of Draconis Combine activity on-world. Pools of light spread out over the scenic beach beneath a sign that read, ‘Izakaya Kuzuo, freshest sushi on Capella.’

“Is this some kind of joke, Franklin!” Minoru Kurita sat on a short chair with a plate filled with steaming skewered shrimp on a bed of seaweed before him. Dereck and Ryuun looked enviously at the entrée.

Franklin Sakamoto reclined and nodded toward a collection of young women dining nearby who were paying attention to the large group. He undid a second button on his shirt as they watched. “I thought you liked shrimp?”

“I do but I didn’t order these Jumbo Shrimp. Are you trying to say something?” “Me? You know I’d just say it I meant anything from it. Besides that, you earned a special treat. That was an impressive show this afternoon. Congratulations on passing your first test as a Sapper.”

“I couldn’t have done it without Crush School. That obstacle course pushed my limits more than anything on Asgard.”

“That was just a bunch of girls.”

Aria gave him a death look from under her headscarf, her eyes like the finely honed often ivory handled Jambiya daggers of her people. “Excuse me, Franklin!”

“ ’Ana Asf Aria. Azami women are certainly a cut above.” He rotated his arm out to show a long scar down his inside forearm, “I know from personal experience.”

“And you learned nothing from it Khinzir.” “Wrong, I learned that they keep many pillows on their bed for a variety of reasons, and you should check beneath them beforehand. Particularly if you want to leave alive and whole.”

A curious glance came from William, but no words came from his mouth when she stared at him as well. She smiled, “Did I interrupt something Yoshimara-san?”
“No Aria. I was just wondering where our entrees are. Honest.”

Minoru waited politely for the remaining entrees, “There were an impressive group of girls, Franklin. I think I almost died twice. Good thing Pillar Adepts learn and teach medicine alongside martial arts.” The entrees arrived with another round of beers, for everyone but Aria, to arrive before he took a bite.

“So how are things going up there, Franklin?”
“I have few complaints beside the lack of women and sunshine at Rashpur-Owens. Poor Aria has attracted an unwelcome amount of attention.”

She slammed her fist into the table, “Esper and I had to kick the crap out of one of those creeps.”

“I warned Sho-I Hoga. He didn’t listen to me.
Almost air locking him was too much though young lady. He’s still a DCA officer.”

“He’s lucky we didn’t have an EVA planned.“ Aria slammed one of the steel Kushi skewers into the table. “Station control prevented me from cycling it, Minoru. It infuriated me.”

“Aria, you can’t space random DCA officers. Even Sheikh Hamza would have a problem with it.”
“My father wouldn’t do anything but congratulate me on making an example that prevented further attempts.”

“Regardless its done, you can stay down here if you’d like.”
Aria looked around at the flat sandy beach, serene ocean, and grand hotels. “Only if I can bring my Zoomer.” She looked toward William, “Microgravity has been pretty fun, don’t you agree, William?”
“Yeah, it’s been a great time.”, William responded

“I think that would be perfectly fine. If you follow all the rules.”
“You’re such a bore sometimes, Minoru, but fine.”

“Any way back to our project. Hohiro has given us the task to modify the silverback so it can be useful for combat engineering work particularly mine clearance.”

Dereck leaned in, “So we want it to blow stuff up.
” “In a controlled fashion, among other things.”

“Of course, that’s what I meant, Minoru.” Dereck adjusted the collar of his shirt, “We are still engineers after all. This is for science.”

“I’m happy that you feel that way, you and Ryuun are going to be in the lead for the Silverback’s testing. Take it to its limits.
Aria and William will work with the engineering robots to get a better idea of what might be needed for the next iteration. It’s important so learn what you can, ask a lot questions, and take notes.

It may be a high priority project, but we must do it on a small budget.”

Ryuun looked at the table filled with a dozen plates and almost three dozen empty bottles. “Speaking of which who’s paying for this?”

They looked toward Minoru, “Hey, you guys invited me here to celebrate my accomplishment!”
Since he was the oldest the waitress handed Franklin the check, “Yes, but isn’t it a Prince’s responsibility to take care of his subjects.
I’m not even getting paid market rate. I could get way more in the League. You know if I wasn’t a person of interest in several cases there. I assure you I am completely innocent but still…”

Minoru glared at them as he pulled out his credit card, “Have I mentioned how hard my life has been the past couple of months? Or how it appears that trend will continue while I am with you guys?”

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