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Self Configuring Modular Robot (Chapter Cover)

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Chapter 80 - Self Configuring Modular Robot[]

Interstellar Message Traffic[]

To: Melissa Steiner-Davion, Archon of the Lyran...

From: Ulric Kerensky, ilKhan of the Star League Defense Force-in-Exile

RE: atrocities committed against Clan shipping.

I understand you have to resort to commerce raiding, however, we object to the use of thermonuclear weapons that leave radioactive fallout. The technologies for Clean Fusion weapons have been a standard since long before the Amaris Coup. You are using Heavy-element fission-triggered fusion devices. Our concern is those potential 'missed shots' that may hit an inhabited planet.

Refrain from using such devices in the future, for the good of all mankind, and for your own good.


To: Kerensky, Ulric, ilKhan of the Clans of Kerensky
From: Steiner-Davion, Melissa, Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth

RE: You didn't negotiate before you attacked us.

No. You had your chance to set rules of engagement and offer a treaty in the spirit of the Ares Conventions, you chose to attack us, and to use a rolling blackout to conceal your identity, objectives, origin, even concealing your declaration of war. When your officers HAVE contacted ours, they have insisted on 'rules of engagement' that were grossly in their own favor, and claimed our quite rational response to be 'dishonorable'. Further, if you wish, I can account a full catalogue of atrocities, war crimes, and crimes against civilian populations by your comrades in arms as justification to not only continue the commerce-interdiction missions, but expand them.


You can try talking. Thus far, I am unimpressed with either the sincerity, or integrity, of forces under your command. You attacked us without even attempting negotiation. perhaps next time, you might put some thought as to what the appropriate response is, when you sneak up on someone from behind and hit them over the head with a weapon, then cry about it when they turn around and start putting bullets in your gut.

Oh, and as for the claim of 'war crimes', no engagement utilizing antishipping nuclear warheads from our side, thus far has happened at a distance below 75,000 kilometers from the atmospheric interphase of an inhabited world. This is quite unlike your colleagues in Clan Smoke Jaguar, who brought a warship into low orbit (Less than 120 kilometers from the inhabited surface) and engaged Naval-grade energy, ballistic, and missile weapons against an inhabited city that had already surrendered. Maybe before you speak of the mote in our eyes, you should remove the beam from your own.

The interdiction operations will continue until such time as you are willing to engage in sincere, honest, honorable peace talks, you withdraw from Lyran Territory, or you are destroyed. I personally prefer a negotiated settlement, as I find I do not wish to commit to a policy of genocide in the long term, but I will defend the Lyran People and my national territory with aggression, commitment, integrity and force. Remove your invading armies from Lyran land.

Melissa Steiner-Davion,
Archon, Lyran Commonwealth.


To: Steiner-Davion, Melissa, Archon, Lyran Commonwealth

From: Kerensky, Ulric, ilKhan of the Clans of Kerensky

RE: Let us reason together.

You want talks? I can talk. we can talk. we can establish rules of engagement and proper procedures. I am willing to offer a Cease-Fire on the Lyran Commonwealth front in exchange for considerations. Our Strategic Objectives are not even in your territory, you just happen to be in the way. We can discuss this. Are you willing to do so?

Suspend your aggressive commerce raiding and we can arrange a location for a summit.

Ulric Kerensky
ilKhan, Clans of the Kerensky.


To: Kerensky, Ulric, ilKhan of the Clans

From: Steiner-Davion, Melissa, Archon, Lyran Commonwealth.

RE: We will not suspend commerce raiding without a firm agreement that has some integrity and some collateral on your side.

I have had your system explained to me. It strikes me that it is vanishingly unlikely that you can actually uphold any cease-fires, as your most likely replacement will immediately void any agreements upon removing you from power, which is the most likely outcome if we DO negotiate with you. I am not my ancestors, I do not make treaties with the intention of violating them at the first convenient moment.

However, if you can establish a means of guaranteeing that your negotiation is in good faith, and that it will be honored in your unfortunate absence, we can discuss meeting to hammer out a negotiated settlement to this conflict.

Melissa Steiner-Davion
Archon, Lyran Commonwealth.

[Att. 1; "The Way of the Clans"]
[Att. 2; "Remembrance of Clan Wolf" circa 2905 CE"]
[Att. 3; "General order 172 issued 4 August, 2776 by Aleksandr Kerensky, aka "The Elbar Declaration"]


IlKhan Reaction to his Correspondence[]

Office of the ilKhan
City of Katyusha
Strata Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Space, Deep Periphery

"Where did she get that!?" Ulric Kerensky was a little shocked.

"I presume Natasha supplied 'The way of the Clans' and the copy of the Remembrance." Conal Ward noted dryly. "Not sure about that last one though, it is referenced, but only indirectly in the Founder's writings. I passed it over to Elam, and he almost had kittens, wants the copy they scanned if they still have it."

"How many ships have we lost since this commerce raiding began?" Ulric asked.

"Total tonnage is into the tens of millions, including multiple Warships of varying size, and their raiders are drawing closer to the Homeworlds." Conal confessed.

"AND...we know what about them?"

"They are good. The survivors from Convoy 82 reported that the raiders used non-standard jump points and non-standard jump protocols after sinking the Blue Aerie and the Munin. McKenna's people think they must have some advanced navigational systems in play."

The tally of Warships lost since last August was up to twelve, the losses in terms of Carracks Transports, and standard jumpships were...higher. Higher enough to require additional drafts from the Merchant castes of all the Clans, higher enough to draw complaints from the Free Guilds.

Higher enough, to endanger operations across every front. "We need to buy time to remove those commerce raiders and rebuild our transport." Ulric muttered.

"Addressing the Grand Council then?"

"Aff. we need a cease fire before we lose the ability to supply what we already hold."

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