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Erod's Escape[]

A hoarse, horrible coughing sound came from the lungs of Sam Calderon as he gasped for air, blinking repeatedly to clear dust from his eyes.  Fires raged all through the Capital building.  Another barrage of coughs pounded at his chest as he crawled forward from the debris that had landed on him.  He recognized at the very least a few ribs and bones in his left foot were broken.

Looking through the accumulating smoke he could see figures rising, voices yelling to one another.  Suddenly they were drowned out as an aerospace fighter screamed overhead, just a few dozen meters above the structure.  “Protector!  Protector Calderon!” a guard was shouting repeatedly.

“Here!” Sam shouted back, waving an arm while grimacing in pain from the broken ribs; one protruding from his side.  As soon as the word left his mouth he began hacking again, spitting up some blood.

“Protector!” two guards ran up, scanning the area with their rifles before focusing on helping him up.

“My wife….” Cough. “Son?” he raised his hand to cover his mouth coughing more.

“We have already heard communications that Colonel Calderon has them en route to the spaceport, sir.  We have been ordered to get you there ASAP.”

“Wait?  The spaceport, not the Command Bunker?!” he gasped with surprise.

“Sir….” One trooper, a Captain, hesitated as he waited for another of the Protector’s coughing attacks to subside. “Erod’s Escape is under a global attack.  The Colonel has already ordered the fleets to mass above and all forces to center on Shangri-La.”

Protector Calderon took a moment to take in the information, a global assault?  Had the Taurians gone back on the marriage pact?  Had the Federated Suns come after them?  Had all of the pirates in the Periphery united against them?

Sam growled as the two men hoisted him to his feet, he could hobble, even with the broken bones in his foot but, the piercing pain of the rib felt horrible.  Echos came from the main entryway, the chatter of weapons fire.  The trio snapped their heads in that direction, the security guards raising their rifles but no one emerged…. yet.

“Sergeant, give the Protector your side arm and help me get him to the rear of the room, now!”

Both of the troopers took an arm over them and carried the Protector to a corner of the room where the secret emergency exit was located.  The Captain activated the hidden entry and it opened.  It slid to the side and the Sergeant helped the Protector through. Looking back, the Captain could see black clad troopers running into the room, scanning it.  He ducked his head in and the door sealed as he heard the faint shout of a voice saying “over there!”


Emerging from the corridor they found themselves in a safe room with a prepared vehicle to escape, should it have ever been needed. A reinforced metal and concrete door sealed the passage behind them, deep, internal locking mechanisms clicking into place.  Where they currently were, could be survivable for some time but, they would not be staying.

While small, the parked Fox Armored Car was very fast.  Mounted with a Guardian ECM, it could remain hidden as it travelled through the urban environment.  Placing the Protector on a seat, the two men began a quick gathering of supplies then attended to the Protector and their escape vehicle.

While the Sergeant splinted the Protector’s foot, the Captain began the start-up procedure on the Fox.  “Sergeant, you got it tight enough?  Or are you going to break the rest of the bones in my foot?” Sam grimaced with a small grin as his foot was tidily contained and wrapped.

“Well, sir, I could tourniquet you, if you would prefer?” he responded with a grin as well.

“Haha!  Well played Sergeant, I’d like to keep my foot!” both chuckled together, making light of the horrible situation that was upon them.  In the Fox, the Captain grinned, shaking his head at the joke.  As the Captain prepared the vehicle, the Protector’s ribs were wrapped to contain the injury.

With the startup sequence finalized, the air lift fans came to life.  This machine was so fine-tuned, it purred and the blades spun in complete silence.  Air moving at high speed and the motor itself were the only sounds. Testing the weapons, everything was green. Both machine guns were clean as a whistle and the laser was showing at maximum charge, all of them moved very smoothly to aim side to side.

“Ok gentlemen, let’s load up and get out of here. I have a route plotted to the spaceport due West.  I can overhear some radio chatter but nothing I am sending is getting through.” Both the Protector and Sergeant hobbled over to the vehicle together and loaded up. Once seated a few final details were sorted out.  With the Sergeant on the guns and the Captain in the driver’s seat they were ready to move out.

“What info I do have, Protector, is that there are Battlemechs in the city.  Our own Battlemechs have engaged but primarily to create a perimeter around the spaceport and other areas with VIPs to evacuate.  We currently have air superiority above the city but not outside of it. This is going to be a helluva ride, make sure your restraints are on!”


Firefights were scattered around the Capital building both inside and out.  Battlemech footprints were strewn about the roadways and grounds, the fighting machines drifting into the city as they engaged.  A seemingly barren section of wall suddenly moved outward, then slid up in a split second, followed by a section of the outer wall, falling flat. At 200 KPH the Fox Armored Car blew through and out into the roadway, turning South and travelling along the Capital grounds, both sections of wall returning to their original position, appearing as if they had never moved at all.

Cars were lined on the street, bodies both inside and out, bullet holes riddling vehicles and buildings alike.  A smoking Cataphract lay in the center of the street, having crushed multiple cars.  Its cockpit was caved in.

Preparing to make their first turn, they could see a couple Protectorate VTOLs flying fast overhead to the East, perpendicular to their path of travel. Making a hard right West after a couple more blocks, the Fox ventured into the city.  At the first intersection they knew some fighting was happening but didn’t realize how intense until they got there.  A massive wave of fire from recycled weapons passed by in both directions over their vehicle, as they passed through the intersection.  Looking out the windows, a Legacy was going toe to toe with a Cyclops – both walking towards each other, just a step or two from the intersection themselves.  Both titans loomed overhead, clearly about to engage in a thunderous physical confrontation.

Pressing forward with pure determination, their first NAV Point was leading them to a police station that was used as a rally point for scattered Capital defenders and for VIPs to retreat to.  Ahead though, the road was blocked, not by a physical structure but because of dozens of Battle Armor engaged in a fierce battle. Jump troopers were leaping off buildings.  Ravager Assault Battle Armor were hosing down approaching enemy Battle Armor with their arm cannons.

He couldn’t pinpoint it but, the enemy units looked oddly familiar, something he thought he might know of… from the military academy histories?  After the Fox took a sharp turn down a side street to get around the vicious melee, the Protector asked, “Captain, I have not seen any identifying insignia yet, do we know who is attacking yet?  Pirates? Mercenaries? A House?”

The Captain gulped, Protector Calderon looking over to now see how unnerved the Captain looked.  Sam’s eyes widened at the change in demeanor, unsure what to think at that moment.  Simple stating, “Sir” and pointing to a HUD panel, the Captain continued to focus on driving as aggressively as he could, to get them to the spaceport.

Sam pressed the controls around the image to zoom in.  There it was, the Sword of Blake and a pair of numbers.  It all came back in a second from his lessons at the academy.  A Shadow Division.  Even the Protector paused at the shock of it.  They tried to kill or capture him in the first wave of the attack, hitting the Capital building.  Back from the dead, these Blakists were here to conquer and slaughter.

Suddenly the Fox slowed to a halt between some buildings.  All three, carried by momentum, pressed against their four point harnesses. “Captain?” Sam asked, shaken from his initial shock.

“They are already here, sir.”

Looking out the forward Ferroglass window, barely seeing around a damaged building, two Pretas stood in the wreckage of the police station.  Massive sections of wall had been knocked down in the fighting and they could see inside the walls.  Bodies were strewn about everywhere.  Multiple combat vehicles of the defenders were burning around the exterior of the walled in grounds.  Demon Battle Armor were on patrol and they arrived just in time to watch a firing line execute a number of Calderon personnel.

“Bastards!” Sam yelled from his seat.

Lurching forward the Fox took a turn South and began moving away on a quickly determined alternate route.  A couple blocks away from the police station they again turned West. As they came around the corner the Captain put on evasive maneuvers as a massive foot was right around the corner. Wrenching hard on the steering column the hovercraft banked up on a building, shattering windows from the force of the lift fans.

Slowing to a stop the trio inside could see a defensive position of Calderon troops, a Zeus holding the intersection being the foot they almost collided with.  Multiple infantry and Battle Armor troopers held their aim on the Fox car, the Captain powered down the lift fans, settling it on the broken ferrocrete.

“This is Protector Calderon, stand down men, who is in command here?”  Sam announced over the external speakers as he opened a side door, leaning out slowly.

Once he was fully visible a Battle Armor trooper missing a lot of armor approached, his face half exposed.  The Man inside had dried blood running down his face.

“Sir, I am Gunny Slinton, we are a hodge podge of shattered platoons and lances.  The fuckin’ Blakists….” He trailed off.

“Damn right Gunny, these assholes are going to pay for this heinous act.  Are you guys moving toward the spaceport as well?”

“Negative, sir, too many wounded.  Blakists are shooting aircraft out of the sky no matter if they are civilian, medical, or military.  We have dozens of men that won’t fit on the vehicles we have left. I have a couple teams looking for working civilian vehicles to ferry wounded out of the city.”

“Good work Gunny, can your men hold for now?”

“We will hold as long as we can.  This Zeus is keeping those two Pretas at bay but, if the Archangel, Deva, and two Lightrays return, not even with the Orion we have around the corner a block South will be able to stop them, sir.”

“As you can see Gunny, I was pulled out of rubble myself, I still don’t know how bad this is.  Focus on preserving your lives, we have fall back locations in the jungles for a reason and will need you when we retake Erod’s Escape if the Blakists take it for a time.”

“Affirmative, sir.  We will not waste our lives.  However, if you are moving toward the spaceport, we did find a pair of children in this apartment building here, is there any chance they will be able to accompany you?”

“Certainly, they are our future and that is what matters right now.”  The Protector replied.

With that, Gunny Slinton waved them over to the car and they climbed in, barely five years old, they climbed into their seats and were strapped in.  “Farewell Gunny”.  The Protector nodded as he closed the hatch.

Bringing the fans back up to speed, the Fox lifted and turned West, moving fast but, carefully, to not hit any of their own. They passed by and could see the Orion down a street and a couple defensive positions scattered as they travelled.  Once they emerged from the defensive position the Captain brought the Fox up to full speed.


Crossing another intersection, a dark shadow covered the vehicle, then they impacted something, sending the vehicle spinning. Quickly regaining control the Captain looked to see what was going on.  One of the machine guns had been crushed and the front passenger’s side was showing damage with cracks radiating across the main windshield.

Then the passengers heard rumbling and grinding as they saw a Battlemech moving.  A second more and they realized it was a Lightray!  It tripped as they collided!

“Sergeant, hit that thing at the cyclic!  Captain, pull them away so we give our men back their some time!” ordered Protector Calderon.

Bullets began belching at full rate from the remaining machine gun, dozens of rounds back to back to back.  The Medium Laser seared off some armor, trying to deal additional damage where the impact on the ground took place.  After the fire salvo, in full reverse the Fox began pulling away, continuing West to kite away the Lightray.

Weaving through the stranded cars in the road the Captain caught a glimpse of a second Lightray pacing them a street over. “Sir!  The second Lightray is one street North of us!”  The Captain shouted as the fallen Lightray was now on its feet, trying to catch up.

“Roger that, bring us about and full speed West!” responded the Protector.  The small craft spun 180 degrees and hit full throttle.  Both Lightrays were now in pursuit, firing pulse lasers at the small craft. Inside they could hear some of their armor melting off.  There were even a few beads of molten armor running down the forward windshield to unnerve the occupants.

Suddenly the radio came to life, “……..Armored Car!....ome in! Come in, now!”

“Send it for Silver Actual.” Responded the Captain.

“Hell yes!  It is good to hear that designation!  You need to get to the spaceport now!  We are under heavy assault on multiple fronts, we have one Overlord remaining and it is waiting for you!”

“Solid copy, we are en route, do you have us on visual? Sensors?” asked the Captain.

“Visual and sensors, you are about to enter the fighting, continue your current route, you will be flanked by allies, I am shifting defenses now.  I will meet you in the hangar when you arrive, you will have a straight shot in. Keep in………….” the line went dead.

Protector Calderon tried to re-establish contact but had no luck.  He gave the Captain and Sergeant firm grasps on the shoulders, encouraging them.  The first shots of the active fighting were visible ahead, crossing intersections.  A pair of Enforcers were lumbering towards them, clearly in Protectorate colors, kicking aside cars.  Both began opening fire on the pursuing Lightrays.

Passing right between the two machines, the Fox continued on, the rear viewscreen showed a Lightray and Enforcer collide while the other two began punching and kicking.  Each street they passed lasers and missiles passed overhead, down each road Protectorate troops held the line against the North and South, giving the Fox a straight shot to the spaceport gates ahead.

Seconds later the car passed through the gates and the single dropship remaining stood in the center of the tarmac.  Surveilling the damage as they approached, it was horrific. A dropship had exploded, one was shot out of the sky and fell on the wall of the spaceport, numerous smoking heaps of dead Battlemechs were strewn about.  Aerospace fighters and VTOLs were fighting around the edges of the spaceport airspace.  A Pillager stood guard over the hangar entrance while the ship’s weapons were firing at targets they could not see.

Reaching the ramp at maximum speed, the Fox bottomed out for a second before gaining enough lift to hover again, doing a small skid. Once it crossed the threshold the massive door began swinging up and the Pillager began moving for the front gates.

In a second the car was swarmed with techs, wielding straps and chains to secure the vehicle where it stood.  “Get this thing secure!” a large man with a familiar voice was shouting outside.

All three stumbled out of the vehicle, medical personnel immediately tending to them, then bringing out the children and escorting them off.  “Protector, damn good to see you!” shouted the large man, leading to cheers across the deck.

“Likewise, Colonel!  But what about all those Mechwarriors still out there???” The Protector asked.

“They have their orders, sir, we do not have the vessels and even if we did, we do not have the time to bring them all.  Those are all volunteers to ensure you made it here. They have held the line and are now going to attempt to escape to the jungles.  Let’s get you seated; we are going to be hitting multiple G’s.


In a few moments the Colonel brought the Protector, Captain, and Sergeant all to a readiness room off the main hangar with many external views on screens.  They could see the combat raging below where the Battlemechs had begun their egress movement.  They could also see the furious aerospace fighting going on outside.

“Sir, the Blakists are hitting the entire planet, this fleet is massive.  They have boots on the ground in every major city.  There is also other odd activity, they have been jumping in and out of the system since the attack began.  A very high chance exists that multiple worlds are being attacked.  If this is the case, we may be grossly outnumbered. As it is relevant to this enemy, I have not yet seen anything of weapons of mass destruction but, we need to account that the risk exists.”

“Excellent work Colonel, even by the information I have so far you have preserved a huge number of forces.  They will have to survive on their own for now.  We need help though.  As the fleet travels to the jump point, we need to send ships to the other nearby systems and get them checked out.”

“Roger that, sir, I will prepare missions to scout the nearby systems within the hour, that way they can return, charge, and be prepared to jump by the time we arrive in a few days.”

“Very good Colonel, let’s get up to the bridge once we join the fleet before accelerating.”


Days had passed and the reports were in.  The Blakists were everywhere.  Colchis, Fylovar, Marknick, and Gaul had been invaded. Tyrrhenia had seen scouting vessels in system so it was likely they would be attacked next.  Protector Calderon had alerted the entirety of the Protectorate of this threat through a command circuit and advocated for the entire population to bear their arms and fight tooth and nail.

However, they had to organize a defense.  He called all the military units to rally. Franmalin was where he would meet with his commanding officers in the Anti-Spinward portion of the realm.  He was brought there by the First Taurian Pride. Assembled were the Second and Third Taurian pride along with First and Second Calderon Guard.  These units all combined with their attending fleets patrolled the system and jump points.

All the forces that could not meet there were to rally on Oscar and Lastpost.

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