Abbeville Mission 1[]
- 1st Mission Refining Factory
- The RAF have only extended out from Cottonport to a handful of refining factories to avoid being spread too think and to try to retain the refining resources to send up to the Faslane Yardship building armament
- This will be the first mission in the campaign for the Word of Blake to take Abbeville
- Both sides want to make an impressive stand to gain momentum
- Taking the Refinery will reduce resources supplied to the Yardships and the planet in general
- Word of Blake forces need to push out the RAF defenders
- Map Construction
- Try to use 3D terrain or mapsheets and cutouts from the box sets/hexpacks to show open terrain with scattered buildings to represent a factory
- WOB Objectives
- Primary (100 points):
- Advance Attack: Destroy/Cripple at least half of the opposing force
- Asset Denial: Take control of the facility at the end of the track
- Secondary (50 points):
- Fight Another Day: WOB player suffers less than 50% losses
- Reduce Effectiveness: Damage at least 75% of the enemy's force
- I Spy...: Move a unit within three hexes of enemy's home edge to verify there are no reinforcements
- Secure The Zone: Occupy three designated hexes (occupy each hex for a full turn and the enemy cannot enter it after)
- Primary (100 points):
- Nomad Republic Objectives
- Primary (100 points)
- Asset Denial: Retain Control of Facility at the end of the track
- Leave No Man Behind: Two-Thirds of force survives the track or is able to exit their home edge at the end of the game
- Secondary (50 points)
- Fast Recon: Exit a unit off the WOB Home Edge
- Delaying Tactics: Place a Commander's mech into forced withdrawal
- Get the Intel: Scan four separate WOB units
- Stand Your Ground: 50% of Nomad forces survive
- Primary (100 points)
- Deployment:
- WOB is attacker and chooses BV
- WOB begins on the edge of the battlefield considered outside the factory
- Nomad Republic is defender and deploys with 90% of BV chosen by WOB
- Nomads may deploy 50% of BV within 10 hexes of home edge
- Nomads may deploy 30% of BV within 15 hexes of home edge
- Nomads may deploy 20% of BV within 20 hexes of home edge
- Game Factors:
- Forced Withdrawal is in Effect
- Scanning enemy units is simplified to being adjacent to an enemy unit at the end of the Nomad player's movement, then taking no physical attacks during the physical attack phase. Once the turn ends, if still adjacent the WOB unit is scanned.
- Before game starts select locations in the middle of the play area that the WOB player needs to get to, they should be a challenge to but not impossible, this can be done by either player or both together.
- Conditions of Victory:
- This is a story based mission where the players tell the story, consider these details when running the mission and considering its end point
- Victor is determined by players when it is no longer feasible to hold the field or to accomplish additional objectives for one side.
- Players may be able to make a last ditch effort to save a downed pilot before ceding the battlefield, for example
- Victors:
- If WOB is victorious, players move toward the next battlefield: Fortification
- The fortification is a wall set up between two of the massive bodies of water surrounding Cottonport. There are multiple sections of wall. For the purposes of this campaign writeup this WOB force is approaching from the South. (Players may deviate from this direction and hit from another angle.)
- These other forces fighting would be doing so on a North or West section of wall
- The fortification is a wall set up between two of the massive bodies of water surrounding Cottonport. There are multiple sections of wall. For the purposes of this campaign writeup this WOB force is approaching from the South. (Players may deviate from this direction and hit from another angle.)
- If Nomad Republic is victorious, the Nomads will remain dug in. The WOB will make a second attack against the factory before the Nomads attempt an attack on the WOB LZ.
- A second attack by the WOB will be the same parameters but, approaching the factory from a different direction
- If WOB is victorious, players move toward the next battlefield: Fortification
I sincerely hope you enjoy these missions and helping Nomad Republic fight off the Word of Blake on Abbeville! if you have any follow-up questions, reach out to me on Facebook or check out the Battletech into the Future Facebook page! -Minis & Dumbbells