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BattleTech Fanon Wiki

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Sabre Aerospace Fighter (In Flight - 3D Miniature)
Custom Design
Production information
Manufacturer Northrop Industries
Model RPTR-835A
Class Medium
Tech Base Inner Sphere
Introduced 3061
Technical specifications
Mass 45
Structural Integrity ???
Frame ???
Power Plant 315 XL
Fuel ???

AC-10,MML-9,Light PPC

Communications System UNICOM 976
Tracking & Targeting System Raytheon ATM 1068
Heat Sinks 12 Double Heat Sinks
BV (1.0) ???
BV (2.0) ???


The third of Northrop's full-production combat aircraft, the Raptor derives certain aspects of its design from the Draconis Combine's Sai and Sabre. It is designed as a stealthy aircraft to be used in the BVR air-superiority role. Employed in limited numbers by the various intelligence services and mercenary groups that have a need for stealthy aircraft.


Outfitted for combat at all ranges, the Raptor is fitted with an Ultra AC-10 and a Light PPC in its nose, as well as an MML-9 in its lower weapons bay. Although lacking in weapons quality, its advanced stealth coating means that it will continue to be able to use its weapons longer than most.


-RPTR-835B- This variant of the Raptor removes the Light PPC in favor of a Medium Pulse Laser and Artemis IV FCS for short-ranged engagements.

-RPTR-835C- Dispensing with one ton of autocannon and missile ammunition, the Raptor-C is fitted with external hardpoints stressed for up to two tons of Napalm Bombs, although the bulky bombs dramatically increase its radar signature, making this variant rather unpopular.

-RPTR-835D- Less popular than the standard Raptor, but much better than the C-model, the Raptor-D removes the MML unit for a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers and an SRM-6 with a single ton of ammunition.

