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Random Events (Nebula California) Chapter Cover)

Chapter 7[]

Random Events (Nebula California) - Take 2[]

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Stalingrad Council Chambers
Toreel, Nebula California
11th February, 3153

There were a lot of angry voices in the small chamber today.

"Look, mistake or not we're well and truly committed now. We don't have any other choice. For those thinking of striking out on their own I'll point out that the only direction for you to go is toward the obviously hostile natives. I should also add just because they are armed with primitive weapons does not mean they are harmless." Daniel let his own frustration break through more than he intended.

The grumbling quieted down but Daniel knew better than to count on logic trumping emotion.

"Fine. We'll go along for now but another misstep and I think it will be time for a change in leadership." Gavin wasn't any happier than his people after the debacle.

"Next order of business. What have we learned about how the sabotage happened on our Dropships so we might be able to prevent more?" Daniel already knew the answer but he needed to put on a show for the others.

"Finger prints are inconclusive for the most part. Some of it actually looks more like big rats got in the inner workings and started chewing away. Whoever it was knew how to dress like a tech which suggest training or familiarity. As far as keeping it from happening again, well they did too good of a job in a way. Now that we only have to protect the Maru Maru we'll be able to have something resembling a perimeter." Fezzik sighed.

"Since we can't solve our problems off world with trade or raiding it seems we have little choice but to increase our scouting efforts. There must be some remains of the Star League technology that brought this place into being in the first place. We have to find it." Daniel rubbed his chin.

"That's assuming Kevin hasn't already secured it." Gilly chimed in.

"If he had it or knew where it was I'm pretty sure Kevin would have found a way to lord it over us." Daniel shook his head.

"Every settlement we have found so far is either too small to be of much use of or under Kevin's thumb." Fezzik added.

"It is a planet and we haven't been here long." Daniel felt sure he'd settled particular matter.

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