BattleTech Fanon Wiki
Katherine (Cover)
Author AlphaMirage
Series Name Katherine
Alternate Universe Name Katherine-verse AU
Year Written November 2017 - November 2019
Story Era Clan Invasion Era
Civil War Era
Jihad Era


Katherine is a Space Opera / War Story / Political Drama broken up into three book Fan-Fiction series written by AlphaMirage. He originally wrote the story on the official BattleTech forums over course of two years in a three book format.

Attached to this article is combination of all three original short books into a single 584 page novel.


The story focus on Katherine Steiner-Davion, political leader of the Lyran Alliance, child of Federated Commonwealth founders First Prince Hanse Davion and Archon Melissa Steiner. The story is alternate reality, where Victor Steiner-Davion, her brother is killed in the Clan War on distant Clan capital world of Strana Mechty. The three book story tells tale how history would unfolded with Katherine Steiner-Davion had she remained in political power and the effect of history of BattleTech Universe.

Part I details her struggles just post Clan Invasion including the loss of her fiancee Galen Cox and their unborn child to her treacherous cousin Ryan Steiner, torrid romance with the Wolf Khan Vladimir Ward, Regency War between her and Prince's Champion Bishop Sortek to save her little sister Yvonne's life and assume her regency. Additionally there are stories of the rise of Photon Brett-Marik to Commanding General of the SLDF in the wake of his successful defense of the Nova Cat's during their limited War with the Ghost Bear Dominion at the same time. Also detailed are the disappearance, life, and reappearance of her brothers Peter and Arthur during the 3060s, Death of Omiko Kurita at the hands of the Black Dragons and her friend Isis Marik's flight to the Federated Suns with Kitsune Kurita, son of Victor and Omiko. It ends at the Third Whitting Conference and the end of the Tukayyid Truce in 3067.

Part II begins with the revelation of Peter Steiner-Davion's reason for his self-exile to his sister the Periphery March's Grand Duchess Yvonne on her new homeworld of Minette and her own confessions and doubts about their sister and her secrets. The multi-front Alternate Jihad begins with The Word of Blake launching an unsuccessful first strike on Tharkad that is repulsed by the Wolves and Lyran Forces. Meanwhile Lyran General of the Armies Adam Steiner faces down an old enemy, Clan Jade Falcon, with new allies among the Wolves and Hell's Horses to finally liberate his home planet. He finds new foes waiting in the shadows whose technology is so advanced that the inadvertent distribution of their SLOT (Stellar Location over Time) viral code from their to the Tharkad HPG results in a complete and unexpected blackout of the faster than light communication system that everyone depends on.

In the resulting confusion Franklin Sakamoto, the bastard son of the Draconis Combine's Coordinator, and SLDF Commanding General Photon Brett-Marik find themselves in the middle of a conflict between the militant nationalist Black Dragons and factions dedicated to reforming the Draconis Combine.

Magestrix Emma Centrella mutilates the Word of Blake's Master and is killed in her capital by nuclear weapons in an effort to protect Arthur Steiner-Davion and her daughter Erde Centrella. Book II ends with the destruction of Taurus to an asteroid strike caused by the Word of Blake's Eriynes after they grow weary of the continued failures of their allies amongst the Trinity Alliance (Capellan Confederation, Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus) and Free Worlds League.

Part III begins with the Word of Blake in retreat throughout the Inner Sphere as they collapse on the worlds within two jumps of Terra. Photon Brett-Marik and his cousin Alys lead the Anti-Blake resistance in the Free Worlds League while now Shogun Franklin Sakamoto deals with the remnants of the Black Dragons. The new Magestrix Naomi Centrella joins with her cousin the legendary Kai Allard-Liao to stop Kali Liao and her thuggees, allies of the Word of Blake responsible for some of the worse war crimes. Katherine Steiner-Davion is forced into the public eye once more upon hearing of her brother's ascension of the First Princedom of the Federated Suns. her arrival is not without suffering however as the Word of Blake attacks Tharkad once more in force and proceeds to terrorize it until it is liberated by the SLDF. The Nova Cat's Khan Santin West becomes ilKhan and leads a new Clan Council to Terra to finally defeat The Word of Blake and restore the glory of the Star League.

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