BattleTech Fanon Wiki
ICR-3 Icarus BattleMech
Icarus Medium BattleMech
Custom Design
Designer AlphaMirage
Production information
Manufacturer Johnson Industries (Federated Suns)
Gilmour MilTech (Free Worlds League)
Model ICR-3
Class Medium
Technical specifications
Mass 40 tons
Chassis Prototype Endo-Steel
Armor Standard Armor with CASE
Head: 9
CT/CTR: 18/5
Arms: 12
Legs: 20
Engine Nissan 200 Fusion
Speed 86.4 kph
Jump Jets 150 meters
  • 1x Large Laser
  • 2x Streak 2 Launchers
  • 1x Small Pulse Laser
BV (1.0) ???
BV (2.0) 1,019


The Icarus was one of the first Battlemechs designed by the Free Worlds League. Gilmour MilTech, the creators of the Cronus mech, approached Johnson Industries after the success of their Swordsmen remakes and willingness to work and transfer tech with Majesty Metals and Manufacturing particularly the orbital endo-steel foundry.

Instead of making a smaller cheaper version of the Shadow Hawk they wanted a design that could approach the capabilities of the popular Wolverine for militia and mercenary units. Working with the plans recovered from the Helm Memory Core, Johnson Industries produced the first prototype in early 3044 using a slightly modified version of the Swordsman's endo-steel frame.

Countess Corrine Marik, a cadet of the 2nd Free World Legionnaires and former Wolverine BattleMech pilot, at then an incredibly popular personality due to her upcoming wedding to Prince Ian Davion of the Federated Suns served as spokeswoman. Her visibility drove interest in Gilmour MilTech's design bureau and dramatically increased sales to the Legionnaires and Marik Militia. The only component that needed to be imported from a different Successor State or even world being the lightweight chassis until their own foundry was completed in 3050.

This is a variant of a existing Canon design. It was created by fan writer, AlphaMirage, for his fan book Ian Davion, Golden Lion.

Armament and Equipment[]

The Icarus uses a simple but versatile mix of weapons and widely available equipment. It is clad in 8.5 tons of Maximilian 43 standard plate with CASE protecting the missile reloads. At its core is a Nissan 200 engine, often used in Mediums such as the Hunchback and Centurion models, to walk at a reasonable 54 kilometers per hour. Five Icarus 85 jump jet in its torsos allow it to clear obstacles up to 150 meters in a single bound. Its communication and targeting systems are the same as the widely deployed Wolverine.

Originally equipped with FedSuns brand weapons these were rapidly replaced with Free Worlds League brands in its home and most popular market. In its left arm is a Martell Small Pulse laser for anti-infantry use protection. Two Holly Streak SRM-2s provide accurate close range firepower and a new capability for Gilmour MilTech. Its primary weapon is a Magna Mark III 30 Large Laser, the same type as the Wolverine 6M, although at the cost of its hand actuator.


  • ICR-3I
    The 3I Trades Martell Small Pulse Laser for a Zippo flamer allowing it to operate as an incendiary unit. - BV: 1,009, C-bills: 3,239,927 C-bills
  • ICR-3E
    This variant trades it's Magna Mark III Large Laser with a Diverse Optics Sunbeam ER Large Laser dramatically increasing its long range firepower but at the risk of overheating. - BV: 1,079, C-bills: 3,391,827
  • ICR-3S
    Trades Holly Streak SRM-2s for a Holly SRM-6, this is typically done to allow the MechWarrior and unit to utilize special munitions such as Smoke or Infernos. On average the same number of missiles will impact should both Streaks hit so the close combat upgrade is a wash. - BV: 1,023, C-bills: 3,284,027 C-bills

Design Quirks[]

  • Prototype

Technical Notes[]

  • Cost: 3,251,827 C-bills
  • Tech Rating: E/X-F-X-X

Wiki Note[]

  • Outsider7724 created the MegaMek/Solaris Skunk Works files for this mech, since it was purely fluff (story based)
  • The Icarus is canon design, which was adapted to the story written by AlphaMirage where the plans for the Mech were found in Helm Core Database. In Canon, these plans were not there, however were found on dead Terran Hegemony world of New Dallas in the Hegemony Memory Core, or New Dallas Memory Core. Variants and ICR-3 are all-together new designs.

External Links[]

