BattleTech Fanon Wiki

Chapter 11 - Important People[]

LCS Frederick Steiner
Tharkad Orbital Anchorage Yard - Slip 16
Tharkad System
Lyran Commonwealth
September 3097

[The LCS Frederick Steiner's forward Sensor Array...]

"Well, that explains a lot." Amanda floated over the opened hull panels.  Ensign (O-1) Hoffmann from the navigation department was with her, while a Chief who'd come back to the boat to retrieve her wallet squatted over the unfinished cable work.


"The missing parts." Amanda said, "There's something that is supposed to go between the new array to the CIC or it has a different cabling layout, which means a whole set of components.  It's what we're probably waiting for from Lockheed."

"You think?"

"It's either a component or someone at the design bureau screwed up. The ordered arrays that don't directly interface with ship's power & display feeds. It's what we're waiting for is someone to design the method to couple the two." she said, "Without sensors, We're navigating eyeballs or were blind and we'd be shooting blind.  Ensign, take pictures and measurements. See what your people can do about identifying what we're missing, so we can go over those boxes of parts in the hold and locate it if it's here."

"Yes ma'am."

A karat was blinking in Amanda's peripheral vision, she gestured to accept the incoming call.  "Ma'am?"

Irena's voice came through clearly.  "Heads up, Kapitan Kreiger is on his way to the ship."

"Aye mum. I'll have a report partially ready on what we've gotten done the last two days then, ayeh?"

"Do you need me to stall while you write it up?" asked Amanda

"Mum, you're the officer of the deck, I need to send what I have to you first, it's chain-of-command, ayeh?" Amanda replied, "I'll send a summary to your P-mail, do you have time to read it?"

"He's due in an hour."

"That's a yes, Summary report incoming." Amanda told her, "Relax, okay? we're just doing our jobs."

She kicked off and floated down the length of the ship to the starboard number eighteen personnel lock.

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