Alternate handling of ammunition explosions which does not necessarily mean the complete destruction of the unit in question.
- Applicable to - BattleMechs and IndustrialMechs
- When a MG, LMG or HMG ammo bin is hit, it cooks off.
Make two 1d6 x (MG damage) attacks, one against the internal structure, one against the armor, for every half-ton of MG ammo in that location.
If it survives, roll 1d12 to see which internal location is damaged (if any).
If it destroys the internal structure, that location is destroyed and any damage left over bleeds through to the next location's internal structure and another attack is made to the structure and armour, with a cumulative -1 penalty to the 1d6 attack roll (zero damage is possible) each time the internal structure is destroyed. If damage is reduced to zero on either hit, the ammunition has finished cooking off - do not roll for structure or component damage.
- Applicable to - Vehicles
- When a MG ammo bin is hit, apply 3d6 of ammunition explosion damage to the Body's internal structure and armour. If the vehicle survives, make a Ground Vehicle critical hit roll against a random facing (roll 1d4: 1 - Front; 2 - Rear; 3 - Left; 4 - Right).
- Special Applications with CASE
- When CASE is equipped, the CASE-protected MG ammo only makes one 1d6 x (MG damage) attack against that location's internal structure, not the armour, before being vented, reflecting the "cellular" part of CASE. CASE II and Vehicular CASE resolves as normal.