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Chapter 7 – The Commandant[]

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Last Stand at Hue[]

07/08/3051 | Somerset, Lyran Commonwealth

A young man with a sharp pressed white and blue uniform complete with a polished steel helmet topped with a plume of red feathers and a saber at his hip stood at the foot of the stairway leading to a Monarch dropship, the LCN Respite. “Cadets, Attention!”

“Ja Kommandant!” Echoed out from the formally dressed soldiers lining the carpeted pathway with rifles at their side as the band played behind them filling the area with music. Each of them raised their hand in salute as a distinguished and well-dressed woman walked toward the vessel beneath the eyes of the Somerset Military Academy Cadets, Cadre, and Staff while their Battlemechs stood behind them oversized robotic hands locked in the ‘salute’ sub-routine.

Duchess Anette Steiner paused at the base of the steps and looked over to the officer in charge. Her muted but elegant dress rustling at the abrupt stop. “This was unnecessary, son, but I appreciate the effort you put into it.”

Adam Steiner (Young)

Adam Steiner

Hauptmann Adam Steiner waited until she formally saluted him before he let his hand down to a well-practiced Nagelring rest. “It’s good practice. Now they know why I make them do parade marches around the courtyard. We only break out the dress whites for weddings and funerals on Somerset.” “And seeing me off to Tharkad.”
“You will be serving on the Estates General for a year. You deserve a regal send-off.”

“Thank you, Adam. It made me feel special. I will miss Somerset while I am away. Any last minute concerns before I depart?”

He ducked his head slightly, his helmet’s chin strap riding his jaw to much while erect. “No bride shopping Mother. Andrew and I can manage on our own.”

Anette chucked “I’m not even off-world yet and you are already setting terms. Somerset will be in good hands for certain while I am away.” Then gave a subtle curtsy, “I will temper my search Adam for I shall be busy on Tharkad. Making sausages out of the organs of government.
However, should a charming young lady present herself I can offer no guarantees.”

“Will Walter be joining you on Tharkad?”
“Perhaps, for a time. Why?”
“He’s a good man. I’d hate for you to be alone.
Last time you were on Tharkad things did not go so well.”

“That’s not true. It gave me you.”

She leaned in to embrace him and give him a kiss goodbye to the minor surprise of those gathered. However, they kept silent and at attention. “Goodbye, Son.
If you need anything, I am your representative on Tharkad and mother always.”

“Goodbye, Mom. I wish you safe travels and a speedy return.”

The assembled crowd remained there until the Monarch leapt into the clear blue sky filled with sunshine and marching music. Adam’s Aide'de'Camp addressed him to break the tension, “Where to now Lord Commandant?”

Adam Steiner walked through the crowd which folded neatly into columns behind him and toward the Starport shuttle buses and their other equipment. He swapped the ornamental helmet for his Defiance 3S7’s neurohelmet, the latest from Doering Electronics, then unfastened his cape to wrap a cooling vest over his formal blouse. “Back to Somerport and the Academy.
You still have the same amount of work to do today, and I have more. Break time is over Cadets.”

Prelude to a Evacuation[]


Somerport nestled itself along both banks of the Holly river as a COMSTAR shuttle landed on the Somerset Military Academy’s airfield taxiing past training planes toward the main hangers. A fireteam of CSC Espatiers disembarked from the shuttle with their laser rifles slung over the shoulder. One of them directed a white minibus, noticeably absent of insignia, using a flashlight as it backed down the steep ramp shortly after.

Demi-Precentor Narendra Varga followed it down, “You five stay with the Shuttle. I will go and collect our holdouts.” The Espatiers nodded, unslung their rifles, and donned the multifunction optic headset that both allowed them to see in the dark and not go blind from laser scatter.

The bus drove quiet and dark through the vacant streets of Somerport toward COMSTAR’s grange house/satellite office just outside of town. This Grange was like others of its type, found in light industrial areas just out of town due to their antennae masts and similar aerials, providing telecommunications, co-generation options, and backup power for crucial infrastructure in smaller cities. Its office was staffed and lit 24/7 for any that needed access to the Order’s expansive services.

Narendra entered the building to see the technological baubles meant to awe and impress the simple minded and distract the strong willed dark. Two dozen Adepts and Acolytes waited in the lobby with large bags at their feet. A female Adept stepped forward and exchanged the standard pleasantries. “We need more time to secure everything Demi-Precentor.”

“Everything important has already been secured, Sister Carol. Our time is short.
We must urgently evacuate to protect our Order’s secrets and people.”

They looked aside then at their feet, “Then they are here already?”
“We detected their JumpShip’s emergence signature two days ago, yesterday we confirmed it. It is only a matter of time until these Invaders make planetfall.”

A young Acolyte balled his fist and stared at the Demi-Precentor, “What of the people of Somerset?”

The Demi-Precentor shook his head, “We cannot help them but neither will we aid the enemy. Primus Waterly is aware and the COMGuards and Space Command are mobilizing from across the Inner Sphere.”

Carol looked around at her people, “Where are we going, Demi-Precentor?”
“Odessa for sorting and redistribution. Many ships are already en route. Everything beyond that is up to the LCAF and ComGuards.”

Tauton Starport sprawled beyond the planetary capital, two Beacon dropships of the COMSTAR White Star Merchant fleet sat ready on the tarmac. PEX-A Exoskeletons pulled carefully packed ergonomic unit containers, the most valuable of COMSTAR’s computer, electronic, and HPG components, while numerous light gray clad personnel picked up smaller crates on pallets placed just outside.

Adept Carol and the others walked up the ramp to see the expansive cargo bays of these planetary lighters filled with their fellow COMSTAR personnel from across the world each of whom gave her grim looks as they carried their small containers under the direction of the CSC Ship’s Crew to their storage. With her people collected the White Star Captain gave the order to prepare for takeoff Espatiers and Crew began directing the faithful to their SCEM bunk, a shipping container modified to support a dozen people as comfortably as if they were berthed as part of a ship’s contingent.

She lingered as the door closed and Somerset’s sun rose over the horizon. “We will return. I am certain of it.

Stand fast Somerset, and sorry.”

Change of Management[]

(Military Education) Hauptmann Adam Steiner jogged on the quiet streets of Somerport through the pre-dawn twilight with his hi-viz vest on and into a group of cadets milling just outside the barracks. They turned to and saluted him before Lieutenant Rachel Spector of LCAF MI stepped to the front. “Adam, what are you going to do?”

He rubbed his hand through his brown hair and looked around to see an increasing number of cadets awake and active in their combat uniforms rather than PT long before revelry. “About?”

“COMSTAR.” Adam furrowed his brow, “Lieutenant, how about we talk in my office?”

The pair were followed by eyes until the Commandant Office’s door closed behind him and a pair of MPs took up station beside it. Adam paced the room and peered through the blinds to see more cadets crowded outside. “You shouldn’t call me by my first name in public, Rachel.”

A chair was pulled out for her as he sat behind the desk. Growing light illuminated her finer features but revealed a look of concern. “I apologize Lord Steiner. However, I don’t think our relationship will be the thing that sinks your reputation, especially on a planet like Somerset.”

“If you weren’t from here, I would take that as an insult.”

She nervously ran her left hand through her hair, “We both know how Tharkad feels about us, but COMSTAR has abandoned Somerset." "How do you know?"

"Lea says Tauton HPG has been evacuated. We can still track the White Star Beacon planetary lighters that left Hollyfield hours ago with the tower, but civilian communications are becoming unreliable. It’s going to be chaos unless we can come up with a workaround.”

“There has been no reason for them to order an interdiction or pull out our Starlift capacity. Without those lighters we only have the Academy’s Union on world for heavy lift. For as much as my granduncle and Mother have invested into infrastructure there are few rails and roads between our towns.

Precentor Lamberti and I were on good terms just last week. He said they were even upgrading our systems, that there might be a minor disruption. What could have happened?”

“Something must have spooked them. Adam, when I heard COMSTAR left last night I checked out the long range IR array. After some computer reprocessing, I think we might have picked up a faint KF emergence signature.” “Dracs? Pirates?” “I don’t know, COMSTAR wouldn’t be spooked by some pirates or Dracs though. Not that anyone would risk it after your brother’s campaign against the Greater Valkyrate.”

“He sure got results. I don’t know who we are fighting. I can only tell everyone that we will manage somehow until I have more information.”

The room’s command console came to life to their surprise. “Incoming Radio transmission from CSA Meng Ajete.”

“Be careful what you ask for Adam.”

Adam walked over to the command console and opened the file, a hologram of graying man with intense eyes and a uniform that looked like a historical holovid of the SLDF appeared. “Decadent Noble Ruler of Somerset I am Star Colonel Seth Irons, Commander of the Seventy Third Cavaliers of Clan Star Adder.

We are two days out from your planet and thus this transmission begins my formal batchall for the planet Somerset and its people. As such it contains my force composition and our protocol for the ritual of a Trial of Possession.

Name yourself and transmit with what forces you shall defend?”

They opened the attached document which detailed the commanders of the 73rd Cavalier and which units they commanded. Rachel read faster than him, “This 'Cluster' is basically a miniature RCT Adam. We can’t fight them off with the Milita and Training Battalion.”

He read more into the actual ritual rules and found them enlightening, “We might not have to though Rachel. I think I can do it with my dirty dozen and hide everyone else, just in case.”

“You’re crazy Adam. Half of them came off Blackjack, Solaris, or Galatea.” Beside them the printer spat out the detailed reports of his enemy, “Exactly the kind of people I need for a mission where we are outnumbered and fighting unknown foes.

I can’t refuse an enemy that gives me all the ammunition I need against them and lets me choose the field of battle.” He picked up one of the printouts with a smile on his face, “COMSTAR might have been spooked but I have a plan.”

Before the sun set on Somerport Star Colonel Seth Irons waited with his hands behind his back aboard the Command Overlord IIC, CSA Meng Ajete. A hologram of a young man with brown hair and a warrior’s look appeared before his subordinate officers within the briefing chamber. “This is Lord Commandant Adam Steiner, the planetary ruler of Somerset, and Trainer of its Warriors. He has answered our batchall bidding an SLDF standard Company of Battlemechs, ‘and what they carry,’ against us.”

Overlord Class DropShip Queen of Argyll (Liftoff by Chainsaw snuggler)

Overlord Class Mech Carrier asending

Each of the four subordinate officers peered at the hologram and one another. A woman with platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes spoke out, “Only a Company? Sending a complete Cluster to this world was a waste of our limited assets Star Colonel.” “Not according to the pirates of Gotterdammerung Star Captain Kerensky. Adam’s trothkin Andrew succeeded in defeating them outnumbered two to one and with little damage to his unit.”

“They were stravag freeborn bandits, Star Colonel. We cut through others with less than a Star.”

“Precisely why the cutdown for this Trial is a Binary.”

She stood up to walk over to and lean into the Star Colonel. Waving her hands at the gathered MechWarriors all of whom were from Clans other than Star Adder except for Irons. “You think we are such inferior Warriors that we must match them almost one to one.”

“If you wish to bid lower than do so when your turn comes up.” Seth leaned back into her, lowered his voice, and glowered toward her. “Until then sit down Katya, or you will again face the lash for your insubordinate behavior.”

Katya Kerensky returned to her seat beside the other Star Commanders and Captains of the 73rd. Adam’s form was replaced by a holographic representative of their respective Binaries. “Warriors of Clan Star Adder according to our rites you are to bid, and I shall determine which force shall take on the Inner Sphere for the glory and honor of our Clan.

The cutdown for this Trial is a Binary. Raise your hands if your bid is lower.”

Hands were raised until two remained at Seven Points, between Katya Kerensky and Shane Yeh. “Any bids below Seven Points Star Captains?”

“I can win this trial with Five Points Star Colonel and three of those shall be Battle Cobras.” Shane let his hand down, and the Star Commanders glared at her. “That is madness Star Captain. Even with your overinflated view of yourself you must realize that such an endeavor borders on recklessness.

Your glory hounding could upset the whole invasion. Imagine if we lost to the Inner Sphere because of some Ristar’s Pride. We would become a laughingstock.”

They stood then stanced up to one another, “My bid stands unless you intend to do something about it Shane. I can take this Adam Steiner outnumbered and outgunned because we are Clan, and our cause is just.”

Seth Irons raised his hand, “If you are so confident in your abilities Star Captain Kerensky, I will grant you the opportunity to see if you are truly as skilled as you believe yourself to be.

Your Binary shall take on these Somerset Strikers, and you shall take the whole Binary.” He stepped into the holographic projection cone toward her, “Even if you only engage half of them. Just in case.

Go prepare yourself Warriors. The day after tomorrow will be the first in many glorious days leading to the REVIVAL of the Star League under the ilKhan.”

Each of them turned to face the Cameron Star and plaque holding ‘General Order 137’ that adorned the briefing and ward rooms of every Clan Installation and Vessel. “Seyla!”

Order of Battle[]

Somerset Strikers
Heavy Lance (Commander by Lord Commandant Adam Steiner)
Defiance DFN-3S7, 75t
Archer ARC-4X, 70t
Thunderbolt TDR-9S+, 65t
Thunderbolt TDR-5D+, 65t

Medium Lance (Commanded by Captain Valten Ryder)
Enfield END-6J, 50t
Hunchback HBK-4J+, 50t
Shadow Hawk SHD-2Hb, 55 ton
Shadow Hawk SHD-2M, 55t

Scout Lance (Commanded by Captain Ciro Ramirez)
Phoenix Hawk PXH-3S, 45t
Firestarter, FS9-A, 35t
Commando COM-2D+, 25t
Hermes II HRM-2S+, 40t
Total Tonnage – 630 tons + ‘What they can carry’
Average Tonnage – 52.5

Prime Binary, 73rd Adder Cavaliers
Red Star (Commanded by Star Captain Katya Kerensky)
Sidewinder, 75t
Hellfire, 60t
3xBattle Cobra, 40

Blue Star (Commanded by Star Commander Presley)
2xShadow Cat, 45t
2xThresher, 60t
Hellbringer, 60t
Total Tonnage – 525 tons
Average Tonnage – 52.5

Line in the Sand[]


CSA Meng Ajete landed near the desolate land of white and green that is Somerset’s North Country. Snow evaporated in great gouts of steam beneath its thrusters. Meltwater began turning to ice as dark colored mechs trimmed with crimson stepped over it. Flurries fell from an iron gray sky as they walked through the pine forest occasionally crashing down a young tree forcing its pilot to balance themselves and check their footing.

Their Circle of Equals appeared in augmented reality on Katya’s HUD visor. She clutched her control stick and tapped out commands on the multifunction display secure in her command chair. Her blonde hair peeking out from the helmet. “Blue Star shall remain outside the Circle of Equals until I call for them, as instructed.”

Hellbringer - Loki Heavy OmniMech (Firing ER PPC) (Farseer Animation)

Hellbringer Heavy OmniMech

A request for a private channel appeared on her display as Presley’s Hellbringer shifted to stand beside her. “You have your orders, Commander.”
“I know Captain Kerensky, but if we remain outside the Circle we cannot quickly come to your aid. Adam Steiner has chosen a long but narrow valley as our trial grounds.”
“Which will negate his larger unit. This Adam Steiner will be quickly destroyed, and I shall emerge victorious.”
“It will mean nothing of the sort, it will allow him to focus his fire on your Mechs, but if you insist my Star shall remain outside the Circle.

However, if I see that you are struggling, it is my Warrior duty to engage and defeat these Somerset Strikers. It is not only your honor at stake. Here you are a representative of Clan Star Adder.”
Katya Kerensky’s Sidewinder stepped through the barrier and into the Circle of Equals followed closely by the rest of her Star. “I am here Adam Steiner. Let this Trial begin.”

Adam’s face appeared on her channel, “It’s not too late Katya Kerensky. You can still lift off and spare yourself.”

She chuckled within her cockpit, “I do not think that will be necessary Lord Commandant Steiner. However, I shall extend the same courtesy to you. Final option to surrender.”

“Rejected. If you want Somerset. You will have to go through us first, Kerensky.”

As the pines became denser Katya’s Red Star powered up their jump jets and leapt over them. Each hop brought them deeper into the forest and closer to battle. “With pleasure.”

A MechWarrior called out “Contact!” on the battlenet as dozens of rockets launched from the forest in volleys staggering the lumbering Hellfire until it collapsed in the snow with critical structures exposed to the elements. Stray rockets splintered pines while smoke drifted away to reveal the humanoid shapes of the Somerset Strikers’ Scout lance hiding between the trees.

Other Warriors panicked leaping away from the Battlemechs and the smoking cylinders they carried while her weapons dropped the Firestarter before it could come into range to threaten her with its weapons. The light Battlemech’s flamers still glowed but the flames were unfocused, enough to char trees but not enough to set them ablaze in the wintery conditions.

The Scout Lance withdrew deeper into the forest as Katya’s knuckles went white wrapped around her control sticks as she looked at the shattered Hellfire. “Savashri.”

Presley’s voice filled her neurohelmet, “One mech down on either side. You are doing splendid Star Captain.”
“Stay outside the Circle Commander, as ordered.”

With a flick of a switch the open band within the Battlenet came alive, “Hold your nerve, Warriors!”
“They ambushed us, Star Captain.”
“That just means this is now a Grand Melee and we shall remain alert to more traps.”
“We did not bring active probes to search out hidden Mechs.”

Her Battlemech’s sensors flashed a rough outline of their path before they disappeared into the endless green and gray. “Then we must use regular sensors.”

Red Star bounded through the pines to see the Somerset Strikers gathered in a loose arc on a ridge. Missiles arced toward the Star Adders as orange explosions erupted behind them. Katya’s Sidewinder shuddered as enough missiles found their mark. A panicked MechWarrior screamed as her Battle Cobra was engulfed in air sensitive inferno gel. Splattered gel set one of the Icepines alight with an explosion of pine resin, the sputtering liquid expanded the area of effect.

“You are fine MechWarrior; it is just fire. You are in an Omnimech.”

Constantly jumping caused her shots to veer wildly as she fought the Strikers and her own inferior position within this tinderbox. Mountain winds howled spreading flames that threatening to slow Blue Star’s response even further while blowing the smoke into her forces. Her own options were greatly diminishing, the Binary’s normally energy heavy pod mix had seemed an advantage in the cold but now with the Circle of Equals transformed into a conflagration it was a greater liability.

An unusual Battlemech, identified as the Defiance, which looked like a deformed Marauder started down the ridge. It’s feet snapped blazing fallen logs like toothpicks. Two Thunderbolts and what they called an Enfield followed him down into the forest. “Things getting a little hot down there Katya?”

Hunchback (Firing - Hard Wired Ep2 - TMC group )

HBK-4J Hunchback Medium 'Mech

She dispatched the summon order for the rest of the Binary, Glory shared was better than defeat. Her Mech systems informed her that the temperature was rising in the cramped cockpit but not enough to explain the sweat she felt fathering on her headband as fired toward the supporting arms that remained on the exposed ridge. An HBK-4J lost its footing and teetered backward under her assault slightly diminishing the constant hail of missiles. Katya leapt onto a rocky rise just ahead of the smoke that trailed behind her.

“You think this phases me, Adam? Our home worlds are no strangers to wildfires, and I have fought on many of them.”

“Well, that’s too bad because I’ve fought on Somerset, in this particular valley many times.” The Defiance and Adam’s ad hoc Lance peeked their heads above the woods toward her, “enough that I know that rise is not natural.”

His rotary autocannons and PPCs fired at the stones beneath her feet. Boulders shattered beneath her Mech’s mass and under fire. The sudden fall caused her to lose balance and the Sidewinder slid down far enough that she hit her head hard enough to see stars and taste metal in her mouth. Although dazed for a moment she forced her Sidewinder out of the rubble as Blue Star joined the fray and the last Battle Cobras succumb to the never ending barrage trading themselves for the Scout Lance.

Fighting with Everything we have[]

Star Adders and Somerset Strikers exchanged fire through the blazing pine forest, the TDR-5D's Pontiac 100 thundered splintered trees before slamming into a Thresher knocking it back on its heels. Sleek Shadow Cats leapt above the rocks using their mobility to flank the Strikers lead Lance but felt the sting of rockets from the ARC-4X and HBK-5J. Their forward progress was blocked by the Shadow Hawk and Griffin which joined them on the saddle where they exchanged magnesium bright gauss fire, whistling LBX sub-munitions, and hyper-accelerated particles to ablate and shatter the armored chassis.

Beneath them the pair of Threshers and Presley’s Hellbringer walked forward through the cleared area keeping the flames and smoke to their sides. Explosions erupted from the ground, “Mines! Like some dezgra bandit!”

Adam’s Defiance strode through the flames his rotary autocannon firing intermittently in conjunction with the particle beams from his arm mounted weapons. Katya couldn’t believe the machine as heavy as her own could move that fast, “His Defiance moves at the speed of a Timber Wolf, impossible. There was nothing in the intelligence about this level of technology.”

Archer (MWO version - Desert)

ARC-4X Archer Heavy 'Mech

“Those are vibrobombs Commander Presley. Tuned to your mech’s mass and delivered courtesy of Fagan’s Archer. Very expensive, but worth it because of this.”

To her surprise Adam’s Defiance kicked the Thresher’s leg bending the stumpy, previously solid limb with a single strike of its stout leg, power that not even a Blood Asp could match. Its pilot barely managed to keep the machine upright. The Thresher threatened to wobble and fall on the exposed, misaligned actuators. Crunching metal could be heard over the roar of the flames that surrounded her.

“You dare to engage us in Melee, MechWarrior.”
Are you Clanners so afraid to get your hands dirty?
This whole machine is my weapon. I will use it to the fullest.”

Thunderbolt (in Desert)

TDR-5D Thunderbolt Heavy 'Mech

Adam moved beyond it toward Presley’s Hellbringer as her Mech took more fire from the Thunderbolts. She dodged a shot from the TDR-5D’s Pontiac 100 which shattered stone and splintered wood behind her. Her Sidewinder paid for it as missiles struck her from above slamming into the upper torsos and damaging her missile rack’s covers.

Their Enfield leapt forward to engage the hobbled Thresher, its lasers and cluster munitions impacted the machine causing it to fall into a copse of blazing fallen trees that seemed eerily like a pyre. One fortunately unable to cremate its pilot as long they stayed inside their cockpit. However, the Enfield received the injured machine’s full payload causing it to lose power and land face first, burying itself in the baked dirt.

Katya’s Sidewinder juked away from the TDR-5D and its heavy autocannon toward the TDR-9S and opened fire. Its Anti-Missile System came alive shredding some of her missiles with its precision flak rounds. Her Gauss Rifle smashed, and her Pulse Laser melted armor over the heavyweight classic. It toppled over landing on its back and didn’t rise.

She wiped her forehead but still felt sweat pooling on her headband although the cockpit temperature still registered within normal limits. “Thank the Great Father for a lucky break.”

Presly and Adam were engaged in a fearsome duel that was going poorly for her subordinate and his Hellbringer while the TDR-5D was presently engaged with the remaining Thresher. Above her the Shadow Cats neutralized or bypassed the enemy by engaging their MASC systems to sprint along the ridge and into close range.

Irritatingly this Archer 4X seemed almost as capable as her when firing its missiles at close range, further showing that the Inner Sphere was not nearly as backward as their sources claimed. Nevertheless, they drew the Striker’s Fire Support Duo to them giving her and the others relief from their unending hail of missiles. The Shadow Hawk lifted itself up on a mangled arm and leg to limp toward its companions firing its autocannon at the extreme of its range.

“I require assistance, Star Captain. Adam Steiner’s Mech just seems to get stronger the hotter it becomes and many of my sub-systems have suffered damage from his missiles, which have somehow penetrated my armor.”

Inside Star Captain Kerensky seethed, was their intelligence so poor on these Spheroids that they were more than a match in a peer to peer competition. If so, the Clans could never stop. They would have to take the whole of the Inner Sphere. Quickly too before more of these MechWarriors and their somehow equivalent machines could be mobilized against them. It would make it easier to convert the Lyran industries to their war effort however and the foresight of the Khans to choose this target was validated.

“I am en route to engage him, Presley. Keep moving and draw him further from his support.”

Having seen what happened when the Defiance came in close her subordinate was unable to fully leverage his machine’s firepower to maintain mobility in the face of the Spheroids’ assault. Presley backpedaled through the burning forest followed closely behind by the Defiance. She leapt over the canopy to track his progress and get a bead on the Lord Commandant and his murderous machine.

Somehow Adam was sustaining an incredible rate of fire from his machine although it showed the accumulated battle damage. Presly’s Hellbringer was pockmarked with holes from missile and cannon impacts. It’s legs blackened and bare from having been first over the mines before drawing the ire of Adam who insultingly seemed to have ordered his Lancemates to handle her.

Katya saw that the TDR-5D she had left to engage the remaining Thresher had fired at her. Its missiles impacted her rear armor but caused no critical damage. Her own missiles fired but failed to achieve a lock as their sensors were confounded by smoke and flaming trees. Each leap of her Sidewinder broke smoldering logs into char and ash upon landing. Laser pulses raked across Adam’s machine, but their effect was not evident as the armor plates had already warmed to a dull red within her HUD as it shrugs its way through the pines as if they were matchsticks or if it were some Troll or Ogre of myth.

Her console showed that she was running low on ammunition for her missiles and Gauss Rifle. She prided herself on her accuracy but shooting a moving target through a flaming forest while jumping would push the skill of even the best sharpshooters Clan Nova Cat could offer.

Sweat poured openly down her face now, she was to late and Presley’s Hellbringer lay in a twisted heap within this fiery glade that seemed right out of some hellish nightmare and threatened immolation for them both. One of his Defiance’s arms hung by strands of tortured myomer, the other was skeletal enough that she could see the shaping coils for his PPC through the smoke. “Seems that I have run out of ammunition Katya Kerensky. Here, I thought I had brought enough to share.”

Bluffing was not something Star Captain Kerensky was familiar with, but she too had empty magazines and like his Defiance she had one arm hanging on but intact enough to provide power for its energy weapon. Her cooling system had been overtaxed by the constant jumping and accumulated battle damage. “So do you yield then, Adam Steiner?”

“Neg, as you say Star Captain. I still have a PPC, and I can see you don’t have any missiles left. My mag sensors also indicate your Gauss Coils are unpowered.”

“Astute observations, Lord Commandant. However, I still have my Sidewinder.” Katya initiated a sub-routine that few Warriors still practiced due to its hazard to the operator, “and its jump jets.” She triggered her thrusters leaping toward him like an Angel of Fiery Judgement.

Aftermath of Battle[]

Within the warm confines of CSA Meng Ajete, Katya Kerensky, Presley, and the others stood for inspection by Star Colonel Irons. Everything smelling of smoke and pine resin from the persistent forest fire just outside their dropship. “Half a Shadow Cat stood between you and defeat Star Captain Kerensky and Star Commander Presley. Everything else is a tangled mass of metal and myomer beneath the smoldering remnants of that forest we pulled you out of. You are lucky it did not claim your lives as well, equipment is expendable, but our people are not.”

Seth Irons turned toward the other MechWarriors in his command who stood with their backs against one wall within the adjacent corridor. “Let this be a reminder Adders that we should not underestimate our opponents. There is a chance that our future fights shall be as difficult as our first.”

He extended his hand toward Katya whose uniform like those of her Binary was covered in ash from their recovery. “You should all thank the Star Captain and her command for suffering on your behalf so that you might learn from their example.

It is only through Unity of purpose and action that we stand a chance to restore the Star League. We shall henceforth match the Inner Sphere Mech for Mech until we can attain superiority and better understand what they are capable of.

You are dismissed!”

The 73rd Adder Cavaliers saluted before returning to their duty stations, all except Katya and Presley.
“What part of you are dismissed did you misunderstand MechWarriors?”

Katya closed the hatch beside her, and Presley did the same.
“We respectfully Refuse the orders you gave us before calling this assembly.”
“To remain on Somerset?”
“Aff, I support the Star Captain in this, Star Colonel Irons. You cannot sideline us like this. We earned our place as frontline Warriors of Clan Star Adder.
Katya and I scored at the top of our sibkos.”

“While that is true, you presently lack Mechs, since yours were unsalvageable.”

“We can acquire new Mechs!”

“Which will take longer than I can acquire a new Binary. It is simpler to divert the forces that would be tasked with occupying this world to my command.

Leaving you behind to caretake the planet until you can be restored to combat efficacy.”

Her hands balled up as Presley eyed them with concern, “Which will take how long?” “Unknown, without a functional HPG facility or either COMSTAR or INTELSTAR manning a reception station you will have to rely on Jumpship couriers to communicate with INTER-LOGI and they handle allotments.”

Presley ducked as Katya threw a punch toward the Colonel who sidestepped it and backhanded her into one of the command room’s multifunction consoles with a crash. Blood ran down the metal as she turned toward him with a busted nose and rage in her eyes.
“Do not forget that you chose my Cluster because it was among the highest performing during the placement Trials. That is because there is no room for Maverick Ristars and insubordination within it.

I will forget this incident occurred.”

He wiped the back of his hand with a kerchief. “However, if you no longer wish to retain your rank and status but want to desperately get into the fight; I am certain there is an open Technician role you could perform.

Thus, if you wish to retain them you are to remain on Somerset until INTER-LOGI issues you new mechs and assigns you to a new Cluster. Maybe your bondsman can even teach you a few things while you are here.”

Seth Irons neatly folded the kerchief and returned it to his breast pocket before assuming a boxer’s stance, “Unless you wish to make this a proper Trial of Grievance. I have fought Wolves before and won.

Do not think I have forgotten how just because I no longer get in the field as much as I once did.”

She paused blood streaming down her nose and face, staring down 'Implacable Irons.' Known formerly as the ‘Tyrant of Tranquil’ while she was in Creche on-world and until she had begun Sibko on Sheridan, the launching point for the Star Adder's eventual Absorption of Clan Wolf. “I will abide by your orders, Star Colonel.”
“Wisely.” He handed her the kerchief from his pocket, “Both of you clean yourselves up and prepare to transfer your Stars and support to Hollyfield Starport.

We will shortly depart afterward to Wotan along with the rest of Gamma Galaxy to take on the Twelfth Star Guards.”

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