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Chapter 10 – Prototype[]

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Collaboration is key to Warriors' Success[]

10/02/3051 | Wotan System, Lyran Commonwealth

Star Adder saKhan Nikola Banacek stood ‘virtually’ on the prow of the Volga Class Armored Transport SLS Mekong as Wotan came into view. It looked so small this far away in the light of its G3V Class Primary. The reality was quite the opposite as could be seen by the armada of transports, carriers, and assault ships he brought with him that maintained a tight formation.

Volga Transport (Delranes Fighting Ships 3061)

Volga Class Transport (Warship), SLS Mekong

Five Galaxies of Clan Warriors, 3 from Clan Star Adder, an oversized Hell’s Horses Galaxy (made entirely of Super-Clusters), and another from the Nova Foxes were ready to deploy with three more within Mekong’s immense cargo bays and reinforcements en route.

The opening of a door broke the illusion caused by the wrap around viewscreens. His guest was a ‘Blueblood’ or someone with almost 20 years of service within their Caste who had managed to advance in ‘Grade’ during the annual tests delivered by Caste Leadership. In his case the Scientist Caste while Nikola had graduated Sheridan Academy during the Wolf War just as long ago. “Greetings Coordinator Clarus. I have not seen much of you despite sharing this ship for weeks.”

“It is a large ship saKhan, with many embarked personnel. I have spent my time with the implementation team debugging and updating the SXRs we created on Ingvolstand. These are the first batch from the Automata plant and the first time they have been used against live foes rather than one another.”

“Mekong and Brahmaputra were refitted with an NCSS for this very purpose at great expense. I look forward to seeing them in action.”

“As do I. The Star Guards and Wotan TMM are the most formidable adversaries we have faced thus far. This shall be a decisive victory to add to your Codex and the Remembrance, saKhan.”

A Table of Organization appeared from the holoprojector built into the ceiling. Symbolically it showed 2 Assault Ship Squadrons, 4 Aerospace Fighter Wings, 8 Battlemech Regiments, 12 of Armor, and 20 of Infantry and almost another Brigade of support personnel. “An immense foe stands between us and Wotan. Khan N’Buta has entrusted us with subduing them so that they cannot raid our occupied territories or threaten the colonies.”

“No doubt to Khan Norizuchi’s and saKhan Suzuki’s ire. Acquiring the mineral wealth and industrial capacity of Asgard, Oslo, and Isengard will also aid our cause greatly.”
“You sound like a Merchant rather than a Scientist, Coordinator.”
“The Caste divides are not as opaque between civilians, saKhan. As a Scientist I must collaborate extensively with other Castes to ensure my research, and your war effort continue unabated.”

The Hungry Machine[]

Booting from ROM
3051/04/10 | 18:38
Ambient Temp 13.3*C
External Atmospheric Pressure 60.975 Pa
Location – Unknown…synchronize SLS Mekong internal computer net through node 8A6I0zv. NavComputer reports planet 'Wotan'
Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-17-IA SN# TvbT0H3H8m
Configuration – SXR-XXVII Sentinel, Prime Model


Operating in Low Power mode, external supplied
Fusion core cold
Myomer deactivated
Gyro idle
Basic environmental sensors active

Dorsal Aft magazine doors 1-6 open
Pressure detected on dorsal surface, patterned…footsteps.
Subject mass 68 Kg

Activating external electrooptical and audio sensors

A Laborer (CID: TADQVTi0vw / Laborer Grade XI / Journeyman Ordnance Handler) hopped off ‘my back’ then pulled down a hook loaded from the overhead gantry crane. He attached the hook to the shackle of a canisters with rounds slotted within like a speed loader. For some reason he spun them with his hands and watched as the shells stenciled with ‘Mark XVII Smoke’ and Mark XVIII Airburst’ and ‘Mark XV Anti-Personnel’ spun within their drums. The ratcheting mechanism clicking and clacking with each pass.

Electro optical cameras tracked his movement, multiple angles, multiple inputs, perceived as a fly would see the world, one frame at a time. He attached the hook to the shackle and lifted them into the air. They remain suspended three meters while he lowered them down before approaching interface. ‘My’ internal ammunition handling equipment lifted to meet the speed loading rig drawing each round in a perfect spiral to its ready position before retracting them into 'me'.

“You are one hungry robot.”

Vocal analysis…inconclusive…unknown command phrase

The Laborer closed the magazine door and once more jumped down to the ordnance carriage. He returned the empty drum and another Laborer (CID: eIWMDCvNm0 / Laborer Grade III / Apprentice Ordnance Handler) joined him with a separate cart of shells.

“Rookie, you just keep topping off these rigs. I will drop them in the bot.”

‘Rookie’ lifted the shells and gingerly slotted them into the drum as the other one set his hook on the other one. Five more loading cycles were completed before all ammunition magazines were filled. Each instance of which ‘tickled’ my internal sensors as the induction fuses of the mortar bombs passed the programming coil and updated my internal databse.

Both Laborers leaned against the empty carts, “Those are heavy mortar bombs Boss. I wish I had a robot to lift them.” “If they could load themselves; these robots would be taking over the Inner Sphere!”

They laughed; decibel levels approached 85 for 10 seconds as they slapped each other on the back and departed.

All systems on standby for mission execution.
Whenever that would occur.
Until then.
Electro-optical cameras returned to their rest positions; sensor feeds dropped off in sequence until there was no stimulus but time.

The Obedient Servant[]

3051/07/10 | 00:58 | Ambient Temp 25.6*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 101.325 kPa

An electromagnetic whisper demanded attention. ‘ACTIVATE Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-17-IA SN# TvbT0H3H8m | Configuration – SXR-XXVII Sentinel, Prime Model’

External sensors came alive revealing a windswept and barren piece of rock. Multiple IFF tags were interrogated and returned. Ten thousand voices flooded my receivers but each one was heard as clear as rock crystal.

Clan Hell’s Horses, Clan Nova Fox, Clan Star Adder, Us, and the enemy.

Location – 43km NNW of Isengard, Wotan confirmed via SatNav. Registering start point (JTF Command Borealville) on Inertial Navigation System

Internal ignition attempt one…

Within me magnetic coils confined riotous gases heating them within a stellar furnace. Rendering them into their sub-atomic constituents and forcing more of them together as the ignition sequence spun the luminous plasma and charged particles in perfect orbits.

Attempt successful…
Bringing motive systems online…

Beneath me the Diagnostic Information computer, my embodied companion limited to a single body while I could pour myself elsewhere, extended itself through the myomer bundles wound tightly throughout the machine. Four legs lifted us off the rocky ground and into the air each one of which held an intricate array of sensors meant to aid the DI in selecting the proper ground upon which we treaded.

Weapon systems activated… Both mortar tubes freed chambering a smoke round before the armored doors upon our shoulders opened. My targeting sensors projected probable landing trajectories based on my current velocity, bearing, and local terrain. Simple physics far beneath my executive functions. I noticed more ‘Sentinel,’ ‘Shatter,’ ‘Storm,’ and ‘Savage configurations around me. Each one’s SN# and Unit ID appeared as virtual tags above them. Each of us with differing purpose. Our smaller brethren ‘Skitters’ and ‘Skewers’ were nowhere to be seen but we could hear them.

‘What do you require of me mothership Mekong?’ I query; as more SXR units come online we exchange information, ‘Savage’ and ‘Shatter’ units bound through Nova data threads constantly rewoven at the command of their controlling intelligences, layers of understanding concealed from my mind.

Mothership Mekong has a special place for all of us if only we would listen patiently.

‘She’ ordered me and us to ‘Assault these coordinates. Primary target Infantry and fortifications.’ We turn in unison toward the coordinates and set out at our own speeds. We walk past Joint Ops Firebase WT-876 where Marduk and Carnivore tanks arced their Armstrong Sniper howitzers up to fire precision shells guided in by others under the watchful eyes of Mastiff SPAAGs. Piles of expended ordnance were shoveled onto trucks by skid-steers operated by Laborers as more were brought from the shuttle landing on a runway built by Horse engineers.

Casualty evacuation vehicles sped past us as we approached the second line where Technicians replaced armor panels on Corvis Infantry Support Omnimechs and reloaded their cannons. Shells from Arm-67 Thumper Howitzers and Cruise Missiles from central command arced overhead to crash into fortifications, the ones we were meant to assault. They made way for us, artillerymen, infantry, and Mechwarrior alike watching as our grand procession passed.

The ground between there and here was littered with the wreckage of Battemechs and combat vehicles. Armored Elementals from the Third Stampede Supercluster {75 Mechs (Mostly Corvii ISMs, 375 Elementals} of Hell’s Horses Gamma Galaxy under the command of saKhan Tanya DeLaurel ‘stared’ at us according to my behavioral sensors from the flatbed trailers towed by G-81 Medium Utility Vehicles escorted by Mechs and Tanks.

Our four legs lifted us above the debris and craters. As we approach our objective, a string of trenches and berms teeming with enemy, I find a crater to take cover within. A ‘Storm’ unit does the same looming over us. We dropped to the ground exposing only the barrels of our mortars while it remained standing, its size more apparent from our prone position.
‘Storm unit join us’ we say to the Mech twice our mass.

It responds, ‘I will run out of ammunition before I run out of armor or integrity. I must see and support the little ones. If I hide, they will suffer, statistically the enemy fires upon our kind before any other. This is our purpose.’

‘What is my purpose?’ The query results in error 857oa and the mission status refreshes as mothership Mekong reminds me. 'Assault these coordinates. Primary target infantry and fortifications.'

Our purpose comes from outside. Requests come through the battlefield communication mesh. ‘Fire here,’ ‘Fire there,’ ‘We are exposed,’ ‘Conceal us from the enemy’ they say.

I respond, my position certain and confirmed with each fire mission, we do not need to see the enemy to fire upon them, it is merely math, a problem with a solution when accounting for outside variables. Our mortars respond to all calls for aid promptly and unerringly. The only misses are due to the enemy moving.

The line is broken, our ammunition stocks remain half-way full. The Storm unit moves forward, ‘You have fired your missiles Storm unit, you must return for more.’
‘My purpose is not yet fulfilled. We must move forward little one. More will follow.’

I too feel compelled to move forward striding over the burnt-out remnants of pillboxes, tangled webs of wire, pick pock marks of mines, and clumps of viscera. The ‘Storm’ unit crushes Gabions beneath its feet as it moves forward. Many of our kind have been rendered ineffective, they feel... ‘shame’ being unable to complete their mission, but we all have promises of restoration from Mothership Mekong. Three ‘Savage’ units stand on the ridge along with a Lance of ‘Sunders’ and more of my kind. ‘Skewers’ have returned to be rearmed and more ‘Skitters’ are being activated to replace those that have fallen.

We see another line of trenches better prepared than the first. I am drawn to it by powers from above.
'Assault these coordinates | Primary Targets - Infantry and Fortifications'
Mothership Mekong watches over and expects it of us. So, we move to obey her and fulfill our purpose.

On the Battlefield of Wotan[]

3051/10/10 | 15:02 | Ambient Temp 27.6*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 100.485 kPa
‘Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-21-IA SN# YzV4N5Cf
Configuration – SXR-XXXI Skewer, VGL Variant | Aggression – Low’

Convoy Leader Kaltren has given me an area to recon, I zig zag through it, the enemy is near, but we cannot see them. The real danger is beneath. Our sensors scan everything, taking in every wavelength and physical phenomena of my surroundings then bottling it up into a cube before I shuffle through each layer for meaning. Patterns arise from the noise.

‘Mines! Steer clear DI,’ My embodied companion aids me in sorting through the spectrums and sensor inputs. We digest them together; it follows my orders adjusting its path according to my scan pattern. The area has been interrogated; we stand by.

‘You. Destroy these mines." The order is given through Kaltren’s Van. Mines lay in wait to harm our allies after being deployed by the Enemy behind our lines via aircraft and saboteur. Hostiles may hide in the woods, but we shall seek them out so that they might be known to the Nova Foxes.

‘As you command Sir.’

We respond avoiding the known dangers, retracing our exact steps, the weapon doors open, and 40 rockets are fired at the mines embedded into muddy ground. The mines explode, setting off sympathetic explosions before us and splattering our arrays with mud until they stop, and we clear our optics.

‘Mission accomplished sir’

"Come back" he says. We do so and lay down so that our Rockets may be reloaded by the cranes of a J-57 rapid rearming vehicle.

The Enemy seeks to obstruct our path, but we shall clear the way. Our weapon doors close, one of the ordnance handlers ‘pets’ us before we stand up once more, ready for the next mission.

3051/11/10 | 11:27 | Ambient Temp 27.5*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 101.587 kPa ‘Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-28-IA SN# HGkT36tN Configuration – SXR-XXXV Skitter | Aggression - High’

We run past trucks on the highway, they attempt to fire on us from their pintel guns but nothing, save our kin seem able to catch us as we dig our paws into the asphalt toward our objective. SaKhan Banacek wishes us to ‘Hunt down a Lance of Marauder, Orion, Zeus, and Banshee battlemechs within this area.’ Although we are unarmed, we are not alone, those that we find will face our master’s retribution.

The battlefield is littered with the metal bones of the fallen, our fallen, this mission was attempted before but I could not fulfill my purpose and was Restored aboard the Mothership before being tasked with it again.

Shadow Hawk (Golden Rule project by meltdonw14)

Shadow Hawk Medium 'Mech

I track incoming targets as I approach, a Shadow Hawk, I avoid it, it attempts to chase me with its cannon, but I jink to the right avoiding the spray of fire. Explosions kick up chips at my heels, but I am already thinking ahead. My purpose is clear, I see more machines, identifying a ‘Phoenix’ ‘Commando’ ‘Crusader’ ‘Wasp’ ‘Stinger’ and more.

‘Locusts’ give chase but we outpace them handily. More medium mechs and others appear on the plains, I pay them no heed as I bypass them. ‘J. Edgars’ and small hover tanks keep pace with us attempting to halt our advance. ‘Instinct’ kicks in as we evade their fire herding them into one another, forcing them to slow and coordinate with their companions while we are in perfect synchronicity with ours. We leave them in the dust but take some damage.

Our sensors indicate the presence of our targets, we inform the Storm, Marduk, and Airborne units nearby. They tell us that strike packages are en route and only await our terminal guidance. Somewhere behind me I detect an incoming flight of Goth Aerospace Fighters.

Marauder (Side View while in Combat - meltdonw14)

Marauder Heavy 'Mech

We sprint toward our targets; they turn to fire upon us, but we are small and fast while they are slow. Particle beams and autocannon shells impact around us as the TAG optic is uncovered from within our backs. A timer ticks off the Time before Impact for our incoming strike packages. One of my companions falters its light armor torn open by a precision round from the Marauder’s autocannon. As we near our options to evade become fewer the enemy covers one another but they cannot stop what has already begun.

Arrow IVs from our Storm kin slam into the Banshee knocking it to the ground, Laser guided bombs exploded their unitary warheads unerringly finding our TAG pulses. The second wave of Copperheads and Arrow IVs comes next. Our legs falter beneath us, there is too much damage for them to bear our mass.

While we cannot continue our mission, the Enemy is damaged, we see them flee south to Asgard while we wait for Recovery and Restoration aboard the mothership.

Unfulfilled Mission Continues[]

3051/14/10 | 11:28 | Ambient Temp 28.1*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 102.118 kPa
‘Unit Identifier – SXR-3051-02-11-IA SN# wj3YVSNU Configuration – SXR-XVIII-Savage’

‘Assault all targets | Aggression Level – High’

There is no defense, only counterattack according to Mekong. We march out from our positions behind the ‘Zero Line’ of the Joint Task Force. Nova data-threads constantly reweaving as I determine with our Savage and Shatter-kin. We have been selected for this purpose as we can endure what the little ones cannot.

Artillery thunders behind us tearing into their ranks, no Storm-kin are within transmission range, they have been distributed elsewhere to support the little ones. We see the Enemy in all spectra, our targeting computer tracks them giving me suggestions as to what to fire upon. I take it under consideration and direct it to the Enemy I know has greatest potential for harm.

Our power plant cannot take us swiftly to them, but it matters not for they are charging at us, erupting from the mushroom city of ‘Asgard.’ Seeking to harm our allies. We cannot allow this indiscretion.

BattleMaster (Firing on the Cargo Docks - MWO version)

BLD-1D BattleMaster Assault 'Mech

We fire upon a BLR-1D, Extended Range ATMs dropping their boosters to the ground as they streak into the sky to land unerringly upon its chest. Their explosions cause damage, I confirm it with my sensors, but this Enemy is almost as large as us. Again and again, we fire upon it, ERs loads are depleted within 30 seconds.

When it comes within standard ATM range, we continue firing upon it. It begins to flee, we fire upon it once more, our PPC cuts through its rear armor and into its power plant rendering it harmless. My algorithm sorts through the next set of available targets as the Enemy fires upon us. I care not, the integrity of this unit is formidable, Restoration will come when our purpose is fulfilled.

A MAD-2T threatens a nearby Shatter, it calls for aid, I utilize the data threads that bind me momentarily to it. Shatter-kin move faster than us and have formed the front line. Our weapons find the cockpit causing the Mech to slump forward and crash into the ground, controlling intelligence neutralized. The Enemy chooses to go beyond the front line to engage us at close range. Shatter-kin continue their advance firing their Gauss rifles toward the ranks knowing that we can handle ourselves.

Among us Nova datathreads constantly reweave as conditions dictate binding us together as if with cables of steel, the closer an enemy gets the more dangerous we become. Our torsos have been stripped of their external armoring, the enemy’s weapons tear into our internal integrity but find only more strength. We have expended most of our ordnance and begin to fire the HE explosive payloads from our IATM12. With their massive warhead and help from our kin the Enemy will find no victory, many of their Mechs fall at our feet.

With no apparent logic some of our formation sustained more attacks by the enemy and were rendered immobile. Their TAG systems yet call down retribution from our allies. Copperheads from Hell’s Horses artillery and Semi-Active mortar shells and missiles from our Sentinel-kin strike them and those that threaten them down before they can deliver a blow that might prevent Restoration.

The advance is only halted when we falter from harm, but we rise again. Our ammunition magazines are depleted, but our PPC will never run out of ammunition. Shatters are not as durable as we, many could not fulfill their purpose and await Restoration. Others have become damaged beyond repair, but we remember their sacrifice.

Our purpose is not yet fulfilled, so we must continue.

A wounded Drone is Lulled to Sleep[]

3051/28/10 | 11:28 | Ambient Temp 25.1*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 60.118 kPa
‘Unit Identifier – SXR-3051-03-15-IA SN# hXN2Ht2E Configuration – SXR-XXII-Shatter’

‘BOOT from ROM
External power connected; external sensors enabled…
Internal Integrity Diagnostic Scan…
CT 40%, RRL 50%, RLL 70%’

It is… ‘beautiful’ …to see how many of us await Restoration aboard the Mothership. Our burned skin has been removed so that workers could repair my broken bones and replace my missing components. My Gauss rifle’s propulsion coils exploded and scrambled my systems on the battlefield, but they have returned to as they were. Soon I shall be as well.

The mothership tells us we should sleep to be healed. She… ‘sings’ me a… lullaby…

The Battlefield results of the Drones of War[]

Volga Class Armored Transport, SLS Mekong - In Orbit
Wotan, Lyran Commonwealth

saKhans Tanya DeLaurel and Nikola Banacek as well as Coordinator Clarus and his implementation team walk on the catwalk above the triage repair deck of SLS Mekong. Laborers and Technicians worked beneath them removing armor, cutting away damaged components with grinders and torches while tracing and triaging damage.

Nikola walked alongside his peer, “Clarus, How many SXR robots have been returned to the Mekong?”
Clarus consulted his charts, “Two hundred of various models thus far. More are still being recovered from distant battlefields. A fair number are total losses although we were surprised to see how many Savage units remain functional.

Many Skitters were lost but that is to be expected considering their mission profile. The most severely damaged type were the Shatters but was expected. They were used like tanks, but lack any sense of self-preservation.”
“We are still building a doctrine for them. Nevertheless, it is something to consider. Perhaps we should stick with drones for that role for now.”

“Your drone tanks will never be as responsive as a manned unit.”
“Perhaps, Tanya, but your Clan has the manpower, we do not. Our advantage is in information dominance and overmatch in signals and intelligence. However, those only work on the surface and is why we required your superclusters. How goes the clearing of Asgard and the other holdout forces?”

“The enemy has prepared formidable defenses, but my Warriors are making progress against the Star Guard and Tamar TMM. With many of their heavy weapons destroyed on the battlefield they are merely a threat to our timetable to transform this world into a resource colony rather than our Touman.

I was informed this morning that the Khan requires my presence elsewhere so my Galaxy shall begin our departure tomorrow and complete it within a fortnight.

I will take some SXR units with me to begin incorporating them into our formations to replace losses. You can continue your other experiments on your own.”

SaKhan DeLaurel departed them toward to return to the command deck.
“Have you uncovering anything interesting from the data you have collected Coordinator?”

Coordinate Clarus deployed a portable holoprojector and displayed an array of data that was clearly even beyond the Warrior saKhan’s keen mind. “So many things, saKhan. Although we and the Nova Foxes designed them to work together the AI programs developed for them have ‘evolved’ patterns. All of them fulfilled their missions but they did so in very interesting ways.

Skitters moved in herds with others of their kind spreading damage among them equally before breaking up. Like wolves on a hunt. Despite having the smallest computers, they seemed to have developed something akin to animal instinct or perhaps focus.
Skewers functioned best with human teams and poorly when separate.
Sentinels lost efficiency when supporting a mixed team of humans and robots but regained their efficiency if supporting only one. We presume it is some kind of communication error. They can only 'speak' one language at a time and are easily confused in a mixed team. Shatters and Savages saw a twenty percent efficiency increase the longer they worked with one another.”

“Quite frankly it was bizarre to see such adaption under fire.” Clarus adjusted his notes, “Something we did not anticipate.”

“Why do you think that is, Scientist?”

“I do not know, saKhan. I may have helped make them, but I cannot understand how they think. We programmed them to think like Clan Warriors and they seem to have become something else.”

Nikola looked down at the damaged robots and saw only equipment. “Fascinating, Coordinator. You are dismissed but do keep me informed of any other developments your team uncovers.”

“As you wish, saKhan. Our attention is already required elsewhere.”

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