BattleTech Fanon Wiki
BattleTech Fanon Wiki

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Eclipse Medium AeroSpace Fighter
Custom Design
Designer Porty1119
Production information
Manufacturer Wangker Aerospace
Model F-697
Class Medium
Tech Base Inner Sphere
Introduced 3050
Technical specifications
Mass 70
Structural Integrity ???
Frame ???
Power Plant 300
Fuel ???
Communications System Ranker 150B
Tracking & Targeting System Ranker TA1000
Heat Sinks 20
BV (1.0) ???
BV (2.0) ???


Designed as a multirole fighter, the Eclipse saw limited service in the Draconis March Militia of the Federated Suns. It proved to be extremely effective as a 'Mech buster, as well as against enemy fighters.


Reflecting the FedSuns obsession with autocannons, the Eclipse mounts a mammoth AC-20 in its nose, with an LB 10-X AC under each wing, supported by Medium Pulse Lasers mounted under the forward canards. A single ER Small Laser deters pursuit.


-Eclipse-B-Intended as a missile boat, the Eclipse-B is fitted with an Artemis IV-enhanced LRM-20 under each wing. A single Medium Pulse Laser is mounted under the nose, and the craft retains its ER Small Laser.

-Eclipse-C-Configured for air-to-ground strafing, this variant of the Eclipse retains the original Medium Pulse Lasers, with an ER Medium Laser and Large laser under each wing. A pair of SRM-6 launchers are fitted in the nose.

