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Dogs of War
Unit Profile (as of unknown)
CO none
JumpShips unknown
DropShips unknown
Aerospace unknown
Armor unknown


The Dogs of War are based on a system of mutual power where everyone has an equal say. The Dogs of War are an fairly unknown independent pirate state somewhere in the outer periphery. Known (By those who know of it) as ruthless and efficient the Dogs of War act as a merc unit in every respect except the fact they will not work for the Inner Sphere. The dogs of war flagship the Nadin is a heavily armoured quick insertion, 40.000 ton jumpship, although unlike most jumpships the Nadin ( is capable of planet fall.


The Dogs of War have played only minor roles in history and their are really only 2 significant events concerning them.

During the rise of the Star League, when the periphery and parts of the outer periphery were forced to participate a Star League force landed on a planet of unknown name which was simply dubbed "OPRF134" or "Outer Periphery Resistance Force 134" What they found was rather startling, what they thought was a small colony had turned out to be a large city. The DropShip Stargale deployed 2 Lances of heavy mechs to take the city. The first set back was when the drop team lost contact when they passed through the magnetic field disguising the city. What really happened is unknown but the last communication the Stargale received from the drop units was "...Their ripping us to piec...Assaults...Clan mechs...Giant mechs...Naval Gauss...". Only the Dogs of War know what happened and their records have only 1 very short entry.

"During the assault the hidden mech bays were opened and 2 lances of Behemoth 2s were sent to unleash hell on the invading lances"
It is widely thought that the Behemoths were traded from the Clans in exchange for supplies and information on the IS. The number of Behemoths is unknown but it is known they make up the entire Dog of War 'mech core, so the amount is probably between 100 and 50.

The second event was during the Clan Invasion of the IS when some Dogs of War joined the smoke jaguar forces for free due to their hatred of the IS.
