Chapter 34[]
Dead Man's Hand: Family Values[]
Nha Tranh University
Bucklands Province
Lyran Alliance
26th August, 3058
Liz often prided herself on being the smartest person in the room, but she had long since given up on trying to follow what BB and Cathy were talking about. Whatever it was, it involved several white boards, covered in chemical formula and what looked like a depiction of a strand of human DNA. The two scientists had been talking, at speed and seemingly in an alien language, for hours, and showed no sign of slowing down, let alone stopping. Liz had simply sat there and watched in vague amusement, even as the Clan scientists escort had made some excuses to leave the room, Henry following after to keep her out of trouble.
It was clear that all the talk of wanting to keep an eye on the scientist was so much bullshit. The Clans might talk a good game about honor and their supposed hatred of anything they considered underhanded, but Liz knew a spy when she saw one. Star Captain Gabriel Bang-Chu might have been many things, but a good actress was not one of them. She felt sorry for the Watch if she was the best they could come up with.
LIC's Molehunters would have eaten her whole and spat out the bones.
"Yes, I think that might work." Banzai's tone of voice brought the Duchess back to the here and now.
"Finally come up with the plans for a better mousetrap?" she asked, dryly.
"Very droll, Your Grace." The scientist rolled his eyes, "No. If I am right, which I most often am, we may have... if not a cure for Cholmann's Syndrome, then certainly a very promising treatment."
"Just how 'promising' are we talking about?" Liz asked, refusing to let herself feel anything approaching hope.
"Based upon the information we have, we believe that we can stop your condition from progressing to Stage Three." Cathy smiled in a slightly unnerving way, "We may even be able to repair some of the damage already done."
"Well...that's certainly sounds more reasonable than what most of the snake-oil salesman have told my family down the years." The Duchess sat up straight in her chair, "Best case scenario?"
"Well, as Cathy said, you remain in a limited form of Stage Two. You'll always be in a certain amount of pain, and will probably always need assistance in walking." Banzai admitted, "That said, we should be able to repair the damage to your neurons that causes the seizures, and prevent you from getting any worse."
"And the worst case scenario?" Liz asked, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"You would enter Stage Three immediately." Cathy admitted, the smile fading from her face, "I am sorry..."
"I've been racing a ticking clock most of my life. I long ago made my peace with that." Liz admitted, "How much time do you need?"
"With access to what you have available on Kowloon? Two, maybe three weeks." Banzai sounded thoughtful, "I would understand if you want to get a second opinion..."
"I have had second, third, fourth and fifth opinions on my condition." The Duchess stood, "You have three weeks, while I get my affairs in order. Then we let God decide if he's done with me or not."