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Can you tell me where we can start again (cover art) Chapter Art

Chapter 19[]

Can you tell me where can we start over?[]

Tamar, Lyran Commonwealth
November 5th, 3051

Penelope Doons was alone.  WEll, not really alone.  Her Grandmother was on Tharkad, Daphne was on her way to Sanglamore, and Elizabeth was gone, leaving her to deal alone.

It was hard to live with.

Hard to not just check out.  On the news, was more tragedy.  The tragedy had a name; The Clans and Penny Doons was mightily sick of them already.

She gathered her fake identity cards, a handful of currency transfer cards, and some raw cash.  Lizzie did it when she was eleven.  it was a hard standard to beat, at fifteen, but Penny was sick of the pressure cooker at what was supposed to be 'home'.

So she headed out into the live night of Donegal's largest city.

It took 48 hours for anyone at home to notice that Penelope wasn't on the Doons Estate, which is slightly better than the time it took Allison Russell-Ngo to notice Elizabeth's departure in 3049.

Still, it took 48 hours and only because Margaret Doons tried to call her granddaughter from Tharkad.

It would be another 72 before Nashan Security found the tracking numbers on Penelope's card usage and arrowed in on a point to start the search.

Concerns about possible kidnapping, or robbery, were foremost in their minds when the security team arrived on Westerstede.

They needn't have bothered with the preparations, just a check of the public restrooms at the spaceport.

it still took another 24 hours for the identity to be confirmed.  She wasn't least, her heart was still beating when she was rushed to the nearest hospital, where testing confirmed she had somewhere above twenty times the safe dosage of Neuroin in her system, and almost no brain activity.

Penelope's big adventure ended with a needle in her arm in a bathroom twenty-some-odd light years from her home. Right about the same time that Clan Wolf was overrunning the defenders on Tamar.

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