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Chappy's Howling Siegers Chapter Art - Later books

Chapter Five

- Book 4 – Chappy's Howling Siegers

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Imperial Palace
Luthien, Draconis Combine
November 28, 3029

Tai-sa Decker was sitting in a waiting room and was not to thrilled with it either. The reason being, he was trying to inform the Coordinator of a possible plot based on some facts, but mostly gut feelings which is not something anyone should do, so why was he here? If he was wrong, he would be forced out of the only life he had known, intel. If he was right and the Coordinator did not believe him then his nation will be caught with their pants down, but if he was right, he envision himself a great leader in a war. He was dreaming of what he would do as the first Draconis leader to conquer New Avalon when he was startled by the Coordinator’s aid.

“Tai-sa Decker, the Coordinator is ready for you please follow me.”

As Decker followed the man into the chamber that was the Coordinator’s private office, he was more intimidated as he walked in, it was the first time he was in the Coordinator’s office, he had met and had meetings with the Coordinator but never in his office.

“Sir, Tai-sa Decker reporting.”

“At ease, Decker” Coordinator Takashi Kurita said. “Have a seat and please start briefing me about the boarder of the Federated Suns.”

“Coordinator, there are a series of concerns I have the main one is the new nation called the Freedom Federation.” The Coordinator lifted his left hand up showing his long traditional fingernails. “Please, this is not going to go well for you, it is one planet in control of a merc unit. Why the ‘fox’ gave them a planet is beyond me, in fact since Niles used to be under the Combine I was thinking of sending the 5th Sword of Light to take it back.”

Decker started to sweat but he had to inform the Coordinator what he thought he knew; it was his duty.

“Coordinator, that would be a mistake” Decker said as he licked his lips, “The Freedom Federation I believe has six regiments and I think they are about to mobilize in an offensive move coordinated in cahoots with the Federated Suns, I believe that they are not slowing down with their invasion of Capellan like most analysts believe and I think they are going to step up attacks on our border, to me about fourteen planets are vulnerable.” Decker gripped the arm rest a little harder “you have to listen to me Coordinator, if we don’t prepare, we could lose a dozen planets within the next 3 months.” He then released his grip on the arms of his chair realizing now the pain shooting up his arms from squeezing too hard.

Coordinator Kurita just stared at him for a second and then slowly but more loudly started laughing. “You cannot be serious, there is no way Davion and Steiner could launch an attack right now, their militaries are in shambles most are in Capellan space, in fact I am planning a counterattack. My spies are saying even now they are having a hard time getting organized. Let me see your data that conflicts with all other experts.”
Now Decker realized his mistake, the mistake was that other experts besides him would be talking to the Coordinator.

“Sir, most of my presentation is based on my gut feeling, something just feels different this time.”

“Well Tai-sa Decker, that is not good enough, but I will let you investigate this by sending you to the 8th Sword of Light as their intel officer on the border planet, Delacruz, now be gone before I decided to do something else to you for wasting my time.” With that he waived Decker off.

As Decker walked out of the office, he thought to himself well the wife will be happy, I will be a long way from home because of my big mouth, she always said that my mouth would get me into trouble and/or killed.

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