Chapter Twenty-Eighth
- Book 4 – Chappy's Howling Siegers[]
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The Question of Why[]
Situation Room “SCIF”
Mitchella, Remains of Outworlds Alliance
12th Sept, 3030 - 1600GST
The governor sat behind her desk tapping her fingers looking at the man in front of her at attention. She started to wonder how long it would take for him to pass out and pushed that thought aside. The defense of the planet was priority although after what happened yesterday maybe running would be priority, or eating a ham sandwich with mustard and pickles, heck she did it again what was wrong with her she thought I cannot keep focus.
“Director Xie, please tell me why I should not ask you to kill yourself. Oh wait, it’s because we are not Draconis Combine and even then, even after your failure, I still need you. What have you to say for yourself and what type of defense are we going to get.”
She paused a minute looking at the stack of papers and remembered the other issue. “Also, why in the hell did you dissolve the planetary space force and infused their equipment and personnel into your unit, on whose authority did you do that.”
The Director just stood there for a second unsure how to respond, there was something wrong with the governor, but he could not put a finger on it.
“Ma’am, I did that because you put me in charge, I did that to help coordinated resistance on the ground. If their ground forces are like their space forces we need to think instead of winning, how much damage can we do to them.”
Shocked and Awed[]
Hospital of the Healer
Mitchella City
Captain Yoofi was in the back seat of a military escort vehicle a matter of moments after the doctor released her. She couldn’t get out of that hospital soon enough. Still shocked that she was now a member of the Suicide Kings, she had some doubt creep in her mind about what they were doing in the first place. During the drive, over to the base she looked at her personal effects still in the plastic cover, amazingly her pad was still operational, as she turned it on there was a message for her, well for everyone, it was a message from the Freedom Federation.
Mitchella Orbit
Bridge of the UFFS White Bear, Federation Fleet
Michella, Remains of Outworlds Alliance
The Colonel looked at the Ensign as he gave his report, not knowing if this would have any effect on the outcome of the invasion.
Since the Federation was still a new country with radical ideas, the thought was to spread the information about the Federation to the world. The ensign was very proudly about how he could hack into all electronic systems and send the propaganda info out to everyone on the planet.
Captain Yoofi escort vehicle
As she opened the message she asked the driver about it, he replied with a warning that the governor had issued a statement saying that anyone talking about it or caught reading it they would be hung for treason. He said that he would not report her since she just left the hospital and had no idea about the subject. But she read it anyway, and a stirring began inside her, of a life that could be better.
Meeting with the new boss[]
Suicide Kings
Base of Operations
13th September, 3030 - 0800GST
Captain Yoofi stood in front of the Director and gave a stiff salute.
“Captain Yoofi reporting as ordered, sir!”
Director Xie looked her over and said, “Good I am glad you could make it so quickly after your injury. You have been placed under my command, therefor because of your skills and leadership ability I am giving you the rank of Section Leader in command of the 2nd Squadron, most of the flyers are left over from your old unit so there will be a familiarity with them.”
As she walked out of the commander’s office with a new uniform, a new rank, and a stiff walk she wondered what was going on with her. She should be ecstatic, having a dream come true, section leader in the famous Suicide Kings. Unfortunately, she was not, as she walked out of the command building and walked towards the barracks where her unit lived, she kept wondering how it would be to live in freedom and to be done with her mission.
What she saw was total emptiness of hope in the eyes of most of her pilots. Out of the nine pilots six of them was from her old unit the planetary space defense wing, in which they were almost routed to absolutely nothing. Her pilots were just laying around on the tarmac right in front of their new fighters. She shook her head and said, “What are you doing just laying around?”
Her XO looked up lazily and said, “haven’t you heard Section Leader, the Federation dropships are finally coming down the gravity well, location unknown but rumor is that Varnamtown has already taken on a dropship full of Battlemechs and lost in a matter of minutes, the remnant of the 12th company are on a hard and fast retreat. With that being said, boss we are on alert, so here we sit until…” right then the base alarm sounded off warning the personnel that an attack is immanent. “GO GO GO let’s get in our fighters and defend the base!” which was the last words that most of the pilots heard from their Section Leader.
The battle waged as the Suicide Kings tried to take off, vertical takeoff was becoming dangerous since as soon as their fighters cleared the walls and buildings they were being shot down. Orders were received to takeoff using the runway in all four directions using the wall and then the natural terrain to cover them as they picked up speed to invade the Federation laser fire. The Kings were just lining up for their first strafing run when two squadrons of medium fighters appeared from the atmosphere, Red and Green Squadron from the corvette ship, Vigil swoop down and picked off four fighters from behind. The Federation dropship decided to land right in the middle of the runway, effectively cutting off two exit points for the planes that still hadn’t taken off. This caused the king’s fighters to get trapped on the ground with the dropship firing its massive weapons destroying several ships on the ground. Section Leader Yoofi was able to rally some pilots, and after that they divebomb the dropship, causing major damage but in doing so all four Kings fighters were destroyed including Yoofi’s. Knocked unconscious again for the second time in three days and major injuries to her right leg and left arm she drifted to the ground after her chute deployed.
Three towns that had Army units were also visited by the Federation DropShips full of mechs ready to fight. All three towns fell within minutes thus making the continent called Big Horn in complete control of the Federation. Within five hours of breaking obit the Federation had a strong footing on Mitchella.
Firing a Director[]
Governor’s mansion
Situation Room “SCIF”
Day One of Invasion 2300GST
The governor was beside herself, none of her military advisors were doing anything to stop the Federation.
For the last seven months, she had seen the battle reports about the invasion of other Outworlds Alliance planets but blew them off since it was not her planet, but now, now she understood there was something about this unknown unit. Rumors had circulated about a mysterious merc unit with equipment that matched the Wolf Dragoons, as she started to come back from her train of thought she realized that Director Young-Il Xie was going on about honor and such and how he will go to his unit and take over instead of commanding from the bunker. She thought to herself that he should have been there the whole time, as she focused on Xie she took out her sidearm and shot him in the head. When her attendant busted through the door with her gun dawn, she noticed that the governor was ok, then the governor asked her to inform the XO of the Suicide Kings that their commander commented Suicide so he is in charge and to notify the militia commander that he has operational control of all forces now.
Picking the Pieces after Battle[]
City of Friars Point
City Hall
Colonel Scragg looked over all the battle reports and was overall pleased with the outcome minimum damage to most units only two MechWarriors died in combat and several prisoners that may one day be part of the Federation Army. Best yet she was in complete control of one continent and had a strong footing on another, not bad for day one of the invasion, not bad at all.
Just outside of the City of Zhukov
Rescued by a future friend[]
10 miles from the Airbase
Amidst battlefield salvage
Section Leader Yoofi was going in and out of conciseness at one point she thought she saw a bird pick at her skin. She had lost all track of time, but it had to have been hours since she lost her ship since it seemed like it was getting darker every time she woke up or was it just her mind playing tricks.
A breeze kicked up and the bird flew away, the wind was getting stronger, and a bright light shined on her. She did not believe in an afterlife but for a second she thought she was going to heaven, with the lights and wind and then what look like wings descended upon her, later she would recognize it has the unit symbol for the 1st Regiment of Chappy’s Revenge but for now it looked like an angel.
HeloRescue Flt1104
“Sir, I spotted another one barring 202 distance 100 yards.”
“Roger that Gunner, will make adjustment prepare for rescue.”
As the helo hovered and the gunner sent the rescue team down to investigate, he notice that if not for her injuries she would be one very gorgeous woman.
The next day Section Leader Yoofi woke up again this time in a mobile hospital with at least a hundred most of them in uniforms like hers and her old unit the militia. Then she notices a man standing next to her monitor.
“Ah good, you are awake and alert, my name is Doctor Thuy, you are among friends, well technically the Federation, but maybe one day friends. Anyway you have a concussion looks like not your first either since the invasion and you have a punctured lung, cuts on legs and arms and some minor sprains. As you can tell this is a mobile hospital and we are quite busy. With your injuries, not as bad as some, we will just monitor and let you rest and heal. If you have any issues just press the call button, ok?”