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Chappy's Howling Siegers Chapter Art - Later books

Chapter Two

- Book 4 – Chappy's Howling Siegers

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Primus's private office
ComStar HQ, Hilton Head Island
North America, North Carolina
November, 3022

Primus Tiepolo sat at his desk thinking that his plan to create more war and more conflict was working. With the announcement of the Steiner witch, then the pact between the Fox and the Witch, and now the pact between the other great houses will surely lead to a war of two sides. One in which his organization can control was truly exciting. There were only two things that bother him. First one was the Concord of Kapteyn will it hold given the hostilities remaining between Liao and Marik. Second was a troublesome report of a large merc unit with the same qualities as the Wolf's Dragoons showing up in full strength with warships and four full regiments not only that but its leader was a former officer of the AFFS and friend to Hanse Davion. Troubling indeed, Jamie Wolf and Matthew Chapman have not had any communications as far as ComStar has seen but similarities in the way they showed up are the same. He must keep an eye on all these items, so he turned to his computer and started a message for his ROM ordering them to find out what was going on.

Private Chat about the Future[]

FSNS nightly newscast
December 1st, 3022

With continuing peace talks on the way between the houses, war is almost virtually over. During this time, the First Prince has decided to go on a ‘Victory’ tour on the outer realm, while his next stop is unknown due to security, we have seen a pattern of navigation and have determined that next planet will be somewhere along the border of Outworlds Alliance. Excuse me one second. This just in breaking news there has been an outbreak of the Andromindon Flu which is very deadly if not treated and contagious on-board Suns First the JumpShip that has our First Prince on board. The ship has been quarantined, news is none of the men and women on board have died, all are in good spirits and getting the best treatment. With this the Prince’s news office has released a statement. It says that the First Prince is fine, but the Quarantine could last up to two months, so the ‘Victory’ tour is on hold.


Capital City
Location Secret
Planet Devils Breath
Somewhere deep in Outworld Alliance territory
December 17th, 3022

As the First Prince and General Matthew Chapman took in the sites while strolling down the Riverwalk.
Hanse looked at Matthew and saw a significant change in the man not only in the uniform but in his demeanor and he could not be prouder of his friend.

“Matthew, I have so many questions, a year ago I tasked a merc unit to do pirate protection and it was one of your units the commander’s name was Nichole Chapman she had a son that was a lance commander with your name and another one that was her aid were they fake names, or do you have family I don’t know about. Also, what is this place I know your organization is big, but this is like a small nation. I knew you had some JumpShips, but we just made 8 jumps using 7 different ships some of them were WarShips that most people have not seen in decades. Where are we, my people are very upset using a pirate jump point on the last one also, when we jumped and was right in-between the moon and the planet my security guard went berserk for putting us in danger like that.”

Matthew looked at his friend, “here let’s sit down and I will tell you what I can.”

They both sat on a bench that overlooked a small man-made rapids in the river that showcased people kayaking through. Matthew turned to his friend, “There is a lot I cannot tell you not only for your security but for those here evidently, we are all descendants of a unit that was part of the original star league, for whatever reason the support unit did not go with Kerensky but stayed here on planet which was a research facility and also off of all star maps including COMSTAR. With that, these guys have been building, researching, living in peace, when my ancestor, who I am named after finally showed up with his mercenary unit he was welcome with open arms and met some of his family that he thought went with his dad in the Great Exodus. That was around 2800 so it makes this place virtually untouched by all the wars for well over 200 years. The organization kept a low profile for whatever reason until my father expanded the merc mission, and the Chapman Corporation after he served your father. Most of the rest of history you already know. The commander is my wife I have been married for a very long time, since before your father’s death. Those are my sons and I have another son and daughter, all of them have trained as Mechwarriors since the age of ten. The reason why we came in at the pirate point is because the regular jump points are guarded by an automated system that fires at everything that jumps into the system no matter who or what the ship is the defense system engages and destroys them the moment they have emerged.”

Hanse looked at his friend, “Married? You never told me.” He fully turned to his friend and said. “I never heard of such weapon the possibilities are endless, if planets were defended with that system invasion of those planets would be a thing of the past.”

Matthew sighed, “So would commerce, space travel, and a nation since this defense system does not recognize the difference between friend and foe. So, no for now this system is one of a kind.”

They sat there for a few moments looking at the families that were in the river playing, rafting, fishing when Hanse sighed and then said.

“I asked for this one-on-one time to ask a favor of you, I am now not sure if you will want to do it given this place of paradise, but it would allow you to start working on your family’s dream of self-rule.”

Curious Matthew shifted to give full attention to Hanse, “please go ahead and ask, it could never hurt to talk about it.”

Hanse looked at him, “Instead of just using your merc unit like we discussed all those years ago I want to give you a planet put whatever government in place but when war starts again, I want to use your forces and whatever other Mercs you can gather, plus the mechs I am going to give you, and the money the Archon is willing to give you. So that you can invade the Draconis Combine. Whatever planets you successful invade and win you keep.”

“What about the Outworld Alliance?” Matthew said

“I have no hate or love for them if you can invade both then by all means do it as long as you invade Kurita, take revenge for your parents’ death, and relieve some pressure on me while I takeover Capellan. Why do you want to invade the Outworlds Alliance?” Hanse asked.

“Because this secret place is within the Outworlds Alliance borders. It would be nice if I am to build a nation to have this planet inside the new nation.
It will be a few years before I could do this.” Matthew said.

Hanse looked at him, “How much time will you need?”

“I would have to talk to my war council, but I think around 6 years after we get the planet until our forces will be strong enough.”

“Hmmmm.” Hanse rubbed his 17-day hair growth on his face, “OK, well then you will be part of my second stage then, let me tell you about all my stages. Starting with the wedding day between me and Melissa.”

Nightly News[]

Nightly newscast, FSNS station
New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
December 1st, 3024

In a most shocking and bizarre move First Prince Davion announced today that due to his prior and faithful service that one Matthew Chapman formerly a Major in the AFFS has been given the planet Niles on the Kurita/OutWorlds border to run as he sees fits.


Nightly newscast, FSNS station
New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
January 9th, 3026
20:00 GS

The AFFS announced today that they will be having joint operations exercises called OPERATION GALAHAD for the AFFS and OPERATION THOR for the LCAF both operations are to help with the binding of the two countries military force. Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation both condemn these operations.

Nightly newscast, FSNS station
New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
January 9th, 3026
20:00 GS

Almost a year ago the AFFS announced two training operations between them and the LCAF. The rest of the Inner Sphere watched and waited for an attack, but none came. Today the AFFS with the LCAF announce another training operations codename the same as last years. This time they sent out the list of every unit that was deploying and a list of those units that will be doing joint war games. There has been no official statement from the Draconis Combine or the Capellan Confederation this time.

Mission Planning - State 1 - Operation Rat[]

AFFS HQ deep underground
New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
January 1st, 3028
07:00 GST

The Command Section of the AFFS HQ was massive, this was the place that wars were planned, designed, and acted out on throughout the years. So, it was an honor for an outsider to be invited into the heart of the most powerful nation in the known galaxy let alone three individuals not currently part of the AFFS or its civilian command structure. As one of the guest Matthew Chapman gazed at the 20 by 40-foot wall full of monitors of live and recorded feeds from military bases across the expanse of the nation he noticed on the right side of the room a door opening, the First Prince Hanse Davion walked through it along with two special surprise guest Archon Katrina Steiner. With the peace treaty between the two greatest powers in the known galaxy the surprise was not too big, the main surprise was who was behind the Archon, her daughter Melissa. Matthew thought about the last time he saw her, it had to of been on Terra 3022 when First Prince Davion signed the peace treaty with Archon Steiner, at the time Matthew was there as an unofficial bodyguard for his lifelong friend Hanse Davion. That was also when his parents were killed, and he left AFFS and the First Prince. Three years later the First Prince gave the planet Niles to Matthew to have a base for his powerful mercenary group with the understanding never to take a contract with Draconis Combine, at least that was leaked to the public.

A year later Niles became independent from all the Houses and Merc warriors starting flocking to the planet in hopes of a new beginning. So, two months ago when the Prince summoned him, Matthew knew that Hanse first stage of a unified nation was about to start. Matthew was still surprised through to receive the invitation to be here, he supposed that the First Prince was going to make known what some of his plans were where the Freedom Federation was concerned. Specially since the other two guests were Duncan Bovet and Stacey Wrixon, which happen to be childhood friends, and Merc commanders like him and also acquaintances with the Prince. As the leaders took their seats the whole room quieted to where you could hear a pin drop.

Prince Davion stood up and went to the podium, “Thank you all for showing up. Today’s brief is of the highest security, everyone in uniform has been sworn in and now the rest of you guys must. We…meaning the Archon and myself have come up with a plan that involves both love and devious intentions. First off, you all know of my intentions to marry the Archon’s daughter Melissa in which will signify a bond between two great houses in August. During these last two years the OPERATIONS GALAHAD and THOR were a tremendous success not only showing that integration is possible but also for those units that moved and was able to stay in their new position without alerting the enemy of a build up at the border. So now at the same time as the wedding, we are going to attack the Capellan Confederation in force to completely wipe out that corrupt government and liberate its people. This will be the beginning of stage one. In stage one we will be targeting around 100 systems of the Capellan Confederation and about 70 systems between the LCAF and AFFS units against the Draconis Combine. We are going to use a couple of units and the Wolf’s Dragoons to attack Kurita in order to keep them at bay while most of our units are in Capellan space. The Lyran Commonwealth will do some moderate attacks along the Kurita and Free Worlds League borders of their choosing. What is going to be crazy is what I am going to suggest next.” At that moment the First Prince stopped looking around at the people in the room and focus on Matthew, Duncan, and Stacey which were sitting together at the end of the mahogany brief desk.

“Stage two will include you three and with your 'mech units will attack Kurita and the Outwards Alliance. I succeeded, the planet Niles to you a while ago and I know you started to form a government loosely based on an ancient government known as the United States of America. I want you to attack the before mention enemies, thereby causing pressure on those houses keeping the Federated Suns border safe while we destroy Capellan Confederation. The Archon has generosity offer to fund this adventure for the next three years until your planet production and nation growth has taken hold. Not only that but I have a stockpile of parts and Mechs that I am going to give you to help your efforts. So, we are to make Mercs into a new standing army for a new nation one that will always be loyal and faithful to me and my family.”

As the First Prince was talking about his plans a colonel leaned over and asked the Field Marshal next to him, “How come this guy got a planet and free reign to do what he wants I don’t understand it” The Field Marshal in turn whispered to the Colonel, “Matthew’s father was Fredrick Dale Chapman, and he was one of the young Hanse Tutors during secondary school period. Fredrick was a diplomat at one time for Hanse father Andrew to the Lyran Commonwealth. During one of his many diplomatic missions to the Lyran Commonwealth Fredrick met and eventually married a distant cousin of the Steiner Royal family, a one Sherry McClain. With that connection some say paved the way for the alliance and now maybe even the marriage of our First Prince. Since the Prince and Matthew were friends during their life and Duncan and Stacey are primary Matthew’s friends, they are the perfect combination to be the trusted people for this action.

Announcements and News[]

New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
Nightly news
FNN station
January 1st, 3028
20:00 GST

Today the offices of First Prince Hanse and Archon Katrina Steiner announced in a joint news conference of impending Marriage of First Prince Hanse and the daughter of the Archon, Melissa is schedule for 20 August 3028, all representatives from all governments have been invited for this glorious occasion.

New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
Nightly news
FNN station
June 1st, 3028 20:00 GST

If you remember a few years ago First Prince Davion granted a planet to Matthew Chapman. Today, a now General Chapman announced plans for a new formation of a government on the planet Niles, which in four years there will be elections for the position President, and other government officials. Matthew said he was taking a page out of old Terra’s history mainly a government called the United States in which they had a Constitutional Republic. Every ten years there will be new elections for the President of the nation he is now calling Freedom Federation.


New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
Nightly news
FNN station
August 20th, 3028
12:00 GST

The First Prince Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner were wed today, at the reception Hanse announced that he was giving the Capellan Confederation to Melissa as a wedding gift, we now confirm a massive invasion of Capellan is happening and some planets have already fallen.


Operation Rat - Stage 2 - Deployment Brief[]

New Avalon Capital of Federated Suns
June 1st, 3029
07:00 GST

General Chapman was sitting in the brief of the Field Marshal for the AFFS and their battle plans of the fifteen planets on the Kurita boarder and the twenty-five planets they had picked to target in the Capellan Confederation in the first 6 months of 3030 for the next stage. Yes, hostilities have slowed, people have assumed that with half of the original Confederation gone that the “Fox” would stop. The Wolf Dragoons have been pretty amazing on the Kurita border, Matthew has met Jamie Wolf, there was something that bothered Matthew though because it was the way Jamie acted around him, he could not place a finger on it, but it did bother him. Matthew focused back on the brief, plans further out for the AFFS was not possible until results from the first targets are in. Several Generals erupted at the end to interject their opinions about better targets or how they need to strike deeper into Capellan space.

Then Field Marshal James Sandoval stood up and demanded that the AFFS refocus on the Kurita problem, that the Capellans had been dealt a devastating blow and would not be a threat ever again, but the Combine is a threat. Even with the Wolf’s Dragoons eventually the Dragon will awake. Back and forth they went for several minutes until the First Prince slammed his fist down “Enough! The plan has been made and vetted by the Archon and I.”

More eruptions happen asking if the First Prince and Archon already made plans why were the generals and Field Marshals there, it continued for yet another few minutes then Hanse stood up and went to the front of the room. “The LCAF will be attacking selected planets along the border of Kurita space to make sure the Terra corridor is secure and then redeploying forces to the Free Worlds to encourage them not to invade. We will still only be using the Dragoons and the four AFFS units in Kurita space no new units will deploy into the warzone, I am moving some asset closer though to defend if a counterattack happens.” Half the room erupted again with Sandoval calling the plan outrageous. Hanse raised his hands for silence and started talking again.

While I am not commenting more AFFS forces to the Kurita front I have not forgotten Field Marshal Sandoval the significant threat they present. Therefore, I have tasked another entity to help with this problem I told you that in phase two we will be using General Chapman’s merc unit.” Eruptions happen again calling it outrageous that one merc unit will not matter they needed to invade Draconis like they did the Capellans.

Again, the First Prince spoke up. “As I was saying if all of you will be quiet for a few more minutes. General Chapman I would like to know what battle plan the AFFF has for Kurita.” All eyes shifted to General Chapman, as he stood up he slid his info into the dataport so that it will show up within the holomap in the center of the table. Calmly he walked slowly to the front of the room, at this moment the new standard for the Freedom Federation shone brightly in a 3D image slowly spinning on its axis. “I know many of you have concerns and doubts about me and this one planet nation. I wanted to say that this nation has been in the works for many generations.” Murmurings started and Matthew raised his hand, and everyone quieted which shocked Hanse in how easily Matthew controlled the masses. “I wanted to show you the country’s standard and tell you what it symbolizes so that you can get a sense of who we are, then I will talk about the battle plans. The light on top represents the beacon of light for freedom that every law-abiding citizen has. The big green leaf represents the Civilian branch of government that has as its mandate to uphold the protection and freedom of all citizens of the Federation thereby, the leaf is shown as holding the Federation. Without it holding up the Federation the rest would fall apart. Civilian branch includes;

President of the Federation
Congress of the Federation
Judicial Court of the Federation
Social Departments of the Federation

The twenty smaller Leafs will represent the 20 core planets of the Federation that will form the nucleus of the Freedom and Central March with the four gold leaf's representing the first four members of the Federation. The main sword in the background represents the thrust of the military might to ensure that people are liberated from corrupt governments and tyrants. The Sword is called Excalibur. The blue symbol with the crosshairs represents the Civilians that work for and support the military in their effort to rid the universe of evil and tyranny. The eight missiles on top of the Standard represent the eight departments of the military.

Department of the Army, Navy and AeroSpace
Department of Mercenary Relations
Department of military Administration
Department of Military Communications and Research
Department of the Quartermaster
Department of Military Education
Department of Military Intelligence, Strategy and Tactics
Department of Military Justice.

Matthew let that sink in for a few seconds then continued.

“Now let’s get to the battleplan I have developed, first off, I wanted to show you my order of battle.”

"Motherland" March General Matthew Chapman
Chappy's Revenge Command Regiment General Matthew Chapman
Chappy's Revenge 1st Regiment Colonel Sarina Scragg
Chappy's Revenge 2nd Regiment Colonel Elin Klevstad
Chappy's Revenge 3rd Regiment Colonel Molloy McVicar
Death Regulators Elite Strike Force Major Matthew Chapman II
Death Stalker Elite Strike Force Major Dustin Chapman
Death Dogs Elite Strike Force
Not operational projected Major Seth Chapman

Death Stallions Elite Strike Force
Not Operational projected Major Cheyenne Chapman
Duncan Renegades CCM Gen Duncan Bovet
Duncan Renegades 1st Group Col. Balbina Dziedelonis
Duncan Renegades 2nd Group Col. Vika Smith
Duncan Renegades 3rd Group Col. John Spradbrow
Duncan Renegades 4th Group Col. William Kiley
Duncan Renegades 5th Group Col Johnny Cutter
Zombie Killers Major Stacey Wrixon

Militia March
1st Federation Army Col Felix Johnson
2nd Federation Army Not Operational yet
3rd Federation Army Not Operational yet
4th Federation Army Not Operational yet
5th Federation Army Not Operational yet
6th Federation Army Not Operational yet
7th Federation Army Not Operational yet
8th Federation Army Not Operational yet

As you can tell recruiting in both Lyran and Federated space has helped and we have plans for more armies to stand up as progress is being made.” Matthew swiped his tablet again

“This is our battle plan for the first six months it is as aggressive as I can make it without overextending my units and supply line. My first wave will be a total of twelve Planets, five along the Draconis border and the other seven into the Outworlds alliance.”

Those planets lit up red on the map.

“We have already projected the next six months after that since we are confident that most of these planets in the first wave will be ours by July 3030 those planets targeted for the second phase are these seven in Draconis and seven in the Outworlds Alliance.” Those planets lit up in blue on the map.

“We do have more planets in mind if we exceed our expectation and three more Armies will be operational by then, but 95 percent of them will be green so training has been accelerated and toughen up to help them survive. I do have operatives on these and many more worlds and some of the worlds are just waiting to be free and under a strong military that will prevent raids from pirates and other nations. All the Revenge Regiments are comprised of one mech regiment, Battalion or more of Armor and Infantry, a wing or more of Aerospace and a navy. They are classified as Elite. The Renegades are classified as Veteran. The Zombies are a black ops unit that will be way behind the Kurita front disrupting the supply lines. Conservative estimate is ten Kurita planets, and fifteen Alliance planets will be part of the Federation by years end, aggressive estimate is fifteen Kurita planets and twenty-five planets of the Alliance will be Federation at the end of the year.”

As General Chapman sat down after the rest of the brief detailing which units was attacking which planet. The rest of the Generals and Marshals were stun, because how could this one planet be able to field that big of force and on top of that have such a plan. As silence swallowed all noise First Prince Davion smiled, because he knew how Matthew could do it and why he is doing it. Then he stood up “ok I think this meeting is over good luck with all our plans. The attack starts the first day of the new year,” with that the First Prince left, and the meeting ended.

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