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Chappy's Howling Siegers Chapter Art - Later books

Chapter Seventeen

- Book 4 – Chappy's Howling Siegers

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Between Rocks and a DropShip[]

DropShip Bounty of Blood
Jump Point
Dindatari, Outworlds Alliance
March 20th, 3030

Local Time: 1800 GT

Another month in this God forsaken DropShip, even though he had access to the Vengeance of Sherry he was not a fan of her captain, especially after she blew up the space station in their last mission.

In a few hours, if the battle plan goes according to plan, he will be back on the ground. With that he poured another two fingers of whiskey and downed it, this planet should be easy also, all he had was a militia to deal with and Intel reports indicate that detachment from the 1st Alliance Air Wing calling themselves the Elephant Ballet just arrived in system about two weeks ago. With them just arriving, the contact on the ground had very little information about the commander or their habits so their tactics were unknown when it comes to defending a planet. Only time will tell the., Colonel thought, as he took another drink of whiskey.

Declaration of Liberation[]

The Steps of the Capital Building
Planetary Capital City of Valentina
March 23rd, 3030

General Matthew Chapman stood behind a podium, in front of him was about thousand civilians affected by the last month of fighting, his men was standing in full colors off to the right and left of the civilians. General Chapman had just started his victory speech, which was being recorded and broadcast throughout the region, he had not intended to announce any future plans but, as he looked out, he saw hatred, loss, and no hope in the civilians and he knew what he had to do, it was time so he closed his note pad and moved away from the podium so all that was viewing him could see him clearly. There was a light whisper throughout the crowd, not knowing why this invader had invaded, why he was making a speech after completely destroying the 4th An Ting Legion, or why in the middle of his speech he stopped and moved away from the podium closer to the people.

Even though an untrained eye would not see the Chappy’s Revenge unit become more rigid Matthew did, he looked at his men made the gesture to calm down and said. “Men under my command at ease, relax because these civilians are now part of the Federation.” He then turned back to the people and started his speech again.

“People of Valentina and the people of Niles, citizens of the Inner Sphere. The Freedom Federation has of 1800 yesterday tripled its size with the liberation of Valentina and Alegro. Why have I called it liberation? Because I believe that the citizens should control their own destiny, their own government, with this in mind each planet that is added to the Federation will be able to elect their leadership, true election from the population not a pretend election or rigged election and not a noble cast in which rulership is handed down to their offspring. I am not going to go into details right now on how that will look for this planet and others, but I will say that once everything has settle down and my engineers have repaired the infrastructure you will be able to elect your new leaders. Therefore, I am announcing that as of right now the intern president for the Federation as a whole, will be a man that I admire and will follow while he is the president, Malik Henry.”

Gasp from the audience confused the General, so he continued “People I know it is hard to believe and many of you thought that I was to become a warlord of such, but my resolve is strong and it is pure I am here to give freedom to the people of Kurita and Outworlds Alliance so that you can be in control of your own destiny, to make sure that everyone has the right and the ability to move up in status. The right to elect leaders that will listen and that will work for the best interest of the people, and if they don’t listen then the right to vote them out of office. Therefore, President Intern Henry will only be in the office for three years. Then there will be an open election for the office of the president for a term of 10 years. In which if he choose, he can run against other qualified candidates. Other specifics will be announced on the net. Anyone that qualifies can run no matter what their social status is. Now I can tell you that as long as I am alive, I will strive to keep the military under Federation civilian control and put into place safety measure to ensure that the civilians that are in charge don’t abuse their power.”.

General Chapman continued for a few more minutes talking about patriotism and other info when he was finished, he stepped away from the podium to a hush crowd as he left the stage slowly clapping started and then the wave of clapping and cheering took over..

His wife looked at him as he left the stage, “Good job, Matthew.” the general looked at his wife and shook his head, “No, no it wasn’t it should have been more.” and then he walked away.

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