Chappy's Howling Siegers - Book 3
Chapter 7[]
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Call for Aid[]
Operations Building, General Chapman Office
Devil’s Breath, Periphery
September 8th, 2806
General Chapman was sitting at his desk looking over reports from his three regiments that were out on missions. He realized that it has almost been sixteen years since making it to this planet. Alpha Regiment was under the command of his long-time friend Colonel Pople, Beta Regiment commander was his other friend Colonel Bruce. Both had been with him from the start now, twenty years later the unit was stronger than ever. Charlie Regiment was under the command of his oldest child, Frank Chapman, Cheyenne and Colina were both Battalion Commanders in Charlie Regiment as well. All three Regiments were registered under a different name than the Siegers for security reason. Everyday Matthew worried about his children, but they were all adults and really good MechWarriors so there was that. He got up from his desk and went to the window, the view was spectacular, his office was at the top of a forty-story building and was sitting on the far east side of the capital so he could see almost the entire city. Getting a glass of orange juice, he moved back to his desk and picked up marked current intel and began to read the reports of all the activity in a 300-light year radius to the planet he was on. There was a knock at the door.
His aid came in holding the remote to the view screen. “Sir, there is an urgent message from the governor of Milligan’s World”
Matthew wondered what his good friend Duke Roynad needed; the governor face appeared on the screen.
((“Matthew, I hope this reaches you in time, I have tried contacting the Alliance military office, but they are ignoring me, and no merc organization has answered the call to help us, you and your connections are this planet’s only hope. A unit landed two weeks ago and started to raze local villages around their LZ, they have almost destroyed most of the militia and I have order what’s left to fall back to the capital. This unit is flying under a merc banner I don’t recognize but moves like a well-trained house unit, so I don’t know if it is the Combine doing this or what, I just need you to find a unit that will help us please.”))
The screen went black, and Matthew sat back in his chair. Alpha and Beta was too far away, and Charlie was in transit back home, all that was here was his command battalion and three aerospace wings. He looked at his aid, “Have Charlie Regiment divert to Milligan’s World and notify my Command Battalion, the 11th, 12th, 13th Defense Wings to mobilize, and get me Admiral Phung, I will need her to spin up a transportation to take us.”
Admiral Phung looked at the aid. “Are you freaking serious? Most of the fleet is out with the other regiments. I have his personal warship and the three dropships that are assign to him, but with the three extra wings I will need to bring up some reserves and shuffle some people around.” The aid looked at her and said. “That’s what the General wants, and he wants to leave in eight hours.” With that she saluted did an about face and left the Admiral’s office.
Cutting a Deal with the Dragon[]
Coordinator Chambers
Imperial City, Luthien
Draconis Combine
Coordinator was furious, how the Federated Suns launch another offensive was beyond him. Reports from the battlefields is that they are still crying ‘Remember Kentares’ which happen more than ten years ago, he just did not get it to him the massacre was justified they killed his father. He was just looking at the Federated Suns offensive reports when a new one came in about a troublesome merc unit on his border near Outworlds Alliance when a visitor was announced, someone from COMSTAR. The COMSTAR person moved into the chamber and the coordinator could not tell if it was a girl or boy.
“Coordinator Kurita, my name is Adept Morris I humbly ask for an audience with your greatness on an urgent matter that I think will benefit not only COMSTAR but your realm as well.”
A General's Frustration[]
ComStar Headquarters
Office of General Hayes, Hilton Head Island
North Carolina, Terra
General Hayes still refused to change her title even though most of the military might of COMSTAR had been absorbed into the protection of all HPG and COMSTAR. The assets she still was in control of was the highly illegal and secret black ops for Jerome Blake. She at one time had eight divisions under her command now she only had three Divisions. One of the Reinforced Regiment from Division Three, a regiment calling themselves Revengeful Angels, was currently doing a Black Ops mission. They were on special assignment in the OutWorlds Alliance region, going on for eleven years now, hopefully they will finish their assignment soon.