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Blood on the Horizon (Cover Art)

Blood on the Horizon
- Chapter 73 -

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Parting Ways[]

Time: May 31th, 3007
Location: Tybalt Zenith Point

You sure you want to navigate politics without me?" Sheppard asked.

"Yeah," I sighed. "We've got to split up and get things moving. Our new recruits need training, someone with a higher level of authority needs to handle the Concordat, and I've got to ensure that the FedSuns stay potential employers."

"I'll have the Whirlwind head to Pierce," Sheppard replied. "Peterson and Rose can start breaking in the new blood while I handle the Concordat."

"Sounds good to me," I replied. "See if you can sell some of the bugmechs we picked up. I don't want any of our people piloting those death traps."

"I'm sure there'll be a market for them somewhere on route," Sheppard agreed. "I'll have our people list it on the open market while we're in transit."

"Have the staff put together a list of what they want me to look into while I'm on New Avalon. I'm not promising anything, but I might be able to get some better kit while I'm there."

"If there are any Grasshoppers there, pick them up," Sheppard scratched at his bearded chin. "It's worth whatever cost we'd have to pay to get a lance of them."

"I'll take a look," I agreed. "Just HPG the list to New Avalon once y'all reach a good point."

"Understood; I'll see you on the flip side, Hull."

"Godspeed, Jack," I nodded. "Hull, out."

The screen winked off, and a few moments later, space and time seemed to fold in on itself for a few seconds before it went back to normal.

"It's always the worst," I sighed. "Hurry up and wait."

I unstrapped myself and pushed off the chair, floating up and catching myself on the ceiling before heading towards the Messenger's entertainment center. I needed something to do in the transit.

Summoned to Samantha[]

Date: August 7th, 3007
Location: Samantha, Taurian Concordat

"So, I hate to be abrupt here," Jack Sheppard looked at the various people that made up the board of Taurus WarWorks. "But what was so important that you needed us to sign off on?"

"As you know, the WarWorks facility we have here is really just us rebuilding and using the facilities that were here beforehand. They were already excavated and perfect for building newer factories and setting up old ones in some of the more intact facilities after a bit of work."

"Right," Sheppard nodded. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, apparently, the Star League missed something in their first dismantling and bombing of Taurus WarWorks. We uncovered an old computer room in one of the underground sections and recovered the files stored on the still-intact devices. Most of it was corrupted, but we did manage to find one thing of note."

"We found the plans, blueprints, and steps to make an Assault 'Mech," An older gentleman interrupted. "It's a ninety-five tonner, and it shares parts commonality with the Toro and the Talos. The Chassis can be mostly built using industrialmech factories and facilities with only a small fraction being needed to convert it to battlemech production."

"And you want us to sign off on beginning the purchase of what you need to start building it," Sheppard put the pieces together.

VER-1TS Veritas Assault BattleMech (Picture)

Veritas Assault 'Mech

"Yes," the chairwoman nodded. "The 'Mech was named Veritas in the internal files, but we'll workshop something for the production model."

"Well, if it'll boost profits, then we can sign off on it," Sheppard agreed. "But our unit is already getting low on liquid assets. We'll need a bigger shipment of spare parts to compensate."

"The Mithril factories are already about to begin production," another board member waved his hand. "We're using them to boost our construction efforts and the Concordat has already bought everything that's not already promised to your unit. Once that check clears, you'll get the agreed-upon percentage. I wouldn't worry about liquid assets anytime soon."

"I don't count my chickens before they hatch," Sheppard sighed. "But I'll authorize this. And I think we'll need to discuss field testing."

"So, time to get into the details?" the older gentleman clapped his hands and rubbed them gleefully. "I can't wait to start getting the engineering specs done."

"Right," Sheppard glanced at the man. "Maybe do this in a private office so the other members can get to work?"

"Might as well. After all, the faster we're done, the faster you can get to playing with numbers, Klaus."

The boardroom slowly emptied, leaving the two alone for the most critical part of the deal. The fine details.

Arriving in the heart of the Suns[]

Date: August 14th, 3007
Location: New Avalon Spaceport, Federated Suns

"So, I've got some errands to run," Rachel was in her AFFS uniform. "I'll see you at the Davion Palace soon."

She stuck out her hand, and I shook it firmly.

"It's been a pleasure working with you," I smiled. "I'll see you there."

She clicked her heels together smartly and walked down the Messenger's boarding ramp.

"So, now we get to prepare for a bunch of politics." A rough voice said behind me.

"What fun," I sarcastically raised a fist in the air. "We set, Mathis?"

The burly infantryman shrugged, his six-foot-seven frame barely containing his uniform.

"We're solid. The Messenger will be secure the entire time we're here," the Lieutenant replied. "You ready to head for the open market?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "You got the directions?"

"Directions?" Mathis scoffed. "I practically lived there before I moved to New Syrtis."

"Then lead the way. We've got material to look at and hopefully some good purchases ahead of us."

Mathis moved into the driver's seat of a truck we'd brought, and a handful of us piled in after him, filling the passenger and back seats.

"Now, it'll take a bit to get there," Mathis pulled out and rolled down the window to show identification and authorization to the gate guards. "And the market's always competitive. So we'll need to ensure we're set on what we're looking to purchase."

"I've got the itemized list that the staff sent out before we got here," I held up a notebook. "So we'll either get it or we won't. But there's no use in not trying."

Despite its name, the open market was held in a small auction house, the physical property was almost always stored at one of the warehouses at or around the spaceport, and the contents were verified by independents before each auction.

That's not to say that scams never happened, but given how much of the market relied on reputation, the chances were slim to none.

"Alright, we're set for 'Mechs and light aerospace fighters," I handed copies of the list to the staff I'd brought. "Wardog and ' Hitman have asked for dogfighters and anti-dropship assets. Captain Rose and Captain Brown have asked for more medium tanks. If we can't find some Bulldogs or something similar, they want us to snatch up Manticores if at all possible."

"And don't forget about the spare parts," a junior officer spoke up as he flipped through his copy of the list. "Given how much we've expanded our equipment pool, we've got a lot to find."

"Split up, and come get me if you find what we're looking for," I ordered. "I'll be over to authorize payment if they can assure delivery after it's all said and done."

On the way to an important Meeting[]

Date: August 17th, 3007
Location: Davion Palace Complex - New Avalon, Federated Suns

"Sir, if you'll step this way," A guard caught my attention. "We've got to run some security checks before you can enter."

First, I was given a pat down, and then they escorted me to a side room where I had to take off all of my clothing and wait for them to be examined.

So I waited awkwardly in my underwear, sitting on a bare stool in a slightly too cold room for about thirty minutes before anyone came to collect me.

Then, my uniform was returned to me sans anything that had been deemed to be potentially dangerous.

So, redressing and ensuring I looked presentable, I exited and followed the guards.

I walked to an elevator, and the doors opened, revealing a new set of guards as the old set faded into the background.

The guard ran a keycard through a reader and then leaned forward. A scanner shined a light in his eye for a moment before he stepped back and blinked rapidly.

"Always hate that shit," he snarked as the elevator began to rapidly shoot upwards. "But needs must and all that shit."

"Anyway, this is your stop. " The doors slid open and revealed a more opulent corridor than the ones I had come through already.

"Frankie," a butler nodded at the guard in the elevator.

"Jacques," the guard responded. "Keep an eye on this guy for me."

"Mister Hull, please follow me. The First Prince wants to meet you in person before you are introduced to the courts."

"I'm not too sure I'm cut out for dealing with nobility," I followed behind and just to the left of Jacques. "But I'll do my best to avoid disappointment."

"I think you'll find that it's both scarier and not as scary as you expect." Jacques replied, stepping through a door and signaling me to remain behind.

I waited for a long and quiet few minutes before he returned.

"The First Prince will see you now."

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