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Blood on the Horizon (Cover Art)

Blood on the Horizon
- Chapter 72 -

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Last Meeting[]

Location: Tybalt, Capellan Confederation

"I'm surprised that you did not have your Warhammer repaired as soon as you could," Jaime Wolf followed me out of the repair bay that I had been assisting in.

"I really only use it when I need to be in something more heavily armored than the Mobile HQ," I shrugged. "I'm actually fairly decent in a 'Mech, but if I'm in a 'Mech, I'm not keeping an eye on everything else on a battlefield. My senior officers have a greater deal of freedom to operate, but we still need overarching leadership or the entire battle plan starts to fall apart. And even in a command 'Mech I'd have trouble coordinating everything."

"Still, I did not think you would pilot a Warhammer. Given your track record I imagined you would pilot a Marauder or something heavier."

"Nah," I shook my head and patted the scuffed black and gold painted 'Hammer. "This ole girl is just perfect for me."

Jaime just shook his head for a moment before changing the subject.

"I apologize for arriving at your compound on short notice, but I believe that you would appreciate being made aware that the Davion March Militia Garrison has arrived in system."

"I do appreciate it," I wiped grease off of my hands onto a towel hanging over my shoulder. "So I assume you and yours will be heading out?"

"We have been ordered to a new post," Jaime replied. "The Dragoons are relocating to the Combine front."

"Well, our contract is almost up. I'm probably going to take a lull and let my people rest and recover. We took a bit of a beating in this fight even though we managed to pick up quite a bit of salvage. I'm gonna have to recruit, reorganize, and figure out how the logistics work for a full regiment."

"Good luck," Jaime shook my hand. "We will be in touch in the future."

"Lemme know if you ever need anything from Taurus WarWorks," I replied. "I might have some connections there."

Catching up with XO[]

The regiment of the Wolf's Dragoons that had made landfall left shortly after that conversation. Their dropships departed as the garrison forces moved into the spaceport.

"So what's the plan?" Sheppard looked at the incoming fusion torches. "Our contract is pretty much up after this."

"We pull back to Taurus for a little bit," I replied. "We've got a ton of salvage to go through, refitted DroSTs to pick up, and I've got some things to discuss with TWW."

"Oh?" Sheppard raised an eyebrow. "Anything good?"

"Turns out the Concordat bought out all of the production of Mithril for the next five years," I tapped a 'Noteputer. "Last message said something about recovering something they found in the old factories."

"Then I guess we head back to Taurus then," Sheppard stretched. "The Phoenix and her escorts are in orbit."

Argo DropShip (In Orbit with Leopard DropShip)

Argo Class DropShip, Phoenix

"Good. Get our critically wounded soldiers up there and we'll start boarding dropships for departure. I'll be the last one out on the Messenger after I finish talking to our Liaison."

"Copy that," Sheppard grinned. "Just make sure that we get that sweet sweet bonus. After all, we did end up doing way more than we were supposed to."

"We already have the salvage from the Big Mac," I replied. "I'll see what I can pull, but we're already going to have to sell a bunch of shit off just to simplify our logistics."

"We're keeping the Atlas, right?"

"I'm not getting rid of any of the assaults we snagged," I replied. "We're currently a light to medium unit. We need something to hammer people with after pulling them in with the lights and mediums."

"Agreed," Sheppard grunted. "I'll start getting us loaded up. I'll let you handle the politics."

Politics and Briefings[]

"Captain Green-Davion, Lady Cunningham," I stood up from the barren desk and stepped forward to shake their hands.

"Major Hull," Cunningham barely concealed her distaste for me.

"Hull," Rachel Green-Davion nodded. "Good to see you again."

"You have done great work here," Cunningham said begrudgingly. "Even if the arrival of the Wolf's Dragoons was what led to the ultimate surrender of the 2nd McCarron's Armored Cavalry."

"With that in mind, we are closing out your contract and are extending an invitation for you and several chosen officers to come to New Avalon and receive rewards appropriate for the work that your unit accomplished here," Rachel finished for the mercenary liaison. "Details are in this sealed letter and I have instructions to wait until I have a response."

"Do I have time to think about this?" I asked. "I was planning on having my unit head to a compound we own in the Concordat for some rest and recovery."

"This shouldn't interfere with your plans for the Marksman," Rachel shook her head, interrupting Cunningham before she said something rude. "Most of the Federated Suns understand seeing to it that the men and women under your command are taken care of first being a priority. We wouldn't expect more than a few officers to accompany you. The First Prince wants a small ceremony before sending you on your way."

"I'm here for the payday, Rachel, not the politics," I sighed. "I'll work things out and then head that way."

"I'll head to New Avalon with you," the Captain grinned. "Might as well brief you on the craziness you'll have to deal with once you get there."

"May I assume that I can take your answer to the HPG complex?" Lady Cunningham spoke.

"Sure," I shrugged. "I just need your signature on my completed contract first. I'm getting paid or you're not leaving."

"Fine," she sighed. "Let's settle this."

I pulled out a 'noteputer and the contract.

"I just need your thumbprint here," I gestured to the scanner on the device.

She set her hand on the thumbprint and jolted at the small pinprick as it verified her biometrics before flashing green.

"Thank you," I smiled. "Pleasure doing business with you, Lady Cunningham."

She simply left the room, her ornate headdress narrowly avoiding the doorframe on her way out.

"I don't know why other merc units love her so much," I sagged with relief once she was out of earshot. "I can't stand her."

"Trust me, the feeling is mutual on her end," Rachel relaxed. "She hasn't stopped bitching about you since she arrived on planet."

"I don't want to talk about her," I deliberately changed the subject and leaned forward across the desk. "Give me intel, what can I expect on New Avalon."

"I don't have a single fucking clue," She laughed. "I'm as uninformed here as you are. But I can at least prep you for some of the big names to avoid and the political games to keep away from."

"It's that bad?" I asked.

"Yes and no," Rachel sighed. "There's a handful of movers and shakers, but given how much of our nation is focused on warfare, it's almost a requirement for you to have served in some capacity. This leads to less double-speak and more… overt threats at times. You should be fine, but I'm coming with you just in case. Besides, I haven't been able to mess with my little brother in a few years. I might as well show up at NAMA to remind him that he's still got some catching up to do. Even if I did go into legal instead of a more combat oriented occupation."

"Well, if you're going to stick around here, you get to help me explain everything to the rest of the senior staff," I groaned and began packing up the last few things in the office.

"That, I can do," she laughed. "I might as well do something useful while I wait for the rest of the paperwork to catch up to me."

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