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Blood on the Horizon (Cover Art)

Blood on the Horizon
- Chapter 44 -

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Heading to land of the Catgirl[]

Location: Eidolon Jump Point
Date: November 4, 3003

"Are you sure you got everything you wanted from there?" I looked out the viewport at the new dropships linking up with the Whirlwind, our new Leviathan class Jumpship.

"Yes," Doctor Ford nodded excitedly. "We believe we've narrowed down a trail that leads further into the Periphery. But that will be a job for the future. As it is, it'll take our analysts years to comb through all the recovered data."

"Regardless, you have my thanks for providing security for our venture. Interstellar Expeditions will consider you favorably should you need future employment,"

"Not like we did much but post guard and salvage what war material was left," I shrugged. "But I guess it's better to have a job where there isn't trouble."

"Indeed," he agreed. "There have been many occasions where pirates have followed us on our expeditions and utilized the worlds as bases for their raids. That, or they harass us while we attempt to dig and figure out what happened on one world or another."

"So, we're escorting you to Canopus if I remember correctly," I changed the subject. "Do you need us to follow you back to your home base after that?"

"No, we will spend some time resting while more funds for the next expeditions are gathered. Things such as this one are not cheap ventures by any means. In fact; most mercenaries would have charged us more."

"The salvage rights were more important to me," I shrugged. "We have a nest egg, and the Taurians paid well for our first contract."

"I imagine providing them with two JumpShip didn't hurt there."

"Right," I agreed. "But regardless, this contract allowed us to work on a couple of different issues. We've got some decent combat experience. But we needed the opportunity to work on salvage and repair. Even if it wasn't in a combat scenario."

"Major," Captain Frye greeted me. "We're ready to jump when the Event Horizon is. The Whirlwind is signaling that everything is showing green across the board."

"Good work, Kaylee," I grinned. "Let the Event Horizon know we're jumping ahead to clear the system. Then let's get moving."

"Copy that. We'll get everything moving."

Bargaining with a Hardass[]

Location: Poulsbo, Lyran Commonwealth
Date: January 6, 3004

"Excuse me, sir." a blond woman got the attention of the attendant manning the spaceport counter. "I need three tickets on the next dropship out of here."

"Well, there's a Mule 'Bout ready to head out. But given they leave in the next hour, you're looking at a pretty steep upcharge. And that's if you manage to talk 'em into it."

He paused as something occurred to him.

"You wouldn't happen to be trying to evade the law, now would you?"

"No," the older of the two men stepped forward. "This here's my fiance, and well, my family didn't take too kindly to the revelation. My cousin here is the only one that approved, and we have decided to leave town for a short time. Hopefully, tensions cool in the time we are away."

"Whatever. I don't get paid enough for those sorts of stories anyway."

The man stomped over to a nearby phone and picked it up, spinning the dial and then speaking rapidly to the man on the other side.

"Captain Steyr will meet you at the entrance to the loading bay," the attendant sighed. "But be warned, he's a bit of a hardass."

"We'll take our chances," the blond replied as she glanced at a nearby map, noting the loading bay's location. "Arthur, we need to go."

Katrina slowly reined in her paranoia as she moved swiftly through, her long legs carrying her in step with both Morgan and Arthur as they neared the place where Captain Steyr was waiting.

They had evaded the LIC agents for now. She was confident they'd given them the slip when they headed for another city before swapping vehicles and heading for the spaceport.

"Relax," Arthur smiled at her as if reading her mind. "Don't borrow trouble, there'll be plenty of it ahead. Just focus on negotiating us a way off this rock, and we'll go from there."

"You the ones that want passage?"

An older man in a set of greasy overalls was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"Yes," Katrina looked at the captain. "We're trying to get off the planet. And we have money to pay for it."

"Such short notice? I'd not settle for anything less than twenty-five thousand Kroner."

"Ten," Katrina countered. "And not a pfennig more."

"Twenty," Steyr stood up straighter. "We're running out of time here, lass. And I've a ship to run."

"Fifteen, in cash right now, final offer," Katrina reached into her backpack and pulled out a small wad of cash.

"Deal," the man shook her hand and accepted the cash. "Follow me, and we'll get you situated on the Ravenwood."

The trio exchanged glances before nodding and following him to the Mule that was waiting on the landing pad.

"Johannes, I need you to get them situated in the guest quarters while I finish up the prep work!"

"Yes, Kapitan!"

They boarded and were led to a small and cramped set of quarters, not much more than a few hammocks, and a storage space for their bags.

"So," Morgan said after silence had reigned for a few moments. "What's the plan now? Because my 'Mech is back home, and I know that neither of you have yours."

"We'll head for Canopian space," Arthur stated. "We've got to break contact with any potential trackers before we do anything else."

"Right," Katrina nodded. "After we get there we can decide on where to move on from there."

Next step for some runaways[]

Location: Bethonolog, Magistracy of Canopus
Date: March 18th, 3004

"Okay, we've reached Canopian space," Morgan sighed, "What's next?"

"Well, we have to lay low for a bit until we can safely return to the Commonwealth," Arthur stated.

"I've always wanted to go Lostech prospecting," Katrina offered. "And it's not like I'll ever get another chance out here to do so."

"Or we can sign up there," Morgan jerked his head to a flyer hanging on the spaceport board. "I don't know about you, but I haven't even gotten to pilot my 'Mech since the 'Ring. And I don't want to let those skills get rusty."

"I've never heard of the Marksman before," Arthur sighed. "And why not call themselves the Marksmen? Didn't they learn how to spell?"

"Who cares?" Morgan shrugged. "They're hiring, and based on that, it seems they've got machines available to pilot."

"He's not wrong," Katrina looked over the flyer. "There's obviously not a lot of information on here, but submitting an application and trying to get an interview can't hurt. Besides, if this doesn't work, we can always shift to plan B."

"While I enjoy the red hair for now. I think I preferred you as a blond." Arthur smirked.

"Get a room," Morgan rolled his eyes. "Or at least wait until we're in a more stable place."

"We need to exchange some currency," Katrina changed the subject as her cheeks slowly changed from red and blushing to a more serious face. "Then we can print out some resumes and get an application submitted."

"I'll track down a hotel," Arthur agreed as he grabbed a couple of maps that were resting near an information booth. "Then we can both meet at this steak house here. We need some food that's not vacuum-sealed rations."

"It's settled then," Morgan carefully adjusted his concealed weapon. "Might as well get a move on then. I'm starting to get hungry."

"Teenagers," Katrina smiled. "They never change."

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