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Blood on the Horizon (Cover Art)

Blood on the Horizon
- Chapter 40 -

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A one of a kind prize[]

Location: Taurus, Taurian Concordat
Date: November 24, 3002

"So, we lost about Seven thousand tons of cargo," Captain Jewel said as our small craft circled around the Argo. "And added three to four hundred tons of armor as well as some more heat sinks and weapons."

Argo DropShip (In Orbit with Leopard DropShip)

Argo Class Dropship, in orbit

"How much cargo space do we still have?" I asked. "I'd like for her to be able to support us logistically as well as do the other job that we wanted for her."

"Around Fifty Thousand or so," she shrugged. "Two thousand to defensive weapons and armor, and five to the medical equipment that you wanted stocked."

"I want us to be able to take care of our own." I looked at the few weapons emplacements that were still being installed by the Taurian work crews. "I picked up some researchers and professors at the local universities, I figure we can try our hand at some semblance of research. After all, never know when you might pick up some Lostech and need to repair or replace it. It's part of why I mainly picked up engineers instead of scientists."

"Well, they'll have the space for all of the equipment they desire," Jewel moved us closer to the ship. "And the Hydroponics bays are going to go a long way to supplement rations."

"The ideal would be for this to be a hospital and R&D vessel," I shrugged. "But I expect we'll be using it for a lot more than that."

"She's a one of a kind prize," Victoria met my eyes. "I expect we'll have eyes on us everywhere we go."

"I'm pretty sure we've got some spooks from all over the 'Sphere in the new recruits," I replied. "Plan is to have Dunham start working through and identifying potential spies. As long as they do their jobs, we'll leave them alone, just feed them misleading information."

"You know that he's probably feeding information back to MI6, right?" Jewel asked. "He worked for them, and I'm pretty sure that even the low level guys don't ever really retire from that sort of thing."

"I kinda have to deal with it as is," I sighed. "I don't have anyone else skilled in Intel work. I mean, sure. We've got people that are decent at SIGINT, but Dunham's the only guy we've got whose done the HUMINT work before. Besides, I don't really care as long as the Capellans and Combine aren't up to date on our movements," I left unsaid the third faction I didn't want to have intel on our movements.

"That's fair," the captain replied. "Just figured I'd give you a heads up on what's coming."

Meeting the Doctor[]

Date: November 27, 3002
Location: Interstellar Expeditions Warehouse, Taurus, Taurian Concordat

"Doctor Ford," I shook the leader of the expedition's hand. "I trust that your journey went well?"

"It went as it usually does," he met my eyes as he responded firmly before gesturing for me to sit down. "Now, I'm sure that you'd like to know why I desired to meet with you if you've already been vetted and hired for the security of this expedition by the usual fellows at the Agency."

"Not really," I shrugged. "I figured you'd like to meet face to face and see what we were like just in case of personality clashes."

"A bit," he replied. "But I'm more inclined to give you the details of the direction we're heading in, and I'm hoping that you'll be willing to do a bit more than simple job security. After all, it's not every day that someone happens across a relic from the Star League such as the one that's in orbit currently."

"She's a good ship, and with some TLC, she'll fit our needs very well."

"I'm sure," Ford agreed. "But regardless, if you have this sort of luck, then maybe we'll happen across something interesting out there," he then shifted gears. "While our Star Lord is prepared to host your dropships, I was hoping that you could spare some cargo space for some of our equipment. Unfortunately, the Mule that was carrying our cargo was delayed in the Federated Suns due to some parts malfunctions."

"I'm sure we can free up some space," I replied. "I mean, a contract with the salvage rates like yours doesn't come along every day of the year."

"Yes, but the pay is much smaller than you would receive on a garrison contract," Ford replied. "It's part of how we manage to stay financially solvent."

"Right," I nodded. "Now, you said something about a charted route?"

"So, we're going to be taking this highlighted route," he opened a Tri-Vid screen and illuminated the targeted systems. "We managed to find records of settlers fleeing from both Canopus and the Concordat during the War of Terran Aggression as it's known here in the Concordat. We also found the projected systems that they desired to move to, so we're going to follow in their footsteps and see if there's anything to be found."

"I hope that you find everything you're looking for," I replied. "And if you'll send me the charts, I'll make sure that my Jumpship crew knows what to look for."

"Jolly good," Ford stood up. "Now, if you have any questions before our departure, let me know and I'll do my best to give you a satisfactory answer."

"I'll try to keep you eggheads safe," I smirked. "After all, we all know what sort of trouble scientists get into."

"I'll have you know that we're a respectable bunch," Ford grinned. "We've only found old CBRN weapons once or twice before having them disposed of."

"Sure," I chuckled. "I'll believe it when I see it."

Not Reading through the Paperwork[]

Date: December 20th, 3002
Location: Rented office space for Marksman Mercenary Unit - Taurus, Taurian Concordat

"So you're a trained engineer, Doctor Rogers, was it?" I asked, flipping through the resume I had been provided by the administrative staff.

"I've got a doctorate in both engineering and mechanical development," the woman replied. "They're actually two degrees."

"Well, what brings you to us instead of going to teach at a university or trying your hand at governmental R&D?"

"One, you pay more," she smiled. "Two, I want to take a look at that." she pointed up at the sky."

"I mean, the sky does look fairly gorgeous today," I glanced out the window at the gorgeous violet and blue streaked horizon. "But if you wanted to be a meteorologist, you're at the wrong place."

"That's not what I meant and you know it," She folded her arms, seemingly unamused at my sarcasm even as her lips tried not to curl into a smile.

"Well, if you're willing to handle some sarcasm and ornery soldiers, I'm happy to have you on board," I stood up and shook her hand. "Just know that we've had a lot of applicants want to work on the Argo, and we're having to vet carefully. So, is there anything in your background that will cause any potential issue before we sign the paperwork?"

"I have an ex that doesn't know how to let go?" She offered. "He's not abusive or a stalker or anything, just calls every once in a while."

"I think we can handle an ex-boyfriend," I grinned. "Now, you'll need to speak with Emily in Admin to get the paperwork finalized, but either way, Welcome to the Marksman."

"Thanks," she stood up. "Why the personal interview though? I expected to meet with one of the admin people."

"You didn't read the job you applied for?" I asked, my eyebrow arched. "You applied for the head of our engineering and research department, it's right here next to your signature." I spun the paperwork she'd handed around so she could read it."

"Oh," she blinked at the sheet. "Well fuck me, I guess."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I didn't read everything through," she facepalmed. "I thought I'd just applied for the regular engineer and research position."

"Nope," I popped the 'P' sound. "Definitely not. Admittedly though, part of the reason we were willing to look at you over the other candidates is that you have listed time spent working with the local Dockworkers unions on powered exoskeletons."

"Those things were falling to pieces," she groaned. "That I managed to accomplish anything with them at all was a miracle."

"Well," I shrugged. "When I called the Union, they sung your praises. And even when I ended the call they sent a physical letter via courier."

"So, I got a job that I didn't apply for," she finally realized what everything entailed. "Is there any way I can step down to just a basic researcher?"

"Give it a try first," I smiled gently. "I don't have enough people that you'll be sidelined while being in charge. Do it for six months, and if you still aren't satisfied, we'll let you bust down to a researcher, and we'll just find an office manager or something. That sound fair to you?"

"Yeah," she sighed and stared at my outstretched hand. "That's fair," she shook it. "Now, where are your admin people? I want to see what kind of wreck I've got to deal with."

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