Blood on the Horizon
- Chapter 36 -[]
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Location: Unknown System, one jump from Camadeiere
Taurian Concordat
Date: July 21, 3002
"Well, it looks like we're getting that bonus, after all," Paige grinned as she looked at the repairs that her Marines were making to both the Merchant and Tramp Jumpships. "Good work Marines. Once we're finished up with these repairs we'll jump back to Camadeiere, then we'll get some R&R and let the techs finish going over the astrogation logs."
A chorus of 'Aye/yes, Ma'ams' followed as the crayon eaters continued welding the patch on where their Small craft had created a breach. Other marines floating into the K-F Drive area to triple check Helium seals and any other potential problems.
"A shame we've got to give one of these up." Mathis sighed as he stepped up next to his CO.
"Don't I know it," she sighed. "But I think the Captain's making the right choice here."
"You sure?" the old ELH member asked. "Because a Jumpship ain't a small thing."
"We don't have the dropships to outfit and use it right now," Paige shrugged. "And we're going to be allowed to use the Merchant as long as we maintain it until we find another Jumpship. Get to take the crews with us as well."
"So we're not losing out in the long term," Mathis nodded. "It just feels like it in the short term."
"It's also a bunch of goodwill generated," a tech pointed out as he slid out from underneath a nearby terminal, the screen finally lighting up as power was restored. "The Concordat's always been in need of jumpships. Us being willing to give up not just one, but two as salvage means that we're pretty much going to be able to negotiate some really fucking good contracts later. And we'll be able to work on beefing up some of the areas that we lack in."
"And that's all stuff we can work on later. That's enough woolgathering for the moment. We've still got work to do before we jump this thing out of the system."
Growing Pains[]
August 6, 3002
Location: Aboard King Henry V
Camadeiere Zenith Jump Point
Taurian Concordat
"So, we're certain that this is where they're at?" I asked the techs and astrogation personnel.
"It's the only spot that they've consistently been present at in the last decade," Captain Frye smirked. "And we've got both of their JumpShips here. If you can wrangle the ASFs we'll need, we can take out the closest pirates in the area."
"I'll see wat I can wring out of the local forces," I glanced at the comms terminal. "We might be here for another week or so before we're able to hit them though."
"We can afford to wait," Sheppard looked at me. "Cornet Taegan's onboard, we just need to see what she can shake loose in supporting elements."
"Or," Peterson interrupted. "I think I remember reading something about an ASF squadron or two that's contracts were about to be up," Peterson reached for a copy of the local merc units he'd purchased from the MRB earlier. "Yeah," he opened it to a specific page and read it out loud to the rest of us command staff. "Says here that Wardog and Hitman Squadrons are going to be up for contract renegotiation by the end of the month."
"Mind if I take a look?" I glanced around.
"Be my guest," Peterson handed it to me.
"They're currently understrength," I remarked. "Looks like they're down four birds."
"So we'd have eight instead of twelve on our way in," Sheppard sighed. "It's still better than nothing. What've they got for transport?"
"Two Leopard CVs," I remarked. "So we'll have to use the Merchant if we want to transport them."
"The question becomes," Sheppard ran a hand through his hair. "Can we afford to wait?"
"I think we can," Peterson remarked. "They're not expecting their Jumpships back anytime soon from what we pulled outta the databanks. And their primary base is a few jumps out anyway. They probably thought their outriders would hit quite a few places before heading back home to divvy up the loot."
"Alright," I glanced around. "We all agree that this is the best plan?"
"Yes," Jewel said as she finally turned her attention away from commanding the dropship for a moment. "We need the escorts. Frankly, I'm surprised that we didn't encounter any enemy fighters as of yet."
"Thank God for the small miracles," Sheppard smiled. "We've got the opportunity now. And we've got the cash to hire them on."
"Will they let us absorb them into our unit though?" I asked. "They seem to be doing well for themselves."
"ASF go through funds just as much as we do," Sheppard shook his head. "And they've got a much higher attrition rate. If we negotiate well enough, they should be happy to come onboard. Even if it's as an independent command at first."
"Then I'm going to need someone more experienced in this side of things to come with," I looked around. "Jewel, you up to the task?"
"I should be able to free up some time from my busy schedule," she rolled her eyes. "Just don't expect me to wow them or anything."
"We should write out negotiating points first," Peterson stated. "Decide on where we're flexible and where we can't be."
"As well as how salvage and other contracts will be handled," Sheppard agreed.
I pulled out a notebook began writing notes down, setting it down on the table so they could see me writing down the ideas and thoughts they had.
"First, we'll need to sort out payment…"
Hiring some Pilots[]
Date: September 1, 3002
Location: Camadeiere B-Class HPG Station, Taurian Concordat
"Major Aiden Gray," I stood up and shook the hand of the redhead, his blue eyes and blond eyebrows creating an odd picture to look at.
"Captain Mark Hull," he replied. "That was good work with the pirates earlier this year. It's a shame I was on the far side, otherwise I might have been able to assist. Now, I'm a soldier, you're a soldier. Let's cut out the bullshit and get down to the brass tacks," he sat down and gestured for me to do the same. "Our contract's up, and the Concordat hasn't responded to any of my messages regarding the extension clause, so I figure I'm about to be looking for work anyway."
"And we're lacking ASF support," I agreed. "We're looking to hire y'all on as an independent unit for now, with the hope that we can merge later on."
"Heh," he shook his head. "Most of us are from the Outworlds Alliance, and only Nagase has the head for all of the logistics. We don't want to be hired on separately. And frankly, Davenport's about to go crazy if he has to help out with the paperwork for purchasing supplies again."
"What do you want then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I tried to figure out what the redhead was trying to say.
"We want you to buy us out," Aiden shrugged. "We left the OWA because they didn't seem to appreciate our sacrifice, and have tried to make it on our own. But we don't have the capital to stay in business for much longer, and it only takes one bad contract for your bird to get repossessed to recoup a nation's losses."
"And what happens if I buy you out and y'all end up retiring with the payout?" I met the other man's stare.
"That won't happen," he grinned. "Sure, we enjoy the paycheck. "But my group. We live for the thrill of spending time in the cockpit and outflying an enemy. We're looking for a challenge. And if I read you right, you'll be perfectly willing to find those challenges for us. And then we're able to get some help with more steady pay. Now, I already had an inkling this sort of thing was going to happen and had a basic contract written up with the MRB.."