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Blood on the Horizon (Cover Art)

Blood on the Horizon
- Chapter 3 -

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Adjustment and Jump Start[]

"So this hose goes here," I muttered as I followed Betty's instructions. "And that one goes there."

"Then I use the built-in pump on the container to transfer fuel to the engine," I bit the end of my light while triple-checking the connections. "Now the switch," I flicked the switch and the pump made a small purring noise as it switched on.

"Then we wait." I sighed as I watched the fuel levels in the tank slowly drain into the fusion engine.

I let myself float away from the tank, looking through the various audio manuals that were available before finding one that would be relevant to the next task.

>>"Caution, ensure that you are taking the proper safety precautions before beginning the power-up sequence,"<< Betty instructed. >>"Please review said procedures before continuing."<<

"There we go," I grinned as the giant fusion engine rumbled to life, the lights beginning to shift from a red glow to a bright white. "Thanks, Betty."

If the lights hadn't been lighting up the room, my smile would have done it as I took in the engine room in all of its beauty.

"This might just be the coolest thing I've ever done," I whispered to myself as I looked at the fusion reactor. "The power of the sun contained and channeled. The fury of the void itself provides energy and power to something that we only dreamt of."

Then my eyes caught the motion of a dead engineer floating, the light illuminating the mummy and turning the mood somber once again.

"They need to be laid to rest first," I nodded to myself as I flared the maneuvering thrusters a hair, the momentum carrying me to the corpse. "Petty Officer Second Class Laughlin," I read the name badge. "I'll do my best to grant you peace."

Captain's Log[]

Logging onto Captain James Cromwell's computer terminal that was keyed to the communicator mounted on my wrist, I began combing through the files, trying to find a list of the crew members so that I could put the dead to rest as they would have wished for it to be done.

"Give me something here," I muttered as I worked my way through the unfamiliar OS, eventually stumbling across something that piqued my interest.


Captain's Log: January 1, 2783

I almost did not sign off on the upgrades that were assigned to my ship. I saw far too many of my fellow sailors and marines die fighting against the very same defense systems that were supposed to be assisting us for me to be comfortable with this. Nevertheless, my engineers and technicians have persuaded me otherwise, claiming that the increased automation will enable the crew to have greater chances of survival and that it will allow us to carry more cargo with us as we scout ahead of whatever fleet or battlegroup we are assigned to.

Regardless of the upgrades I have been persuaded of, I will be maintaining a vigilant eye on the upgrades that improve automation. Some of this is entirely too close to the SDS systems that went rogue for my liking, and I will pull the plug at the slightest sign of danger to my crew.

March 5, 2783

The Manassas is being refitted with a new experimental Jump drive, I never claimed to be one of the brilliant minds of the Hegemony or Star League, but something feels off about this. Unfortunately, the tactical and strategic advantage of being able to increase the jump by ten lightyears is too much for me to pass up, so I am allowing the upgrade to continue. I did manage to persuade them to upgrade and improve the bunks and the Grav Decks. They will be some of the finest in the navy when my ship is out of dry dock.

October 20, 2783

My Ship has finally left the dry dock, and she looks nothing like the Aegis class cruiser that she once was. She's not the same ship she was when she was put into dry dock, she altogether something entirely different and it'll take some time to get used to the new ship that she is.

February 20, 2784

I put it up to a vote. The crew decided that we are going to stay with Kerensky, we're to be taking on cargo and dropships for the journey by the end of the month. I expect that this might be the last chance we will have to see Terra, so I've granted some shore leave before we begin preparations.

April 19, 2784

We've been ordered to guard the rear and both keep an eye out for and prevent any pursuers as we leave the Inner Sphere. We're to meet up at the Schwartz system with the rest of the fleet before continuing coreward to an unspecified location.

July 6, 2784

I did not expect it to be a misjump that did us in. The K-F drive has malfunctioned, and we're going to be affecting repairs and then trying to catch up to the rest of the fleet. I'm not sure that everything will go according to plan. Thankfully, there is a planet that is in the habitable range in this system. We'll ferry what civilians we have onboard down to the planet below while we try to figure this out. And even if we fail, we can settle down on the planet and attempt to make things work.

December 13, 2784

Today is the scheduled day to test the repaired K-F drive. I have been working alongside the crew to ensure that we have done our very best, and all of our nonessential personnel have been transported to the planet to join the civilians and now we are finishing the last of the preparations.

In the event of my death and that of my crew, I only ask one thing. Continue and restore the Manassas. She's a good ship, and deserves a better send-off than to lie adrift as a derelict in the void. Repair her drive, and get her back to her rightful place as a queen of the stars.

Captain James Cromwell, Star League Navy.


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