BattleTech Fanon Wiki
Blender Battletech - Start Screen
Blender Battletech (Game)
Product information
Type Computer Game
3D PC Computer
Primary writing Pickledtezcat
Publication information
Content Blender Language Mech Combat Simulator for the Personal Computer
Era Succession Wars Era
Clan Invasion Era


Blender Battetech is a Free BattleTech First Person simulator / Arcade style game for the PC. Blender-based software, this is a game gives the user a arcade style combat, piloting limited array of classic BattleMechs per faction.

Originally conceived by Pickledtezcat, this game was a learning project as he learned how to write in the Blender programing language.

The game is a one-person combat game, where you pilot a Mech. Graphics are dated, but game remains very playable for enthusiasts of the genre.

This article is only note of game and lists it's basic features. This game still works as of Windows 10. Links to the game are provided in the info box above or from the original source page.

Blender Battletech - Battle between medium mechs

Battle between two medium sized BattleMechs, third person view


Player is teamed with one AI / Ally Mech, usually fights 2 to 4 Mechs together.

A player call in airstrike to hit a targeted Mech which too much for them to handle.

More damage inflicted gains more points until destroyed. Once opposing Mechs are destroyed, game score is displayed and you can choose continue to progress through missions. High Levels allows the player to be assigned to Star League Technology level opponents. Where slight more advanced technology can be found on their and your 'Mechs.

How it Works and Game Play[]

Game loads, the player chooses a faction to fight for; Federated Suns, Capellan Confederation, Draconis Combine, Free Worlds League, Lyran Commonwealth, and Mercenaries. Each faction has certain BattleMech designs they may choose from which is specifically catered to that faction.

They then choose which planet to fight for, they are then randomly assigned to 'Mech.

The cockpit gives you radar, weapons selection to toggle through, view port to see through, damage diagram for your 'Mech and targeted enemy Mech.

Basic Controls[]

Blender Battletech - Raven in My Sites

Cockpit view in a BattleMech with Head Up Display.


A BattleMech is controlled by the following keyboard controls; "W" - Forward, "A" - Turn Left, "D" - Turn Right, "S" - Stop, and "X" - Backup, "Spacebar" - Jump (if equipped)

Mech's torso may be turned by using the Mouse. "F" - Straightens Mech out to move towards that direction you are facing.


  • Weapon Selection : Mouse Left Button - Toggles through weapons on the 'Mech.
  • Firing Selected Weapon : Mouse Right Button - Clicking will fire the weapon.
    (If a weapon selection has more than one assigned to it. A player may fire 2nd weapon after discharging/firing the first one.)


As Mech takes damage, you take first armor damage. If enemy weapons are strong enough, you will get alerts of internal damage and possibly critical hits causing weapon destroyed, malfunction, possibly critical component (Gyro, Engine), which usually has limited tolerances to damage and will result in the destruction of the 'Mech.

Other Features[]

  • Ejection - This features allows the player to view the battlefield while descending from ejection seat. While doing so player can turn and few the AI continue to fight. Pressing the "E" button will allow you to eject. *Note* This feature was not fully finished, the player views once landed are limited and not necessary able to see battle.
  • Air Support - When in a situation where you are desperate straights and at a disadvantage, a player can call in air support. By pressing F1 Key a radio static sound will be heard and a conventional fighter or Helicopter will attack the enemy force. It will do so as long it's not shot down. This can be done even if the pilot has ejected or their 'mech been knocked down.
  • Ending the Game - By typing the (Esc button).


Blender BattleTech came in 5 versions (technically 6, not published). The game was never fully completed, functional enough for a player to use.

The author of the game prior moving on to different learning project had begun attempting to make Land-Air Mechs to work in the game. Models were display at one point, but feature wasn't completed.


External Links[]
