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Beyond Hope (Cover Art)

Beyond Hope

- Chapter 45 - When you see me running…

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Talks between Friends[]

The Oaken Cudgel, Boojum Naval Shipyard transit quarters
Kowloon, Federated Commonwealth (Lyran State)

Giao poured another drink. "You missed the fun, Kate."

Katherine Morgan Steiner-Davion could operate under her own name since 3058, and she did. She also retained friendships forged in that year with a custodian's care.

"I heard. You pawned off the diplomatic contact on Michael."

"It kept me from having to go planet-side, besides, he's your Brother's man, isn't he? A Noble? I was wishing to heaven and hell you were there instead, Kate, especially when we had to actually talk to the Deserters."

“It sounds like you did fine,” Katherine nodded.

"I thank you for the tip-sheet on how," Giao confessed. "Anyway, I handed the Ia Drang over to my relief and took the Road back."

“One of Helena’s admittedly better ideas,” Katherine smiled.

"So… has Galen Cox proposed yet? Are you going to make an honest man of him after all these years? There's rumors, you know."

“He better soon. I’m starting to get impatient,” Katherine took a drink.

"Well, here's to second chances then. I've decided to put my paper in, I've got enough for a ship-stake and a powerful need to not be fighting more wars."

“I’ll miss you, Giao.” Kate commented

"You're one of the good ones, Kate. Don't let that ever slip, they need to keep people like you in the Navy or we'll all end up like those poor bastards from the Free Worlds."

“Deal. But if you find yourself getting an itch to make a new generation of spacers I will find a creative way to make you regret it if you name me godmother or name one of them after me.”

"Your pranks are the stuff of epics, that almost sounds like a challenge…" Giao grinned. "Anyway, good luck tomorrow with the Council. Do you think they'll give you an Avalon this time?"

“Talk about the kind of day that makes you think about handing in papers… Probably. What I know for sure is I’m probably going to stick with this a long time yet, even if they don’t.”

"A sailor's toast then: The Winds at our Backs, the Stars at our Feet, we are the Incomparable ladies of the Star League's Fleet!"

“Let’s raise hell and get drunk!” Katherine raised her tumbler.

Ijero Brandy burned as it went down to the sounds of cheers from bystanders who also raised their glass to the toast.

I'll keep this going forever if I can, Katherine mused. In the back of her memory, a boy of nineteen took his helmet off in hard vacuum to get a breath of fresh air in a dark, distant place.

Wrangling with Diapers and Anxiety[]

Spider's Moon - Kowloon, Federated Commonwealth

Helena was changing Jonathan as he squirmed.

“Right in the face!” Helena exclaimed as she finished wrapping her child in a fresh diaper and looked for something to clean her face off with.

“He’s a mama’s boy, a terrorist about it for sure but he prefers you. Hell, I’m pretty sure he prefers aunt Nikki over me.” Jakob chuckled as he handed Helena a sanitary wipe.

“Thanks.” Helena wiped her face. “Trust me, when he gets older he’ll be a real daddy’s boy. You two will go camping, fishing, hunting, and all the guy stuff that I’ll just be a third wheel or baggage for.”

“You’re worried that you’re going back to work too soon and that you’ll miss a lot of Jonathan’s life.” Jakob commented.

“A bit. I know I’m going a bit stir crazy and maybe a bit of cabin fever but I’m still a mom.” Helena told him.

“Speaking of, you sure?” he asked

“Yeah. End of my term. You me, another baby. Maybe sooner if things go well.” Helena nodded. “Part of me doesn’t want to wait that long with what happened with Moshe and Sithers but at least they planned ahead for that sort of eventuality.”

“Maybe we should too then. Just to put your mind at ease, so you can wait without the anxiety." Jakob commented


July 3061

"Okay, that didn't work. We didn't take any casualties, did we?" Arthur asked.

"No, and no major damage to anything on the maps."

"Well, if at first you don't succeed…"

August, 3061…

"We didn't need that mountain anyway," Elizabeth said reassuringly. "We have got to figure out an easier way to shut it down than timers though."

"Yeah, agreed," Arthur nodded.

“Puck ub!" Hannah contributed.

"Yes, we ****** up," Liz said idly. "Simon, that doesn't go in your mouth!"

September, 3061…

"So, we activate the Charlie site?" Liz asked.

"Charlie site is… where's Simon?"

A panicked search found their toddler son digging into a supply cabinet: "Treetz?"

October, 3061…

"You're going to be late, even with a command circuit, Arthur."

"It almost worked this time," he argued.

"Yes, and it didn't… huh, that's funny."

"What's funny?"

"Have a look-HANNAH! OUCH!! No biting!!"

"Huh, that is funny… We're recording, right?"

"Still recording…"

"I think I know how to make it work now. What we did right initially, and what we need to do next time… Okay, Liz, we're going to my parents, I've already made arrangements."

"When did you find time-"

"I had help. You'll only be under for a few days this trip. Besides, you've never been to New Avalon."

"It's going to be cold there, isn't it?" she sighed heavily. "Yes, Dear."

He kissed her forehead, "That's my brave wife."

Eve of Deployment[]

Arthur Steiner-Davion's Laboratory Facilities
Kowloon, Federated Commonwealth (Lyran State)
October 22nd, 3061

"It looks like a coffin, Arthur." Helena commented.

"Lizzie thought the same, so she made a big black cape and fake teeth to wear when she comes out." Arthur acknowledged.

“Heh. Of course she did. Puffy and frilled old time suit too I trust?”

"If you meant a tasteful ruffled neck-line? Yeah… whose taste I'm not sure, but she insisted it was tasteful."

“With what we’re putting her through, we can let her have her fun,” Helena nodded.

“Is that a third certification I saw on your office wall?”

“What can I say, I may never understand everything you two say, but I’m going to do my best to bridge the gap,” Helena smiled.

"Just as long as you understand something-we haven't been wasting time," Arthur told her. "Admittedly we haven't gotten the results we wanted, but we haven't been wasting our time either."

“Science leads the way. As long as that remains true I know you and Liz are not wasting time.”

"I think you and Johnny are going to appreciate the progress we have made." he told her cryptically. "Johnny, I think, especially when he's older… which also means we're taking MY dropship."

Helena used her portable noteputer to bring up a nannycam feed of Jonathan sleeping in his crib.

“I think we both will. The thrust needed for escaping the gravitational pull of a planet is so hard on his little heart.”

"Well… the thrust remains the same, but I think you'll find riding on MY ship far more pleasant." Arthur was brimming, visibly wanting to tell.

“Come on Arthur. I may not know specifics but I oversee your budget and requisitions, so go ahead. You want to spill the last little bit I don’t already know.”

He grinned like a maniac, eyes gleaming. "We found a side-use, it was unexpected… and it works. Your boy will never have to fight with inertia-generated gee forces again."

“Arthur I could do more than kiss you if we weren’t both already happily married.”

"Thus, we're taking MY dropship, because right now, me, Liz, and a few select staff know how to fix it if something goes wrong," he continued. “But I guarantee the ride is going to be smoother than you've ever experienced."

“Thank you Arthur. This will have to suffice for now as a token of my gratitude.” Helena gave Arthur a friendly kiss on the cheek.

Waiting for Event to Begin[]

Nadir Jump Point - Kowloon System, Federated Commonwealth
May 3061

FCS Hot Rod drifted under null thrust… at least, from the engines. Not that Helena or Jakob could tell they weren't sitting on the ground, at the port, on Spider Moon, instead of free-floating at the rendezvous point of Kowloon's Nadir Jump Point.

"Gravity too?"

"Side effect of the inertial dampening, or maybe the dampening is a side effect of the gravity manipulation inside the warp field," Arthur explained, as a graduate student named Deanne guided the ship reactionlessly toward the docking collars of a FedCom Transport Command JumpShip.

Helena nodded as she looked over at Jonathan sleeping away, pinning Jakob’s left arm completely which brought a smile to Helena’s face.

'It's safe to have this running during a jump?" Helena suddenly asked.

"So far? Yeah," Arthur nodded. "Telling the truth, while Dee or Liz or I can adjust the direction, intensity, etcetera, turning it off would be…bad. But the EMP from jumping doesn't turn it off, so there's that."

“Just how bad are we talking?”

"At the Charlie site, we got a new crater where there used to be a mountain," he admitted. "The spectra from the disintegration was fascinating but not something I'd want to be standing next to." He shrugged and added, "Don't worry though, we've got plenty of backup power to keep the field stable."

“So if we get into combat for whatever reason?”

"We crank dampening all the way up and fire the engines at full," Deanne said cryptically. "I guarantee there isn't a targeting system made that can cope with that."

“Just how massive are the engines on this ship?”

"It's not the mass of the engines, it's that their mass is isolated from the rest of the universe," the Grad Student tried to explain. "So all that thrust? Is pushing zero mass in baryonic reality."

“So the same engines as normal for this type of Dropship, just hacking physics to make it scream like a bat out of hell,” Helena nodded.

"Yup. Same for turn rates and turnover," Deanne commented. "That's when we're not using the gravy generators instead of the engines for thrust. Doc Arthur sheared two mountains and an asteroid figuring that out."

“Is it wrong that I’m starting to consider that normal or acceptable?” Helena shook her head.

"Means you're getting used to applied sciences," Deanne said. "I'm still working on my big Thesis, so this flying is for credit toward my doctorate. I get to write a patent if my thesis works out, and I’ll never have to ever go back to Folsom County and the mines outside Ciudad Madrid. My sis doesn't have to keep working as a hostess at a brothel neither."

"Diction, Deanne," Arthur said.

"I meant, 'either'?"

"Very good," he nodded approvingly. "Elizabeth will be pleased with your progress after this trip."

The docking maneuver finished, and the systems confirmed connection with the first of what would be a string of pre-positioned Jumpships to take them to New Avalon by 'the express route'.

Helena smiled as they docked. Watching Arthur in professor mode always seemed to make her smile.

Hmmm… If this counts as course work for Deanne I wonder if I can argue it should count towards my fourth certification as well… Helena thought to herself.

“Helena?” Jakob asked quietly.

“Sorry. I was lost in my own world there for a minute.” Helena noticed Jonathan was starting to stir.

“What were you thinking about?” Jakob asked as Helena collected Jonathan.

“How much of an overachiever I am now that I’ve given myself permission to live my life. And oh yeah, somebody needs changing.”

Preparing execute Will of Blake[]

Hilton's Head - Terra, Sol System (Word of Blake Space)

"Do you know what they've gone and done??" St. Jamais wasn't exactly well today. His eyes were red from fatigue, though it could have been the alcohol.

“Yes. We’re deliberating our response. Patience is required now Cameron.” Kernov answered.

St. Jamais scoffed hollowly, "Patience! You would caution patience, with this kind of dangerous advancement on the loose? For centuries we keep things stable, advancements are carefully clipped off, to prevent runaway growth that can lead to catastrophe, and you're talking 'patience'?"

“Yes. Precisely because it is on the loose. If we act rashly and without careful preparation we may not contain the idea.”

"There's more coming, Kernov, don't you get it? Nothing can be invented, that won't be invented by someone else!"

“Hence why we are poisoning the well by carefully placing the right instructors in this university program of theirs.”

"It does not appear to be working Kernov. They've harnessed a fundamental force of the Universe and worse, they beat us to it. How can you 'poison the well' if you don't even understand where the water is??"

“The alternative is to go to war with the entire Inner Sphere. We’re not ready for that yet.”

"Better be ready soon Kernov, or we'll lose."

“I’ve already got a plan in motion to cull the herd of the Shunners and Blaine’s pro-Cameron groups. Once those who do not follow the true path as we do are excised we will be more free to act as we wish,” Kernov nodded.

"I think it's less about what we wish than what we must. The Succession Wars taught one lesson-scientific advancement is too dangerous to be left in the hands of the Colonists, so you better have a good plan for seizing this before someone else makes a copy and figures it out!"

“The best plan, we’ll buy it. Then once we have the technology, the inventor will have a most unfortunate accident and the archives at this university will have a convenient gap where the data used to be. We just need to raise sufficient funds that the inventor and Duchess Headshot cannot say no.”

St. Jamais snorted and shook his head, "You know what occurs to me, Kernov? We could have had them both!"

“Possession? Yes. But my best analysts say they never would have been among the faithful. They have their own ideas and always will. Which is a shame. They are both brilliant but without faith, they’ll always be the worst kind of threat. This way we have the fruits of their labor safely contained for our own investigation and we send a subtle message about those who act in such blatant disregard of Blake’s teachings.”

“If your plan doesn’t work?”

“Then I’ll let you perform your own science experiment.” Kernov slid over a research paper by one Elizabeth Ann Ngo: How to kill a planet for less than 500 million Kroner.

St. Jamais stared at the document with distaste. "I'll do something less… destabilizing than teaching the bloody colonists how effective kinetic weapons are, Kernov." He met the older man's eyes. "The intention is to prevent escalations, not demonstrate HOW."

“Keep it in mind with this thought, how much more effective of a demonstration could there be that some ideas should not be pursued than by using such an idea generated by a member of the un-enlightened.”

"I'll consider your position," St. Jamais said quietly. "But consider this: if we prove it works, they'll eventually use it on us. The terror of this little missive? Is that it was written by a seventh grader with an elementary understanding of basic physics used by everyone-including us-for travel. There's not one thing exotic about it in the slightest. To purge the knowledge would end human civilization-including us, they already know how to do it, which is why nobody does it... but once a weapon is used? It will be used again. I can point to any era of history you might suggest… no, I'll keep this in mind, but I'll prefer to use means that are less likely to result in failing to achieve Blake's Vision of a better future."

“The weapon exists. It is just a question of who will use it first.”

"When those happen, history shows the really important figure isn't the first to use it, but the last," St. Jamais said. "Which is usually NOT the first. Strategic Bombing, used in the 20th century, pioneered by the Axis, who then lost to allies who picked it up afterward. It's easy to kill, Kernov, it's more telling if you aren't opening yourself up for retaliation by anyone with a jump drive and a grudge."

“And that concludes today’s lesson in getting you to see you do understand patience and appropriate response.”

"Why do you think I'm drinking, Kernov? I can't figure out how to deal with this without risking the kind of out of proportion response that makes things worse," St. Jamais said with a bitter laugh. "I love that someone figured it out, I hate that that someone isn't US… and I fear for the possibilities because that someone wasn't us."

“Our order has spent centuries stoking fires, eliminating problematic individuals, and many a great other objectively terrible things all in the service of Blake’s teachings. Soon. Soon we will be ready to step out of the shadows and truly educate humanity.”

Marking a Date[]

Elbar system, Federated Commonwealth (Federated Suns State)
December 6th, 3061

Majery fretted over the process, checking the patient's vitals multiple times as the 'surfacing' process from imposed hibernation was reversed.

It took most of the evening, but Elizabeth's letter had been explicit-if they reached Elbar by December 5th, she was to be 'raised from the dead' and allowed to go to the surface with the kids.

Helena watched on pins-and-needles too: the medically induced hibernation had to be handled exactly right to preserve the patient, and this version was only a mere refinement on Star League era coldsleep technologies.

There's a risk of nervous or even brain damage to consider.

"She's doing fine," Majery said expertly, as Elizabeth's core temperature rose to normal.

"Not… New… Avalon?" Liz asked.

"We made it to Elbar by the morning of the fifth, local time, you've been in cycle for wakeup for twelve hours."

"Tests," Liz said. "Gotta do cognitive tests… see if I lost anything in the cold-sleep."

“Who are Arthur’s ‘hall passes’?” Helena couldn’t help herself.

Liz opened her eyes, winced, and said, "At the university, or in general?"

“General,” Helena chuckled.

“Evvie, Daphne, and You.” Elizabeth answered.

“Shit. I didn’t think that would actually work. Good to know,” Helena chuckled.

"Sixth of December, twenty-Seven Seventy Five," Liz said. "That's why we're here."

"Running Deer Mountain," Helena blinked. "You even got the date right."

"Field trip for the kids," Liz told her. "And for Arthur…" She sat up, winced, and forced her way out of the sarcophagus. "Heritage. It got overshadowed by what Jinjiro did at Kentares later, but we never forgot."

Helena moved to help support her friend.

“I should have made this trip sooner,” Helena nodded.

'You avoided it for the same reason I avoided it, only… deeper," Liz offered. "But we're here now."

“Yes we are.” Helena nodded.

Liz, with Helena's help, shuffled to her cabin, greeted her husband, and got dressed for an outing on the planet.

When they gathered up at the bay Elizabeth noticed a small distinction with Helena’s old SLDF uniform.

“You’ve changed your uniform.” Elizabeth nodded.

“Yeah. I actually had to have it taken out, especially at the bust. Back strain is a real bitch now post-pregnancy.” Helena nodded.

“The gloves, you’re not wearing your gloves.” Elizabeth noted.

“Only need them if it’s cold out now,” Helena nodded.

The landing alarm sounded, and there was a faint vibration through the deck as the landing jacks contacted the planet's surface.

"Not taking the shuttle?"

"Johnny can't, so we won't," Liz said. "Arthur must have thought of it."

"I'll take the compliment," Arthur said. "Even if it's really Jakob who suggested it."

Helena kissed her husband. “I’ll have something more for my wonderful husband later. Something fun and naughty.”

“Okay now I have to know, who’d you let Jakob have fun with?” Elizabeth looked at Helena.

“You, Evvie, Daphne, and Sithers. Strange how our lists are so similar but I think that just means we like and trust the same people for the same reasons,” Helena chuckled. “But I know short of me making it a direct order he’d never do that, just like I know Arthur would never actually do that to you without you likewise forcing it.”

“Sithers! How could I forget her, yeah I don’t think I’d even bat an eye if I walked in on them getting freaky,” Liz chuckled. “But then I’d probably have to put my husband through therapy afterwards because she can get really freaky.”

The women laughed as their husbands seemed uncomfortable with the current topic of conversation.

The doors opened, and the ramp extended in a smooth mechanical motion, revealing daylight and a sort of blonde light from Elbar's sun, shining over the landing field and the honor guard from Elbar's local lord.

"The prodigal daughter returns!" one of the uniforms spoke up, and revealed himself to be the current Heir to Elbar's Dukedom. "Welcome to Elbar, Lady Helena Cameron, and especially welcome to the rest of you!"

"Nathan… Sandoval-Diennes? Did I say it right?" Liz stepped forward.

"Baron of Wiltshire, Yes!" He couldn't be twenty five. "I couldn't believe it when I was told you'd be arriving, Your Grace."

"He knows who I am."

"You're my wife, of course he knows," Arthur said.

“Elbar and Kowloon have a strong history together, even if we’ve not been exchanging formalities and visits of friendship as we should have for a while. Which I will apologize for Elbar’s part in. We really should have been reaching out more ourselves.” Baron Sandoval-Diennes bowed.

“No, we should be the ones apologizing,” Elizabeth started.

“Your condition is quite known, your Grace. It would be unreasonable of us to expect you to come to us. So we should have come to you more often.” Nathan gestured to a waiting ground car. “Shall we go to the site proper?”

As they piled into the extended large occupancy car and settled in Helena found herself watching out the window.

The road was meticulously cared for, but Helena could still see all the old scars that the battles left on the world despite three centuries of time working to conceal them, or new ones from different conflicts springing up in their place.

“There. That’s where we set up the medical tents and I spent a week learning to set IVs and some other basics of medicine before Jakob pulled me out because it was too dangerous.” Helena pointed out the window.

“It was. Rim Worlders could have easily slipped an agent in there to take you out with all the strangers and chaos,” Jakob defended himself.

“I know, and I forgave you for that a long time ago.”

Not long after, the car stopped. They began piling out of the ground car.

The air was cooler here in the shadow of Running Deer Mountain.

Helena fished her gloves off her belt. “Brrr. Even with all the layers of ballistic weave mesh in my uniform it’s chilly here.”

“Good thing I brought your coat then.” Jakob handed Helena a jacket.

Helena looked at the concourse that Elbar had created as a memorial site. Walls and walls of names, each with a simple bench so people could sit and read the names on the walls.

At the end was a large ferrocrete half circle that jutted out over the slight drop off of the valley that overlooked where the entrance to the Castle Brian was located.

The stand was ready. The gathered Honor Guard in their formal dress uniforms made two columns with one standing between them holding the wreath.

Elizabeth and Helena walked along the concourse, past the walls, between the two columns.

Helena saluted the man with the wreath and Elizabeth bowed. Then they took the wreath from the militia man, who then stepped out of their way.

“AH-TEN HUN!” He bellowed as the honor guard faced the stand.

Helena and Elizabeth carefully placed the wreath on the stand. Helena saluted and Elizabeth bowed again.

Below the stand in the ferrocrete was an inscription: For those we do not have names for. Never forget and never again.

Speech to Remember[]

Elbar system, Federated Commonwealth (Federated Suns State)
December 6th, 3061

"These Nations? They're not really nations. Not independent as much as they claim to wish they were, either. Not us, not the Dracs, not the Cappies or the Leaguers. Want to know why I'm saying that?" They were alone.

"Go on," he urged.

She continued reading aloud…

"Because everyone relies on a foreign monopoly for key administration tasks," Liz asserted. "The Terrans own the HPG network, and every government, military, most of the finance? They all go through Comstar's network first. Just like it did under the Star League. We're all Provinces. Provinces in varying stages of rebellion, but provinces ruled passively by a foreign power who decides what news goes where and when…. or we were, before Comstar started shooting at each other. But I still have doubts over whether that split is genuine, and not a distraction meant to provide a sock-puppet subterfuge to conceal a monopoly that's been ruling us from Terra since the HPG net was established…"

"Liz, you're going to light people on fire with that." he said.

"I suspect they'll be using it to burn me in effigy," she countered. "But what do you think for a catchy introduction?"

"Are you really going to publish?" he asked.

"Probably not," she put the manuscript away. "You see it though, right? I mean, Focht's tell-all was an indicator, but it's even more of an indicator in the context of the Succession Wars, the grievances. The claims and counter-claims, and the timing."

“I think the shooting is genuine, but maybe not in the way we think. I do believe Focht is trying to create a philosophical shift, and this has started a genuine civil war. But where I think you’re correct is that despite that being true, that has not changed anything. It is still fundamentally a foreign monopoly and everything flows through HPGs not under our direct control. It may be an illusion that we have any choice at all.”

Choice before the Clans of Kerensky[]

Strana Mechty system, Kerensky Cluster (Clan Space)
December, 3061

“Welcome trothkin. My name is Sarak Yeh. Clan Goliath Scorpion has once again been asked to teach the lessons of the Star League of old. I have been chosen to be one of the instructors. I have asked each Clan to send me those who are considered misfits, troublemakers, free thinkers, and those who are otherwise being considered for abjuration or even reaving. I have asked for such candidates because we find ourselves entering a different kind of war, one none of our more traditional minded contemporaries have ever considered. Total War. By which I do not mean the more conventional definition. No, this is also a war about philosophy, ideas, words, and so much more than just meeting our foes in our Warmachines. Some of you may ask why I am qualified. And in so doing you have taken the first step in answering your own question, for I too questioned our ways. What works, what does not, why we fail, why we succeed. Enough that I have earned another name, I am also called Why Yeh.”

Star Commander Yeh, you have not been to the Inner Sphere, quineg?” Nathan Roshak of Clan Jade Falcon asked.

“It is true I have never been to the Inner Sphere proper. By which I take it you have, being of Clan Jade Falcon?”

“I have. I even had several bondsmen from Blackjack Academy under my command until many of them were killed in battle with the Federated Commonwealth.”

“Then you must know much of the ways of the Inner Sphere.”

“More than some.” Yeh commented.

“Excellent. Then we can progress straight into my first lesson. Do not be afraid to defer to another who has more subject matter experience and thus why I asked for Nathan Roshak specifically. A sure way for us to lose this war is to be too arrogant. Please tell us what you learned from your freeborn subordinates.”

“One above all others stood out. A warrior that was fierce, cunning, and capable. He came from Kowloon. To the residents of Kowloon we are considered traitors, bandits, deserters, pirates, slavers, or some combination of those terms. Even all those terms at the same time. To them, our promises must be as good as our threats. He told me if we had approached them as friends, as the Star League delayed, but finally making good on old promises, we would have been widely accepted as saviors, not invaders.”

“Hence why our various Clan Watches all report one common thing. Kowloon loves Helena Cameron despite the fact she is a Cameron and a Terran.” Why Yeh distributed reproductions of two items in Clan Goliath Scorpion’s archives.

“There are actually two items in this package I am passing out. One is a copy of the signed treaty between Helena Cameron, General Kerensky, and Tranh Truk Ngo outlining the terms for Kowloon’s participation in the campaign against the Usurper. The other is a copy of the some of Helena Cameron’s writings on Kowloon. ‘Why this focus on Kowloon?’ some of you may be asking. Simple. You will be going there. As a multi-clan delegation. You will be part of the garrison and yes, the staff. My mission is to teach you all to be more than Warriors, to set aside any prejudices you have about tasks unbefitting a Trueborn warrior, as well as removing any stigmas you may have about freeborns. Roshak’s is to teach you about these people, their customs, and with that knowledge we shall pool our strengths to win the war of words, ideas, and philosophies. We do this because if we do not, we are irrelevant. Past tense. We adapt or we perish. That is the choice before the Clans of Kerensky.”

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