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Beyond Hope (Cover Art)

Beyond Hope

- Chapter 31 - In the land of the Blind

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The Center of Unwanted Attention[]

Luthien System, Draconis Combine

KorvettenKapitain Giao Pham never intended to get this close to the ground again. She'd done her 'surface tour' by clever manipulation of paperwork and as a stack of waivers.

Luthien was as horrifying to her…well, they do make drugs for that, and she was taking. If not all of them, a lot of them because His Majesty required it.

This did not stop, or even ease, the horrid sense of exposed confinement she felt on the surface of the Combine's capital world.

"This is KorvettenKapitain Giao Pham, her ship is responsible for sinking the Streaking Mist before it could initiate the bombardments, Theodore." Prince Victor Steiner-Davion was at ease, the diplomatic reception wasn't really his bag either, but he didn't feel the gut clenching urge to get out that she'd been feeling since getting word that she'd have to attend this…activity…on the surface.

“Come. Let us step inside. I’ll have the windows shuttered. It should ease your tension if you can’t see the sky and are in an enclosed room.” Coordinator Theodore Kurita offered.

"Sir. Thank you, sir." when in doubt, revert to boot.

“Full of surprises.” Victor said.

“One of our most important systems is heavily populated by people who live on asteroids. I recognize one who has difficulty with being on the surface of a world.”

Victor, for his part, looked surprised, "Pham? Is that true?"

She was torn. She wanted to make the boss look good, but the briefings said the Dracs could spot a lie. Aso the examples from training were similar enough… "Yes, sir." she squeaked out.

The shutters closed as did the door, and she eased a bit.

“It is quite common among those who live in burrows and stations. Some are better able to handle it than others but it is something I see quite often with certain citizens of Al Na’ir.” Theodore nodded.

"Azami Al Qatr faction." Giao peeped. "We don't interact, Highness, their ships never come our way and we didn't come this way. Was no friend to ours in the days long before we left Sol, but not enemies either."

“I understand. Now I believe I was about to reward you for the lives you saved.”

"That was duty, Coordinator Sir." Giao said, "I had to do it, swore an oath."

Victor looked a bit…confused. "I'm missing something here."

Theodore gestured, "Her hair barely covers it, She is, unless I am gravely mistaken is from a subset of the Free Stars faction of Spacers. The people of Al Na'ir derive from another faction of Belters-the Azami Al Qatr faction. Difference is, you managed to get yours to sign up for the military, while ours are quite devotedly pacifist except for the planet-born Azami warriors. We do get the odd misfit who doesn’t fall in step as well but it is a rarity."

Theodore gestured, and a pair of servants approached carrying something under a cloth.

"Duty, is a mountain, and you climbed yours well." he told Giao, and pulled the cloth off.

"Death is a feather." she agreed, completing an ancient ritual without thought.

"Victor, you have a true Samurai in your ranks, not someone play-acting." Theodore explained, as he presented the swords to a Spacer-born Lyran who shuddered in terror-but did so in the place she feared the most, rather than fleeing. "Courage is, after all, not the absence of fear, but the presence of resolve."

“That is something that I think everyone understands, at least those of us who do what we do.” Victor nodded.

Giao began mentally calculating her volume allotment in hopes she could find a place to squeeze a pair of swords into her personal goods. She didn't keep a lot of stuff, very little…yeah, I can make space for them.

Besides, they'd be useful in a boarding action.

She accepted them by relying on training and briefing tapes, and imported Combine holomedia depictions of 'proper behavior' she'd studied on the way in.

Nobody laughed, at least.

"We need to discuss the next step." Theodore mentioned, as the leadership of the joint forces gathered in a dining room, with Katherine to Victor's right, and Morgan Hasek-Davion to his immediate left, Giao was seated beside Katherine, who seemed amused by the proceedings.

“Sun-Tzu and Thomas have agreed to meet on Terra. We’re just waiting for one more confirmation while travel arrangements are finalized. But yes there are some things we should discuss here and now to prepare for that.” Victor nodded.

“The lack of unity within the Clans is allowing us to deliver proper punishment to the Smoke Jaguars. Meanwhile we are unifying in a way that I doubt anyone would have ever expected.” "The campaign. We've got more ships than we had in 3050, but when the SLDF walked off to Kerensky's tent, they took ships in the hundreds, we don't even have a full hundred ships, and sooner or later, they're going to stop play-acting." Gaio spoke before she'd finished thinking enough to shut up. "With all due respect, we need to make that disparity not a serious consideration, right now they are divided, but they are fighting an optional war-from their perspective. WE hit the Homeworlds, and the tone may shift them to unity in an existential conflict."

She lowered her eyes and flushed, ashamed of her inability to just shut up. Damn anti-anxiety drugs…

“We are working to narrow that gap but you are correct. Their head start is of great concern. Comstar and Helena have helped by giving locations where mothballed or reserved Warships could be found and even locations of battles to search for us to bring back damaged ships. But if we’re going to do this, we’ll need a united fleet to give us the time.” Victor acknowledged.

"If we can manage a united Fleet…" Kapitan Katherine Morgan spoke up, "Then we can make some headway against the Clans and their fundamental…disunity. It took me a while to really absorb it but a proper team will always outperform a group of star players who are not a proper team. Unity of Command is going to have to be central to this, with component forces willingly obeying whoever is placed in command-even if from a rival nation…but that's not all we need." in contrast to Giao's self-conscious, almost-mutter, Katherine projected confidence and clarity in her voice and manner. "Whoever is placed in command of the Naval group must be first a spacer, and only after that, a warrior. The Clans are Warriors who sometimes go into space in the upgraded ships of their ancestors, but they are not spacers-Giao, help me here…what was the first thing the Streaking Mist did wrong when you fought them?"

Giao looked up, realizing she was the absolute center of attention. "They went into battle unprepared for life in space." she recited from her own after-action report. "It was easy enough to identify-their posture neglected the zed axis approaches in favor of a two-dimensional posture, one focused on the DCS Sho Ka Ku, and the relief convoy. I was able to use a cold drift approach behind my sail, because they were looking for a hot emitter, and were not looking for anything occluding the starfields. Their hull was pressed up-they relied on their HarJel systems-those self-sealing systems, because they thought the biggest danger was losing a collection of the most common gasses in the universe. Their escort flight was configured in a two-dimensional configuration, and they weren't watching high angle zed axis to their direction of travel, which made our crossing their Tee at high speed relatively quick and easy-their attention was on the plane of the ecliptic, with a dedicated 'down' while we were crossing them from an angle along their blind spot. After that, it was just fires and burning-their point defense posture didn't allow for off-angle approaches, and I swear I saw no evidence of basic damage control procedures…and they tried to ram instead of pulling back to regroup, which made them easy to kill, Kapitain…they made it easy for us. I do not expect the next ones will make it easy for us." she lowered her eyes to her plate again, and part of her wondered if it would be rude to eat something.

“I see.” Theodore nodded.

Katherine cleared her throat, waited, then, "How long did it take you to formulate that particular approach?" she addressed Giao again, amplifying the Rockjack's discomfort.

"Fifteen minutes? Maybe?" Giao said, "Ummm…yeah, fifteen minutes, I had to pull a three gravity burn to get positioned, but once we were there, it was maybe another thirty while we ran the approach…"

"Your Majesty, the Naval commander has to understand Space the way a veteran 'mechwarrior understands ground combat." Katherine said, "because the enemy, the Clans do not."

“Prepare a list of several candidates. We should go to Terra with multiple options. But we should also be as prepared as possible.” Victor commanded.

Theodore's sister, Omi spoke softly, and the Coordinator nodded, "Our list can be reduced in size-whomever is given the duty of commanding the naval forces must be respected by as many member state militaries as possible, for their accomplishments in that field. We should review all combat records, gun-cam footage, and battleroms from engagements to establish the criteria for proficiency, along with testimony from allied commanders not of their nation regarding character and suitability. Are we agreed?"

“Agreed. That does shorten our list quite considerably though.” Victor admitted.

'Comstar and the League will want to make their own suggestions." Giao, still high, muttered, shooting an angry glance at Katherine. "Some of those suggestions might decide how much 'unity' we get to have."

“Without doubt.” Theodore agreed.

“You’re having an idea Katherine. What are you thinking?” Victor added.

"I want to come home from this alive." Katherine said bluntly, "That means we need the best Naval Commander we can get, and I've got enough experience to know I am not that commander-the name I'd put in the basket is right here-" she gestured to Giao Pham. "Which is funny, since I'm commanding a Cruiser, and she's in command of a Corvette, but she's better enough at the job she needs to be placed higher, and those swords are proofs of her cross-national credibility."

“I would add one additional thought. She’ll need a staffer. Someone who can handle the admin side. I think we all can agree on who that should be.”

"I'm not fit." Giao interrupted, and raised her head, "right now, in this nice, secure chamber, I'm on so many drugs I might as well be a pharmacy, I can't lead on the ground and whoever commands the Navy, also commands Marines who must make assault landings in support of Regular Ground Forces. I'm also less experienced as an officer than most of you, I won't command the respect of FedSuns Naval officers who've been at this almost as long as I've been alive, I won't command the respect of Mariks whose Naval traditions extend back centuries, and I won't command the respect of Comstar Acolytes from old Earth. Good subordinates can make the mediocre leader great, but a poor leader can turn good subordinates bad. On Standard AFFC placement tests, I tested dead last for officers with sufficient leadership qualities not to be bounced-that means I'm barely adequate to command a ship the size of the one I command."

“We can work on the planetphobia and I suspect you will command more respect than you realize.”

Victor inclined his head, "You think we need a leader in that spot, more than…what?"

"Technical qualities can be trained, leadership is natural." Giao said, "We need someone who can lead, who inspires belief in the ranks, and I'll be happy to give that someone advice, but I'm not her."

“Lady Cameron, you think we should tap her?” Victor steadied his gaze.

Beyond Hope - Alicia Li (Character)

Alicia Li

"Lady Cameron? Would be the platonic archetype of who we need." Giao asserted, and even Katherine nodded agreement here. "If you can get her to come-if not, then Bianh Vu Dao or Alicia Li, from my personal experience, or DCA Captain Michiko Huna, of the DCS Musashi. Those ladies can get Marines to screw a knothole outside the whorehouse, I can't get Horny Marines to screw a whore inside, after paying for it." Giao regretted the words as they tumbled out her lips.

“I was already considering that we’d need her to at least be a part of this, her skills as a logistician alone make her indispensable for what we’re trying to do here. I just hoped we could give her a reduced role rather than keep asking so much of her.” Victor nodded.

"Given the news from Kowloon that just arrived? She may come willingly." Katherine observed, then stopped, "or wasn't I supposed to mention that Helena Cameron destroyed two Lola class, two more Clanner Yorks, a Potemkin, and captured a Nightlord? All intent on invading a Lyran world and taking her hostage."

Theodore laughed out loud, and said, "Victor, if you can get her, She's got my vote!"

“To be honest I won’t be surprised if she gets votes for First Lord. But that could get… interesting to say the least.”

Giao muttered sotto-voce but it was heard. "If you can get her to accept the role."

"What was that?" Morgan Hasek-Davion inquired.

"Helena Cameron gave me my quals before I was chopped to FCN, she lived on Spider Moon for a time, and many of us in the Guard got to know her passing well. She doesn't want the job of First Lord." Giao said, "Not because she's not qualified either-it's because it has the kind of bad memories that get you the rubber room if you're not a noble."

“I know. She’s not ready for that yet but getting her to be the Admiral? I think we can do that.” Victor nodded.

Giao swept her eyes around the room, realized it was okay, and started eating. If I stuff my mouth, I won't say anything else that's rude.

Long-Distance Negotiations[]

The Triad
Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth (Lyran State Capital
June, 3059

“Khan Pryde, it is good to speak to you again.” Peter Steiner-Davion looked at the holo-projection of the Falcon Khan. “I have someone who I think will help us make progress.”

Helena stepped into the field of view of the camera.

“Lady Cameron.” Marthe almost gasped.

“Khan Pryde.” Helena said coldly. “I attest freely, without duress, that I am not a prisoner.”

"I half expected the infamous 'War Witch' to be why Lincoln Osis is pulling back along the Exodus Road from the Draconis Combine, but then, you surprised us all." Marthe complimented, "You have effectively rendered Clan Steel Viper vulnerable to Trials of Absorption, gutted their naval assets, and captured their Khan. Well Done."

“So how much farther do we need to push this conflict? Are you really truly prepared to sit down and talk? Face to face?” Helena asked.

"Some of us are." Marthe answered, "Your presence…the proof of your existence, it changes some things. The entire goal of Operation: Revival is to restore the Star League."

“Then it is time I become a force for peace.”

"I would suggest not yet." Marthe confessed, "There remain some doubters, for a lasting peace, you will have to…persuade them, however, Clan Jade Falcon is prepared to accept you as you are, we have no further doubts as to whether or not you are truly Helena Cameron, the 'war witch' and last scion of the Star League. You burned the proof into the stars when you shattered the Steel Viper touman and left them crippled and leaderless."

“Well then it would seem the best course of action is for me to come to you. So your fellow Khans can see for themselves. Not just that I am who I claim to be, but that I am also free.” Helena told the Khan.

"Aff." Marthe said, "In a few weeks, though they've struggled to keep it a secret, Clan Ghost Bear will begin the process of moving their civilian castes into the territory they have occupied in the Rasalhague…republic? The former Rasalhague district of the Draconis Combine, at any rate. My clan is considering a similar move, for similar reasons. The Restoration of the Star League must include the Children of Kerensky, or this war will never end. I would prefer to be on the winning side of it."

“A divide is forming. This is troubling. I have also been asked to go to Terra in the near future to consult with a properly re-formed Star League. If we are going to end this conflict we do need to meet.”

“Agreed and this complicates matters.” Marthe admitted.

Peter frowned. Then, he cleared his throat, "Lady Helena, your friend Elizabeth…she's asked for a favor..?"

“Ah, yes. Another reason we should talk. We have several hundred survivors of the Steel Viper incursion into the Kowloon system. The Duchess there, observes SLDF General Order 71715. Are you familiar with it?"

"I can have it researched, why is it a matter to bring up?"

"She wants to know what terms she can ask in arranging to repatriate those prisoners of war, and who will take charge of them under SLDF regulations and the Elbar Accords." Helena clarified, "Remember, oh, wait, you might not. Kowloonese see involuntary bondage as a form of slavery, and will not…react well to the idea of making 'bondsmen' of those men and women taken in battle…do you understand?"

“I do but that makes recovering them a difficult situation. Being simply returned would ostracize them in our society, especially after such a rousing defeat.”

Helena looked thoughtful. "The Prisoners include Perigard Zalman and Brett Andrews, though I doubt Andrews will be fit for much of anything after his experience in Ia Drang…or the River that runs below it."

Marthe was eager, "What happened?"

"A local tax protester blew up a dam and sent nearly a cluster of Clan Steel Viper's best down a river and off a two kilometer waterfall, into another river, where they had to be fished out by construction barges and rescued by fishermen." Helena confided. "Duchess Ngo was quite peeved at losing the reservoir, but I think the Steel Vipers had the worst of it."

“I see. Then present them a choice. Clan Jade Falcon will come to collect them and from there they can choose to stay with us or to another Clan or they can seek what I believe the term you use is asylum within your realm.”

“That's agreeable, Helena." Peter said, "I think I can even sell it to the Estates General as a moral imperative."

“Yeah and I think Liz will go with it too. Send us details about what you’ll send to collect them and window of ETA and we’ll have everything sorted on our end.”

“Then that leaves our earlier conundrum.”

"What would it take, Khan Marthe Pryde, to get Clan Jade Falcon to join the conference in re-forming the Star League as a member state?" Peter asked.

"We would first need recognition as a state, instead of an occupying invader." Marthe shot back, "The Rasalhaguians are in negotiations with the Ghost Bears on a similar topic."

"Are you amenable to the idea?" Peter asked, "Is your Clan Council amenable to it?"

"The doubters can be…persuaded, if it looks like something more than an alliance of convenience." Marthe stated, "I will warn you, proof will have be shown that the House Lords are in this for more than a moment-we win if the Star League forms WITH us, or against us, so long as it forms and lasts."

“To prove that will take some doing.”

"A show of strength, and unity." Marthe said, "Win your war against the Smoke Jaguars, then demonstrate sincerity in the forming of the Star League, and you may pull it off, fail and Revival will be only the opening, because if that effort fails, it means weakness that will be exploited."

Discussion of Naval Development[]

Duchess's Residence
Kowloon, Federated Commonwealth (Lyran State)

Elizabeth paused the recording. "******." she spat.

"Unify in freedom or as slaves." Arthur understood. "She's laying down the gauntlet, Liz."

"Yeah. she is." Elizabeth opened a separate screen, Helena's after-meeting message that came with this bombshell. "We can't do it."

"I think we're doing it now."

Liz shook her head, "I don't think they can hold it together-even with Helena in charge. Too many old feuds, old enmities, old wrongs, too much blood under the bridge. Somebody is going to break the alliance, and that will end the Star League one more time." she looked at her husband, "Then, it's back into the dark ages. I don't want our kids to grow up in the kind of darkness and ignorance we did, Arthur..or worse."

“The university program is working. It’s being copied or adapted throughout the theater. It’ll be a struggle but we’ll find a way to keep the darkness away now.”

“I hope you’re right. Ow. We have a kicker.” Liz groaned as she rubbed her belly.

"It's all that Rugby you watch, Liz." Arthur teased.

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