Chapter 10 - The Administrator[]
Spider Moon Coast Guard Station
Boojum 3
Kowloon system
"...fifteen hours ago, the ACGS Anh Chao and the Guitierrez were able to get imagery of the attack from 4 light minutes out with their telescopic arrays, which they have kindly supplied to us." Commodore Bianh Vu Dao said crisply.
"Do it. whatever you're going to ask me, do it." Duchess Sharon Ngo said, "Blank check it, there's a ship loose in the quarantine, they're attacking, do whatever you think you have to do, just keep me informed."
"I want to activate second and third level reserves, Your Grace." Bianh said carefully.
"What did I say? did I stutter? do whatever you think you need to, I want this bogey found, and I want him destroyed before he leaves the Q-line, if there are more, I want them splashed too, with survivors put in Isolation and interrogated."
"Can we activate the mark Fives?" the Commodore asked.
"Yes. what part of 'blank check' don't you get? these guys just walked in, they're putting the whole human race at risk, they're attacking first-responders and infrastructure necessary to maintain the quarantine. Find them, kill their ship and do it before they leave."