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A Warrior's Family (Chapter Cover Art)

Chapter 76[]

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Inflight Pre-Mission Briefing[]

Leopard class DropShip, Phaidin
Necromo System, Capellan Confederation
April, 3030

Anastasia walked across the galley carefully holding her tray of food. She glanced down to make sure Selene was still with her. Dutifully the little coyote was following right at her heels. In addition to Anastasia's breakfast the cooks had given her a metal bowl with some of the meat scraps and leftovers from the previous night. Anastasia sat down in the galley booth across from Mags and Joker. Hap slid onto the bench beside her.

Leopard Class DropShip (by psicore)

Leopard Class Mech Carrier DropShip

Selene weaved her way under the table as Anastasia held her bowl out. Anastasia made Selene wait a moment before setting the food dish on the deck. The coyote pup immediately pounced and greedily began to devour everything in the dish. As the coyote ate her breakfast Anastasia cozies up to Hap and looked at her plate. Today's breakfast was biscuits with a thick cream gravy made with black pepper and spiced pork. She took a bite as Mike walked up.

"Where's Selene? I got this overcooked bacon." Mike asked, holding out a piece of blackened bacon. The Coyote stopped eating and moved just far enough to peer out from under the table. Selene sniffed at the bacon in Mike's hand, and then snatched it before quickly retreating under the table. She laid at Anastasia's feet and crunched on the crispy bacon.

"Oh Mike, I'm sorry she shouldn't snatch like that." Anastasia said, as Mike gave a dismissive wave as he smiled and leaned back to see the coyote.

This had been the biggest surprise of getting a coyote for Anastasia. It began with an argument between her and Joker about Anastasia's desire for Selene to be an obedient and well-behaved pet, and Joker's desire that she be allowed to be herself, or at least that he not train her. Mags said she would help train the coyote, but Mags had little patience. Hap kept finding other things that "needed" his attention. The result was that Anastasia found herself alone trying to train and domesticate a coyote. After a few frustrating days Anastasia happened to bring Selene down to the 'mech bay to show her to Maja and Taja. Mike saw Selene and took an immediate interest.

Anastasia quickly learned that Mike liked dogs and knew a lot about training them. He talked to her for several hours about how to train Selene. Anastasia was even more surprised when, while they were talking, Mike got the coyote to sit and stay, and almost got her to roll over. He gave Anastasia an extensive workshop in training techniques for dogs. The biggest surprise was he didn't insult her or interject one of his clever backhanded insults.

Mike watched the coyote for a few more minutes and then went back to go get some food, and probably something else for Selene. Anastasia began to eat her breakfast as she looked about the galley. They were a few hours from the mission and this was their last meal before the operation started. They were also going to have a tight beam two way teleconference with the rest of the raiding force. The teleconference would be the final mission brief.

This meant the galley was full. The Detachment 3 team, their three man air crew, and members of the McFinnigan support staff that weren't directly flying the DropShip were all eating their breakfast and waiting for the mission brief.

Rowyena was also on the Phaidin. Anastasia assumed it had something to do with having non-company members on the Drop Ship, and if things got weird she could assert some claim of ship ownership for the company. Roweyna had explained some of the Best Business Practices that she was usually doing for her Father, or convincing him that he needed to do them. Anastasia was surprised at how much running a mercenary unit kept coming back to legalities. The business angle seemed obvious but maintaining the fine line between state sponsored military contractor and military adventurer took up a surprising amount of Roweyna's time.

Anastasia turned her attention to the special operations unit. This was the first time she had really seen the Detachment 3 Group without their full kit. They had taken over one of the long tables in the galley and it looked like they spent most of their time there. There were weapons and personal items scattered on their table. The Coyotes had spent almost all their time in the "warrior lounge" or the 'mech bays. For whatever reason neither group wanted to mingle with the other and both had actively avoided each other.

Anastasia noted that Det 3 seemed to be a cosmopolitan group. There was a tall stocky blonde-haired man that looked like he came from the Rasalhague area of the Draconis Combine. The co-pilot for the Karnov was a petite woman of Asian descent who looked like she came from the Capellan Confederation. There were two darker skinned men who would have fit into Free Worlds League populations. The rest of the men could have come from anywhere in the Lyran Commonwealth, Federated Suns, or the periphery states that surrounded them.

Anastasia wondered how the group came together. It was possible they came from one unit or organization, such as an AFFS special operation unit. Every successor state had a majority ethnic group, but most of the nations had members of every race so it wasn't uncommon or impossible for a collection of individuals like this to be in the same unit. Besides, Anastasia reasoned to herself, Det 3 was also mercenaries, just like McFinnigan and Sons It was normal for mercenaries to draw from all the nations.

As Anastasia considered the other mercenary unit. Mags got up and picked her tray, "Anyone need anything?"

Anastasia reached for Selene's food dish. Even though it was empty the Coyote reached out with a paw to try and keep the metal bowl. Anastasia gently reprimanded the puppy and wrestled the dish from her. Anastasia passed it to Mags and asked, "Would you get some water for Selene?"

Mags nodded and turned to walk across the galley. Selene got out from under the table, caught a glimpse of her food dish and followed Mags. When Anastasia tried to call her back Mags stopped, looked down, and told Selene to go back. The Coyote looked confused and jumped up and Mags stepped back while telling her to "get down."

As Mags stepped she turned and walked directly into the stocky blonde from Det 3. Her tray was upended onto the man and she bounced off of him and fell down. Instantly she was on her feet again, and yelled, "Hey, Look where you're going."

"You ran into me, maybe you should stop playing with your dog and pay attention." The man said.

"Sorry," Mags shouted, "but you need to watch out".

Hap got up and jogged to get between Mags and the tall man. The commander of Det 3, Poityr Wojski, also moved quickly to help separate the Mags and his subordinate. Mike silently slipped in between Hap and Mags. With one hand Mike motioned for Selene to sit, which she did, and his other hand rested on the hilt of the long J shaped knife that he used for cutting through 'mech myomer, cables, and electrical wiring.

"Alright, Mags, why don't you go put your tray away." Hap said then he turned to the tall blonde man, "She said she was sorry, it was an accident. Let me put your tray away, maybe I could get you a cup of coffee. You can go back to your seat, get ready for the brief."

"I was going to get more food." The man told Hap then looked over at Mags, "And you need to watch out, I'm a dangerous man."

"We're all dangerous here." Hap said quietly, "We've all been in combat, we've all fired our weapons in anger. We've all seen some shit."

<<"Really?">> The man turned to face Hap and stood taller, <<"You ever stab a man in the chest, feel the knife go through heart and lungs and then cradle him like a mother as his blood pours out and life slowly leaves him?">>

"Sjorberg, enough." Wojski barked, "Go sit down." Wojski turned to Hap, "I apologize my men are impatient right before the operation."

Hap nodded, "Mine too. Once the brief is over we'll load up in our 'mechs, hopefully after the operation we can mingle a little, get to know each other, prevent a repeat."

Wojski shrugged, "Or go back to keeping everyone separated, that worked."

Hap nodded, "It did, but-" As he spoke Wojski turned and went back to sit with his unit.

Hap returned to the booth with Mike and Selene at his heals. Hap sat down beside Anastasia again and pulled Selene up and passed her over to Anastasia. Mike stood over the table and spoke quietly, "Hap I don't trust those ******. They're a bunch of psychopaths."

"Yeah I was thinking that when he asked about my experience stabbing people." Hap sighed, "I can't think of how that could have been weirder or more uncomfortable."

"Oh I can." Joker said, "Imagine if he told you that while you were in that big shower trailer we had back on Daniels. There you are naked, getting ready to lather up and that guy comes up, also naked, and says-"

"What would make you think any of this?" Anastasia asked

"I was using the shower, and Mark and John came in and we started talking about the weirdest shit we've heard in the shower." Joker said, "So I've been thinking lately, what is the most awkward thing-"

Mags came back and sat down next to Joker, "You're not telling them about playing grab-ass in the shower are you?"

"We weren't playing grab ass, we were talking, just three normal guys talking."

"In the shower?" Anastasia said, "Do guys normally talk in the shower?"

"Not usually..." Hap started to say.

"When I'm in shower I try not to make eye contact, clean myself, wash my hair and go." Anastasia said.

"That's how you do everything. You just try to not make eye contact, do your business and not be noticed, but you're weird. I know for a fact most women ask the girl next to them to wash their back, help them with their hair, and then usually-"

Anastasia shook her head, "What do you base that on?"

"I saw it in the movies." Joker replied

"What movies are you watching?" Mags asked suspiciously.

"Oh, uh, you know, the movies, like the ones with Brock Armstrong, and-"

"No." Said Anastasia, "I've seen the entire catalog of Brock Armstrong movies and there is no scene like the one you described, and, knowing you, if there was you would insist, we watch it regularly."

Mags looked from Anastasia back to Joker, "Yeah, what movies are you talking about, William."

"Uh…I think it might have been an episode of Brave Sister Sniper"

Mags didn't look amused, "No, I don't think so. I thought we agreed you wouldn't watch those movies anymore. "

"Well just because I stopped watching those movies, doesn't mean I forget what I saw. Besides whats wrong with me-" Joker said.

"You need to stop talking now." Mags said.

Joker and Mags stared at each other, and Mike cleared his throat, "As much as I want to watch Mags and Anastasia tear Joker apart. I need to go sit down, but I'm serious, Hap, watch your back with those guys. There's something wrong with them."

The 1MC clicked on, <{"Standby for the connection with the Tir na nOg."}> Hawkins said. The screens around the galley turned on and in a moment they resolved to show a split screen with the galley on the Tir na nOg one one side, and Colonel Norton from the bridge of the Leopard on the other. Someone dimmed the lights to make the screens easier to see.

Anastasia nestled up to Hap as Selene sniffed her plate and sampled the leftovers. Everyone in the galley got quiet as Colonel Norton began to speak, <<"I'd like to thank all of you again for your participation in this operation. We're a few hours from the drop and I'd like to review the mission parameters one more time, ensure everyone is clear on their task and purpose and answer any last-minute questions.">>

Colonel Norton reached off camera and the screen was filled with a topographical map showing icons for all the forces in the operation. <<"Starting with weather we'll have clear skies, complete visibility and the ambient temperature will be between 15 and 18 degrees.">>

As the Colonel continued his brief Selene started eating from Anastasia's plate. Anastasia tried to stop her, but Selene resisted and started to push the plate around. Anastasia gave up, put plate and coyote on the deck and tried to focus on the mission briefing.

<<"I say again. Mission: the combined task force will conduct a raid on the Necromo research and development center located on the planet Necromo vicinity of 38.73 N, and 194.88 W, on 110300ZAPR3030. Moving onto the execution of this raid.">>

There was the shuffle of papers as a few people with printed copies of the order followed along. Hap had a printout. Anastasia had made a knee-board size checklist of the operation's phases with the responsible organization, and the suspense times. She was verifying her checklist as the Colonel went through the execution of the raid. Anastasia was also comparing her notes to Hap's copy of the orders.

As the Colonel continued Selene hopped back into Anastasia's lap and curled up to take a nap. Her fluffy bulk covered up Anastasia's kneeboard. Anastasia thought about trying to move the coyote puppy, but she might choose to play, and if she napped now she'd be less of a distraction.

Anastasia also realized she didn't have much reason to care either way. Her "task and purpose" for this operation had been reduced to overwatch and securing the drop zone. This meant she was going to take half a dozen steps off the drop ship, stand around in its shadow, and maybe fire a few parting shots as everyone loaded up. She realized the Karnov could go significantly faster than Mag's Jenner so maybe having her there to discourage anything that might be quick enough to chase it was a good idea. It still frustrated her though. She tried to soothe herself by petting her coyote and snuggling up to Hap.

Anastasia glanced across the table to see that Joker was writing on his checklist. She had made copies for everyone in her lance and she was pleased that he was taking things seriously and using the list. Then she realized he had turned it over and was drawing crude pictures on the blank side. Because the lights were dim and it was upside down Anastasia couldn't tell what Joker was drawing but she had her suspicions.

The Colonel finished the briefing and turned the camera's back on to the split screen between the Phaidin's bridge and Tir na nOg's galley. "That completes the mission brief, are there any questions?"

<<"I got a question.">> Wildman Willard said. Anastasia always thought he was shouting when he spoke, and it seemed worse with the camera zoomed in on his table on the galley of of the Tir na nOg. <<"Actually, I got one question for each of the other commanders. Let's start with you Wojski, how do you think you boys are going to do on this operation?">>

Colonel Norton looked annoyed, <<"What's your point, Willard?">>

<<"Me and the boys were talking. We were trying to figure out what sort of Mercenaries were fighting with. We want to make sure we're not doing a job with folks that will cut and run, or that are in incompetent. So it got me thinking, maybe I should just ask. So Wojski, how do you think you and your boys will do?">>

<<"This seems like a question that should have come up before we were hours away from landing on the target planet.">> Colonel Norton said, <<"Further, I would think after the isolation and training period you and, 'your boys' would know the mettle of men and women on your left and right.">>

<<"Sometimes you think everything is good until you're minutes from first contact.">> Willard said.

<<"Tell 'your boys' we'll accomplish our mission with acceptable losses.">> Wojski said. <<"That should be all that matters to them.">>

<<"Acceptable losses? You plan to lose some of your boys?">> Willard asked back.

<<"I don't 'plan' to lose any one, but this is war. People shoot back and try to kill you. You're a mercenary? You know this? Yeah?">> Wojski said.

<<"Sure, but when you're good you don't spend time thinkin' about acceptable losses. Am I right, Tommy?">>

Thomas Wildermmer was the leader of the mercenary aerospace Squadron. Commander Willard like to call him Tommy and it was obvious he hated it. The camera turned to the whitetails table.

Thomas sighed deeply, <<"I've been doing this business long enough to know, it's not about vectors, or logic loops, or barrel rolls, it's the quickest finger on the trigger. Me and my pilots are the quickest. I can't speak for you and your crews, but I don't spend much time thinking about losing. We just line up the shot and fly home.">>

<<"Fair enough, Tommy. What about your MechWarriors, Kelly? How'd you think this fight is going to go?">>

Patrick and Kelly looked at each other from across the galley, then Patrick began to bang his fist on his table in a slow rhythmic almost drum like beat. He started to sing out slowly and hauntingly, "'Se mo laoch mo ghile mear". He continued to keep time as he sang the strange and beautiful Gaelic tune. When he finished the first verse he paused for a moment.

"What the-" Willard said.

Patrick started the chorus and the entire McFinnigan company began to sing along including the members in the galley on the Phaidin. The hairs on the back of Anastasia's neck stood up as they sang. Anastasia didn't speak Gaelic but she knew this song. Mo Ghile Mear was one of Elinor's favorite songs.

Anastasia asked Elinor and Rowyena what the song meant, and Roweyna and Elinor had conflicting opinions about it. The song was written several thousand years ago and was a combination of even older poems. The literal translation that Anastasia made implied some unrequited love, the sad tale of a man that journeyed to find better economic options and never returned, and the mourning of a great hero or king. When Elinor or Rowyena talked about the song it was about romance, but now that Patrick was singing it felt like it was about the fallen champion.

The song ended and Anastasia realized even Mags was part of the ad hoc choir. Anastasia sat up a little taller. In spite of her diminished role, she felt proud to be part of the company and participate in the mission. She understood Patrick's point, the McFinnigans were fighting for love and glory.

Willard seemed confused, but spoke anyway, "Alright, so Det 3 is fighting to achieve the standard, the white tails plan to be the slickest and quickest fingers on the trigger, and the McFinnigan's have a battle hymn. Boys I think-"

"That's not a battle hymn, it's the requiem for a great warrior" Anastasia said.

"What was that?" Willard asked. The lights in the galley came back up and Anastasia could see one of the cameras for the teleconference system was focusing on her table.

"It's not a battle hymn, it's a song singing the praises of a fallen hero." Anastasia said.

As Anastasia spoke Willard could be heard talking to his fellow tank crew, "Who is that? Which one is the Professor? That short little glass of sweet tea that pilots the Valkyrie?" He looked directly into the camera, "Professor, I'll tell you what, when we get this all said and done, we'll see if Kelly's singin' fightin' Mechwarriors can make some dancing' music, and you and I will dance the night away."

"The McFinnigan company has many musically talented members that can play and sing a wide variety of songs to include what they refer to as 'dancing reels and jigs', and after this operation I will dance the night away, with my husband." Anastasia corrected.

"Well the McFinnigan has some other winsome young ladies. I'm sure I won't have trouble finding another partner. Where's that little blonde that's usually with McFinnigan?" Willard looked around the galley.

Anastasia glanced over at Rowyena, she smirked her lips and looked annoyed. One of the women at the table leaned over to her and seemed to be teasing her about Willard's proposal.

"Mr. Willard." Kelly said, "If yer referrin' to my daughter, I'd suggest ye think less about her, and more about the task at hand, and prepare for the operation." Kelly's look of annoyance mirrored his daughter's expression.

"And suddenly I miss Kitty." Fiona said. The camera automatically skewed to another table with Fiona, Crow, Rolph and Dillon. Anastasia suspected Fiona didn't realize she was on camera as she continued to talk to Crow. "She'd usually go on the hunt for a new man during an operation. I suspect this would be her moment."

"Yeah" Crow agreed, then looked at the Camera "Hey, Anastasia have you heard anything from Kitty?"

Anastasia paused for a moment waiting to see if the Colonel would take control of his meeting, "Not really." Anastasia paused again, "Mother's note said she was becoming a perfect personal assistant, but she didn't go into any details."

"Oh that's too bad." John said as the camera focused on another table on the Tir na nOg, "I wonder how she's doing. I remember the last thing I heard Kitty say."

"Was that when the Countess asked her if she kept vibroswords under her ballgown, and Kitty said, 'nay, but I'm not opposed to it.'"? Mark asked

"No it was…actually that might have been it." John said. "I was thinking-"

"Alright enough" Colonel Norton snapped. "Does anyone have any questions that are relevant to conducting the raid, or the execution of this operation? No. Then I suggest everyone prepare for the drop. This concludes the briefing."

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