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A Long Journey (Chapter Cover Art)

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Chapter 81 - A Long Journey[]

20 July 2787
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

The meeting was actually held under tight security so that Amos Anderson, CEO Newhart Industries, could explain to General Samuel Mitchell, Lieutenant Paul Jefferson, Colin Blaine, and Commodore Patricia Mitchell everything that he has told Gerald Mitchell the day before. When he was finished, he was told to step outside the secure conference room.

"A working mobile HPG manufacturing setup? I am not sure we want this to get out. Even First Prince John Davion would forcibly take over everything we have to get his hands on HPG tech. Not to mention the Department of Communications, aka Comstar. As benevolent as Blake makes himself appear, I highly doubt he is going to let a competitor survive and we all know he has an army at his disposal. The only good thing that comes from this revelation is it allows us to get into communication with Morgan's Holdfast someday." General Samuel Mitchell said

"Agreed. I think we need to keep that under wraps for now. But I also detected a hint of ambition from mister Anderson. It came across to me that he really wants to roll this out in a big way. It might be difficult to keep a leash on him." Lieutenant General Jefferson replied

"Well, I would love to have Mobile HPG mounted on all my ships, maybe letting him actually build some and test them will keep him occupied." Commodore Patricia Mitchell said

"Not around here, not on Mackolla or any of our garrison worlds. HPG transmissions can be detected. We all know that. You might not know what is being said, but you know someone has a working HPG every time to send a message. Basing him on Morgan's Holdfast would be safe from detection but it also places it in harm's way. As long as the Chesterton is here being repaired also means the AFFS is watching everything. It is why we have not done any work on the Trackers since they got here. Which reminds me, any word on those Core Forges?" General Mitchell asked

"We got a message from Taurus that we could expect the completion of our deal around June of next year. It was a short message but I would assume the Taurian crews will arrive with the Core Forges and return with the Aquilla Transports. I already told Warrant Officer Cooks to put the semi modified Aquilla back the way it was, any changes he cannot hide will be covered by attempts to modify or repair damage. I also assume they will bring everything for the Snowdens with them." Colin Blaine replied

"That is a ton of faith your placing on the Taurians to keep their word." General Mitchell said

"Sammy, I know you have history with the Taurians but you have to let that go. This is a new era. Nothing has changed hands yet, not a thing. If they break their word, we are out nothing. So, lets have some faith." Colin Blaine replied

"Bring mister Anderson back in." General Mitchell said

Once Amos Anderson was back inside and seated Gerald Mitchell said "Amos, Project QR 227 stays out of sight and out of mind for the time being. Once we feel secure, we will be relocating the Project to a more secure area where you can play with your Satellite Division. Any, and I mean any attempt to even look at anything connected with the Project and it will be removed from you forever. Do you understand?"

"Your the boss, but what do I do with all those idle workers? They know too much to cut loose if your trying to keep this a secret." Amos Anderson said

"They stay employed. I assume they are all skilled workers even on Aerospace Fighter production?" Gerald Mitchell asked

"They might be rusty but they know Aerospace fighters. But my factory is already fully automated, how am to keep over a thousand people employed?" Amos Anderson asked

"I will assign you several production licenses. They can hand build them until such time as we can get them to a more secure location and back to work. How is that?" Gerald Mitchell asked

"Which fighters? Not that it matters much but more from my own curiosity." Amos Anderson replied

"A license for the Ironsides, but my sisters own version of it. She has a thing about lots of fuel and the HMR-HEE Hammerhead version, it also carries a bunch of fuel." Gerald Mitchell said

"I can handle that, but I wouldn't expect more than a couple of each a month, any money made will probably barely offset the payroll expenses." Amos Anderson replied

"I am not worried about actually making money, but to keep skilled employees employed and working. Half the folks putting your factory building together are from other companies waiting for their own factory to start being put together. I will make sure you have a single Ironsides and Hammerhead available for you to pull apart and start getting a feel for what it will take to start building some." Gerald Mitchell said

When the meeting concluded everyone was leaving General Mitchell's headquarters when one of his staff arrived with a message slip. General Mitchell took it and read the message before handing it to Lieutenant General Jefferson.

"We have been mobilized and are to be ready for departure by 1 August. Let's start loading everything up. We are going to war folks. General Jefferson, put plan Bravo into effect."

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