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Chapter 73 - A Long Journey[]
3 June
Mackolla (Federated Suns)
Word of the Draconis Combine invasion of the Federated Suns had taken time to reach Mackolla but it had on 1 June but no orders to deploy had arrived. General Samuel Mitchell did not like what he had heard or read from the open news sources. It was a massive invasion that had swept into the Federated Suns like a unstoppable tidal wave, destroying every AFFS unit before it. He was honor bound to defend the Federated Suns from any outside invasion so even without orders he began to make plans to deploy the 322nd Armor Division to help blunt the Combine offensive. He would leave the Garrison Brigades and both Battlemech Regiments to keep the sector protected. When the orders arrived, he would be ready to move, or he would inform High Command that the 322nd Armor Division was ready to deploy.
322nd Armor Division (Reinforced)
First Brigade
-108 Alacorn MKVI
-108 Manticore
-108 Manticore
Second Brigade
-108 Demon
-108 Zephyr
-108 Chevalier
Third Brigade
-Mechanized Infantry Regiment (36 Turhan)
-Mechanized Infantry Regiment (36 Turhan)
-Mechanized Infantry Regiment (36 Turhan)
Artillery Brigade
-1st Artillery Regiment (48 Thor, 24 Chapparal)
-2nd Artillery Regiment (72 Marksman Artillery)
-3rd Artillery Regiment (16 Long Tom, 24 Padilla, 23 Pollux ADA)
1st Engineer Battalion (6 Engineer Vehicle, 12 Leesup, 2 Buffel, 2 Prometheus)
VTOL Regiment (Reinforced)
-1st Scout/Attack Battalion (12 Vector Scout, 12 Vector EW, 12 Vector Attack)
-2nd Transport Battalion (36 Vector Transport)
-3rd Transport Battalion (36 Karnov UR)
-4th Transport Battalion (36 Karnov UR)
Battlemech Regiment (Minus 1 Batt)
-1st Mech Battalion (36 Guillotines)
-2nd Mech Battalion (36 Hussars)
General Samuel Mitchell problem was now he did not have enough collars or even Dropships to combat load the 322nd Armor Division, but he could load the last of the troops on Mammoth Dropships. It was not like he planned to be invading, but defending however. His main concern was with the Combine tossing around nukes with no second thoughts, either against ground troops that proved to be too strong to overcome or against any orbital assets. He didn't relish the thought of a nuclear exchange, but he at least could meet fire with fire and if they deployed so would that Mule loaded with Alamo missiles.