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A Long Journey (Chapter Cover Art)

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Chapter 57 - A Long Journey[]

26 September 2786
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell had been back for a week after his visit to Morgan's Holdfast. On arrival he had sent word of the capture of almost 500 slavers and had asked for the AFFS to come collect them for trial and sentencing. He had also informed the AFFS that he had their Invader for sale which had been captured during the fight. This had generated several not so nice messages.

To: AFFS Command
From: Lieutenant General Mitchell, Mackolla
Have engaged and defeated band of slavers. Have 479 prisoners needing to be picked up to stand trial and sentencing. 

To: Lieutenant General Mitchell, Mackolla
From: AFFS Command
We have had no reports of recent pirate attacks. Where did this engagement occur?

To: AFFS Command
From: Lieutenant General Mitchell, Mackolla
Morgan's Holdfast in the Tortuga Dominion. Was conducting an anti pirate sweep when they were encountered. Captured their Invader Jumpship which is for sale, Five Hundred Million. Dirty but serviceable. 

To: Lieutenant General Mitchell, Mackolla
From: AFFS Command
Why were you conducting anti piracy sweeps in the Tortuga Dominions without prior authorization? You are not an independent command that can act at will?

To: AFFS Command
From: Lieutenant General Mitchell, Mackolla
Per last communication, my command answers to the planetary government here on Mackolla. Governor Nelson gave me free reign to protect Mackolla and surrounding systems, per agreement with First Prince Davion. On my authority I ordered the anti piracy sweeps to knock them back from my defensive sector. We have already defeated one pirate raid, I would prefer they go look elsewhere. I am not going to sit and wait for the pirates to strike us and have Federated Suns citizens placed in harms way, not if I can go out and locate the pirate bands and destroy them first. 
With troops garrisoning four systems along the Federated Suns border and keeping a fast reaction force on hand, I have opted to use a portion of my forces to conduct anti piracy missions in order to prevent said pirate bands a "safe" place to regroup until the next raid, a place and time of their choosing. 

To: Lieutenant General Mitchell, Mackolla
From: AFFS Command
Planetary Governor Nelson does not have that kind of authority, only AFFS Command can authorize operations outside of Federated Suns territory. Your ordered to cease all operations that do not concern your garrison duties. 

To: AFFS Command
From: Lieutenant General Mitchell, Mackolla
Previous messages stated that unless federalized, we are not inside of the AFFS command or force structure. If there is a change I need to know about, I have a massive list of supply issues, pay issues (if federalized, my troops will be paid the same as AFFS regulars by the AFFS), replacement equipment and parts that I will forward to the AFFS Quartermaster to be brought up to strength. Until that time, I will perform my assigned duties of protecting Mackolla and surrounding systems to the best of my ability. Since arrival, AFFS Naval patrols have decreased to almost nothing, that means it is up to my command to perform those missions.

He knew that he had over stepped his bounds after sending the last message, but he was tired of playing by the AFFS rule book. They wanted their cake and to eat his too.

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