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Chapter 33 - A Long Journey[]

13 December 2785
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell held all the HPG messages that had been sent and received over the last two weeks between himself and AFFS High Command, though it was obvious from reading them that there was a problem. Overall, they were in the clear, but between the lines he sensed that their luck might run out or hit some serious opposition at some point. He had read the messages several times before replying to make sure that he was not missing anything in them.

To: AFFS High Command, New Avalon
From: Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, Mackolla
My garrison forces defeated a pirate raid on Bamburgh by the pirate group the Battered Brood.
No casualties on our side or damage inflicted on civilian targets.
Rapid Response Force pursued pirates into Deep Space but lost the trail after second jump from Bamburgh.
Pirate losses are 14 Battlemechs and 6 Zephyr Hover Tanks, being held on Bamburgh currently for transfer to the AFFS. Though I could use the replacement equipment if the AFFS does not want it.
During return to Mackolla, Rapid Response Force made contact with the 11th Hussar Regiment which had been stranded on an uninhabited planet while they tried to repair their Jumpship.
After being brought up to speed on current events expressed interest in joining my forces along the border region. Examining their IFF codes, they are not the same as those recorded from the Battered Brood. I have accepted them into my command.

Another item is still have not received confirmation on sell of second Monolith Jumpship to the AFFS.

To: Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, Mackolla
From: AFFS High Command, New Avalon
Good work on Bamburgh, we were notified by local officials of your action there. The AFFS will take possession of pirate equipment on Bamburgh.
Your forces are not mercenary troops, so expansion of your command is not authorized after the addition of 11th Hussar Regiment.
Payroll reimbursement will remain the same and not be adjusted from previous agreement since recruitment was not authorized. 
Sell of Monolith Jumpship is approved, and funds have been transferred.

To: AFFS High Command, New Avalon
From: Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, Mackolla
Funds received, advise arrival of transfer crew for Monolith Jumpship.
Request permission to upgrade local training facilities and apply for AFFS approval of adjusted training courses for local recruitment.

To: Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, Mackolla
From: AFFS High Command, New Avalon
Estimated arrival of transfer crew two months. Permission to local recruit denied, permission to upgrade local training denied.
No new course approval will be granted. Replacement personnel will be via AFFS recruitment and training.

To: AFFS High Command, New Avalon
From: Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, Mackolla
Have not received update on rank changes of my command to AFFS standard. 

To: Lieutenant General Samuel Mitchell, Mackolla
From: AFFS High Command, New Avalon
Rank adjustments are still under consideration. Planetary garrisons are under local control unless activated by order of the First Prince. Your command is not listed on the rolls of the AFFS. Assignment of a Liaison Officer is being considered. 

The last reply had rocked him back some, Liaison Officers were for assignment to Mercenary Commands. It read to him as though his command was being treated like some low level planetary militia. That was not how he remembered his agreement with First Prince John Davion. It did not sound like anything he had heard about the First Prince. Either way, it did not sit well with him at all.

At Gerald Mitchell's ranch, he had a massive deposit of 1.6 Billion to spend, which he did in no time at all. He outright purchased Lockheed Galactic, with their only maintenance yard, all the workers, all production licenses held by them and hired a local shipping company to haul the company and employees willing to relocate from Thorin to Mackolla. All for a tidy sum of 1.25 Billion. He had not been happy about a quote for a Merchant Jump Core so he had broadened his search and gotten a real good quote from Concordat Aerospace Limited which would save them 70 Million over all the other quotes he had gotten. While he was no serious fan of the Taurian Concordant, he was in a business deal and he would take the best price he could get. That cost him another 275 Million with an estimated completion of the core in five months, delivery would take another six months. The new core grinder could was a single jump away and then they could start recouping all the expense by selling the Germanium gravel or recasting them into new cores.

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