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A Long Journey (Chapter Cover Art)

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Chapter 102 - A Long Journey[]

6 December 2788
Delphos (Federated Suns)

"Are you sure you should be here?" Captain Curtis Folks asked

"I am right where I am needed. Thank you for the concern, you may return to your duties Captain Folks." Commodore Patricia Mitchell said

Vigilant Corvette (Under at thrust)

Vigilant Class Corvette, SLS Second Chance

Her arrival with the four Tracker Class Carriers had been met with some shock and concern from the various ships crews. But she did not assume command of the now fully assembled task force, this she left to Rear Admiral Wilhelm "Boomer" Polaski. Having arrived with the first batch of former SLDF and Rim World troops from Terra. Trained as a SLDF Aerospace Pilot, he had 73 kills before assuming command of his own carrier, before it was destroyed during the liberation of Terra. He had been the obvious selection to command the four Tracker Carriers and every other jump on the way here he had deviated to uninhabited systems so that the various air wings could complete their work ups and practice anti shipping attacks and the defense of the fleet to counter those shipping attacks.

She had taken a shuttle over to SLS Second Chance, Vigilant Corvette, so that she could send a message to her brother on Imbrial III.

7 December 2788 Imbrial III (Federated Suns)

"Message, sir."

General Samuel Mitchell signed for the message and dismissed the runner. He opened the envelope and extracted the message. He paid no attention to the message header but saw it was from SLS Second Chance.

"Greetings, Sammy. You have been gone too long and I missed you so I came out with the new arrivals. I am fine so do not worry about me. When the trouble starts, you call and we will be there to support you. We will shed all sorts of sunlight on the Distasteful Cockroaches that are plaguing the region. I made sure we brought plenty of bug spray.

Update from home, dad is doing a great job on that side of the house. He is running out of easy purchases but has started talking about expanding Lockheed Galactic into other area's. Not sure what that means exactly, he is still in the planning phase. Steady income coming in now and I think the money is burning a hole in his pocket. We got our goods from the deal Colin cut, should have three Merchants by March from the jump cores. First wave of refugees fleeing the invasion arrived in the region and is straining resources already on most systems."

He could only shake his head at the message from his sister, she was supposed to be heading on her great treasure hunt.

Flushing (Federated Suns)

Colonel Milton Wolson, 112th Royal Hussar Regiment, was not in a good mood. They had been forced to move away from the Combine invasion front using uninhabited systems, which put him behind schedule to arrive at Delphos for his link up. He hated to be late and now he had to dicker with Federated Suns officials about why his little fleet was not listed in their database anywhere. The Vincent Class Corvette sitting several thousand kilometers away preventing them from recharging just added to his foul mood. He took the mic away and said.

"This is Colonel Wolson, commander of this task force. We are trying to link up with General Mitchell and the 322nd. There are no flight plans because we have been traveling via uninhabited systems but the Combine flushed us off our routing. We are in need of food and water for our journey. I have no problem filing a flight plan if you can provide that. If you contact General Mitchell I am sure he can clear this up."

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